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Everything posted by walpurgisnacht

  1. I miss those Styrofoam trays! I made Ork trukks out of them! Until they fell apart. Any way, tith....... I read over a local tournament's rules and worked on my army that I'm planning. * rubs hands together*
  2. TITHI....finished my secret Santa mini for a frater and got it in the post. And then realized I had taken no pictures of the WIP or finished miniature. Doh!
  3. Finished basing my secret Santa mini, onto freehand decals! Woo!
  4. Practicing the bolter drill?
  5. TITHI discovered the wonder that is a wet palette. Dear sweet Emperor/Chaos gods/Zenu, Why have I not tried this before!?!?! #prayersanswered #itissoeasy #YAY :P
  6. Are you using scout shotguns or modifying the lasgun?
  7. ^ or make your warband the STD/STI reavers. :cuss, those beats are infectious. :P Today, I am finishing the assembly process of a High Elf fantasy army ( spearmen, so many spearmen) and then planning my Call of Chaos commitment.
  8. http://www.reactiongifs.com/orson-welles-clapping/ Good job, sir, well done.
  9. *slow clap* You know you're a Black Templar when you see everything as black and white. :) sorry!
  10. I felt it was not bad. Kinda dumb in parts, almost like a samurai movie with the characters. Why the obligatory love interest? Fight scenes, of course, were where it's at. Back to topic: ...you might be a Black Templar if You Know No Fear, but hearing the Paddleium being activated gives you the willies. (:
  11. When your opponent who plays undead eldar gets twitchy over the rending in challenges. When you want to branch out to other marine armies, but find their lack of black disturbing. When you know there is only one place for zenos and heretics to be, under your boot.
  12. It's a Legend of the Five Rings reference. A medieval oriental fantasy world where Chinese, Japanese and Korean myths are mixed with samurai swords. Back on topic- TiTH....I read this forum a lot. Tee hee
  13. Hida Hambei approves this message. ^o^ On topic: bought some more paint to work on Black Legion csm.
  14. Tith.....I thought about signing up to play in a local tournament.
  15. VA not helpful to any vets I know. Shameful. Back on topic: Today in the hobby I stripped off the terribad paint job off some eBay csm, soon to join the Black Legion. Now to consider reducing my loyalists to Blood Angels, Black Templars, and Star Phantoms. May have to say goodbye to Space Wolves, Iron Hands and Orks. Also, began a fantasy army.
  16. I've moved to Greenville, SC and there is a GW store here as well as a FLGS called Borderlands. Both are great places to get your game on.
  17. ^ This is so full of win! I've got an old Captain Cortex Crimson Fist that wants to join the crusade.
  18. Asheville now has a FLGS by the name of Wyverns Tale. Gaming is upstairs, Sundays are for 40k. Also, there is a Facebook group Asheville Wargamers. We have one guy who drives from Maiden, NC!
  19. In Asheville at Pastimes there is a quality group of guys, some new, some old. They meet on Saturday afternoon for 40K and Sunday for Fantasy, I think. I'm trying to get an old schooler to unpack models and blow the dust off his Ultramarines. The sad thing is now I'm painting models to give away and not for my army. Such is life.
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