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little brother

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About little brother

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  • Location
    wishing I was in/on Suomi

little brother's Achievements

  1. I am in Bedford Texas for a holiday next week, and was wondering where the nearest gaming store was? I want to see what the American scene is like. Wish I could bring my models with me, but putting them in a suitcase from the UK is probably not a good idea. Besides the wife would probably go spare and file for a divorce.
  2. Phil and Dazzo Can you add my chapter to your project. Here is my Index Astartes. It would be brilliant if you could do this. Thanks. Just noticed I should contact Dazzo directly, so I have PMed him.
  3. little brother

    imperial Hunters

    A dew models from my chapter
  4. little brother

    Jet bike

    my bikes based on the original mk14 in rogue trader and some of the pics in the Horus Heresy card game.
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