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About holydiver

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  • Faction
    Emperor's Children

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  • Armies played
    Imperial Guard

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  1. Might be fun to say the Exterminator is seconded from another regiment. Gives you the opportunity to try a different paint scheme.
  2. Thanks man, that's just the classic metal Cadian plasma gunner. One of my favorite models.
  3. I've never played at all, still painting up my boys. I just thought I'd give you some feedback since it's been over 10 days since you posted and you haven't gotten any responses. I note that most people pair guardsmen with knights, probably because they're more survivable since you can buy a ton of them. So it seems like you should lean more towards a "boys over toys" approach even though your models are more expensive to begin with. Since you have the deep strike, I'd drop the Tauroxes and go for either ten-man squads or spam five-man squads, or a mix of both. I also like plasma on the troops squads because it seems like it gives them more punch. I think it's better to have all your squads be the same to give your army more resilience. Maybe some vanilla 10-man squads and some 5-man squads with plasma? I guess you can't really screen the knight with scions, but you can overwhelm your opponent with multiple targets. That would be another reason to have all your guys outfitted the same. I would field two ten-man squads with no upgrades and then as many 5-man squads with 2 plasma gun and plasma pistol as you can fit in. I feel like the Command Rod is worth it too unless you're planning on pairing the laspistol Prime with one of the deep-striking squads. Use your leftover points on your two 10-man squads or upgrade one or more squad to meltas. You could also sub in one or two 4x plasma or melta command squad and consider it an upgrade to your 5-man squads. Maybe you are planning on the Tauroxes drawing fire from your knight. That makes sense, but I feel like you don't have the points available to fully take advantage of them, i.e. by filling them with 10-man squads with hopefully some upgrades. You do lose a lot of long-range firepower but again you have deep strike. Anyway that's my two unqualified cents. I think your list has the problem of trying to do three things where it can only do two, so I would drop the Tauroxes and focus on having one big scary monster and a semi-precise blob of scary close-range firepower. Then I would subdivide the blob into the part you need to survive and the part you can trade for your opponent's units. Either that or all 5-man plasma. That seems like it would be fun. Edit: On second thought, you're limited to only 6 troop choices, so I would max them out and go from there. The knight, 2 Primes with Command Rods and 6 10-man squads comes to 911 points, giving you space for a suicide command squad or a smattering of plasma for your troops squads. I don't know if the knight upgrades are any good but that's another option. You might even add two command squads with just platoon standards for the morale boost, although I don't know if that's as much of an issue for Scions as it is for guardsmen.
  4. I think just the mix-and-match fantasy and sci-fi would make everyone happy. They just need to make sure all the humanoid Sigmar, 40K, Mordheim, and Necromunda kits line up. Pretty sure that's the way it was and everybody liked it. I hope they get back to that whenever they get around to redoing Cadians and Catachans. Would make an upgrade sprue very doable as many have suggested. I think Necromunda is made to be interchangeable already?
  5. That's what I'm thinking. Although I actually prefer the look of the bolters. Fluff-wise I'm saying my regiment uses combined squads exclusively, so a platoon is composed of two groups of twenty men with two bolters and two plasma guns each. Now it'll be two plasma pistols and two plasma guns, which I feel makes the presence of two sergeants, or sergeant and corporal, somewhat conspicuous. One plasma pistol and one bolter would be fluffy for my situation but seems like it would be awkward to play with. The points do add up, but you have to take 8 squads to have them add up to the cost of a whole squad. Actually, if I'm sold on bolters, then it's really a 4-point upgrade, which makes it 10 squads. However, niche exploit=not future-proof. I really want to build for rule-of-cool and let the rules catch up to me But when I think about that extra plasma shot at 12"... If they were Steel Legion in chimeras they'd be getting bolter and plasma gun for sure, it's only Tallarn making me favor this build. I think I'll repaint these Sgts for a future garrison company which was gonna be plain vanilla but maybe they need a touch of flair. Plenty of lasgun troopers to work on for now so I have time to weigh the pros and cons.
  6. Hey y'all, I know this topic has come up, but as I sit here working up my first platoon while listening to MordianGlory's fine , I find myself anxiously considering my infantry sergeants' loadouts. I have two and a half built and painted with bolters, but considering I know I want to run them as Tallarn with a plasma gun as the special weapon and no heavy weapon, I'm thinking about swapping the bolters for plasma pistols. My thinking was that with bolters I would be able to sub in a heavy weapons team and also run them with a shooty doctrine, and also that having every weapon with 24" range would simplify my tactical decisions. But now, I'm thinking that I'm going to end up within 12" more often than not and that extra plasma shot would really contribute to the output of the squad. So what do y'all think? Any experience running the double-plasma? Should I go safe and future-proof or more dakka? I'm sure the bolter sergeants will find a place in another platoon eventually if I decide to replace them.
  7. They're still available. It's "hostile" environment. I had to look it up, you scared me.
  8. Looks nice and clean. Is that just contrast paints? A simple shade and drybrush, and picking out the aquilas and the sergeant's chevrons would do wonders imho. I like the camo. You have some frosting in the recesses like on the boots, you can just wet that down with regular water and let it dry to fix it. I think black with metal would look good on the weapons. Red is traditional but wouldn't work with red plasma. Maybe olive drab? Personally, I would go with black weapons and then work in olive drab as a tertiary color like you see on troops deployed in the Middle East, maybe on backpacks and random armor sections to look like they've had to resupply and didn't have the right camo scheme available.
  9. When taking up-close photos, exhale as you hit the shutter, just like pulling the trigger of a gun. (Or doing edge highlights.) My wife is a professional photographer.
  10. Dang, that sucks! More officers for me, I guess.
  11. I appreciate the discussion. It looks like I'm going to be keeping my Infantry Squads light and running my Heavy and Special weapons in HWS and SWS, respectively. I'm planning two builds for my Infantry Squads, which will be separated fluff- and modeling-wise into entirely separate regiments: Tallarn Doctrine: Bolter, Plasma gun; supported by HWS of Mortar and (ineffective, but fluffy) Missile Launchers, and SWS with Flamers and (I guess?) more Plasma. Vostroyan Doctrine: Bolter, Lascannon; supported by HWS with Lascannons. (Maybe these should be Cadian, but I like the idea of not having to babysit my backline.) Both builds will be keeping Commanders nearby, and consolidating into 20-man squads partly to maximize order efficiency, which brings me to another question: Who's consolidating squads?
  12. Anybody use Sniper rifles? Maybe with Heavy bolters?
  13. Aha. Missed that little chestnut.
  14. Thanks for the replies. Alright, trying to make this work, so bear with me. Would it make sense at all to use Hellhounds to block LOS to the Veterans for a big push the turn after they enter play? I understand conventional wisdom says to use troops to screen tanks and not the other way around.
  15. I'm planning on outflanking Melta Vets for anti-tank, but now I see that they have to get within 6 inches to maximize damage. Is there a way to get closer or do I have to wait a turn and hope the target doesn't move? Also: can the <Infantry> unit deployed with Dagger of Tu'Sakh be deployed embarked on a transport?
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