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Everything posted by LoneSniperSG
From the album: Space Wolves of Ironfang
Eyarr the Quiet has served as a Wolf Priest under Grimnar since late M40 , earning his name as a Priest who inspires through action, not words. With the founding of the Ironfang Company, Eyarr was transfered to serve as the company's senior medicae officer, given that Space Wolves Wolf Priests serve as healers. He holds his reputation to this day as a fierce warrior, and a merciful healer, granting the Emperor's Peace to warriors who have fallen. -
Adeptus Mechanicus Gothic Cruiser, Deus Vitellitus
LoneSniperSG posted a gallery image in Battlefleet Gothic
From the album: BFG - Battlefleet Valhalla
A more interesting ship found in the Valhallan sector, the enginseers of the Mechanicus were requested to maintain a presence in the sector during maintenance and upgrading of the sector's defensive stations. Admiral Potenko has called on the service of her mighty guns in five engagements, much to the dismay of some of the Techpriests. She is a veteran cruiser, not to be underestimated. -
From the album: Iron Fang task force
From the album: Iron Fang task force
The Strike Cruiser assigned to the Iron Fang company, and subsequently named Ironfang. This ship provides sufficient space, quarters and launch bays to carry and deploy an entire Great Company's contingent of marines, armor and support units. The company itself received anywhere from six to twelve Thunderhawk gunships, and due to the company's reliance on heavy armor, probably numbers between 10 and 12 gunships for rapid deployment. -
From the album: Iron Fang task force
From the album: Iron Fang task force
This was how my Battlebarge and two Strike Cruisers looked when I got them. They are second hand models, and required a bit of repair before I could paint them, mostly with the ships' aft winglets. They were not in poor shape, and suffered only from the slight warp-age that metal BFG ships tend to have. No biggie. Oh yes, if someone wants to, you can try and figure out which Marine chapter has the colors of purple and black. I can't figure that one out. -
From the album: BFG - Battlefleet Valhalla
Also called the Vanguard squadron, these Firestorms typically do not leave the main body of the battlegroup, acting as the bodyguards to the lumbering capital ships. -
From the album: BFG - Battlefleet Valhalla
Known as the "Red Hunters" squadron, they perform to the straight purpose of the Cobra Destroyer - torpedo harassment and escort hunting. -
From the album: BFG - Battlefleet Valhalla
The Stoykiy is currently the youngest cruiser in Battlefleet Valhalla, having only been operational for half a century. Even so, the Stoykiy has a very battle-hardened crew, and has taken part in 15 Ork engagements in her career in the Valhalla sector. Given her broadside cannons and lance turrets, this versatile ship typically acts as a convoy escort. -
From the album: Space Wolves of Ironfang
The Ironfang has seen service with the Space Wolves for around 250 years. The last 50 years has seen his rise to command of his own company, being a distinguished Wolf Guard to Egil Ironwolf prior to promotion. The Ironfang learned a great deal from "Old Egil", and based his company's practices around that of Egil's. He keeps the company primarily mechanized, but will not hesitate to use drop pods, or no tanks at all if required. It is said that in his life, he has seen small amounts of cross-training in the mechanical arts, but no evidence has surfaced to confirm this. Fullugi wears a crusade seal, given to him by a Black Templar commander for his prowess in battle, in felling some 200 orks over a 50 kilometer journey by himself with the wounded Templar commander. -
From the album: BFG - Battlefleet Valhalla
The Revnostnyy is believed by her crew to have a very aggressive, yet protective spirit. Three times, the systems on the ship have been known to fight themselves back online in sections with no power or, in some cases, hull. The last battle seen by this ship also seems to confirm this belief. The vessel swept itself along the broadside of the Sword of Ravira to deflect an incoming torpedo barrage, and successfully fired its full broadside compliment before losing both port batteries to the torpedoes it intercepted. After a five-month slumber docked at Port Gravisgrad, she is ready to face the Emperor's enemies again. -
From the album: BFG - Battlefleet Valhalla
The ninth battleship to be used in battlefleet Valhalla and the third to carry the flag. She is commanded by Admiral Ivan Potenko, a veteran of over 55 years in naval service, and the venerable ship herself has seen over 500 years of service since she was christened and replaced her Oberon class predecessor. Sword of Ravira has seen seven encounters with Ork Hulks, and 125 greater and minor encounters with other Xenos races in her time in the Valhallan sector. At the start of the war in the Armageddon Sector, the Sword and her primary escort squadrons, as well as two additional cruisers, were in the sector for the Mechanicus to make routine inspection and maintenance that could not be performed in orbit over Valhalla. The operations were completed 5 hours prior to the first alert of Ork presence, and subsequently, Admiral Potenko refused to leave the sector. The Valhallan expeditionary force found itself operating closely with responding Space Wolves fleets, providing an anvil the Space Marines required to stem the flow of inbound Ork ships. -
From the album: Space Wolves of Ironfang
Skaldyr once served as the chieftain Long Fang in the Ironfang company, leading the company's most experienced heavy weapon squads into battle. A chance encounter with a Dark Eldar wych cult cost Skaldyr his lower body, and he was entombed within the armored shell of a Dreadnought at the Ironfang's behest. Few Wolves know that Skaldyr is actually kin to the Wolf Lord, explaining the Lord's benevolence to the fallen Long Fang. Skaldyr's weapon preference, as his name suggests, is the holy incendiary which he unleashes in torrents on the enemies of the Emperor. -
From the album: Space Wolves of Ironfang
Forkunnr serves as one the great company's three Rune Priests. He oversees the production of runic armor, weapons and other such wargear, and on many occasions he has been required to bring his immense psychic power to destroy the enemies of mankind, including the company's recurring engagements with the Eldar of the Altansar craftworld shortly after the 13th Black Crusade. He serves the majority of his time in the librarium of the Fang, working with his brother priests to preserve the written history of the chapter, and in the training of young psykers. -
Whirlwind Artillery tank 10, Eyvindr
LoneSniperSG posted a gallery image in Space Wolves & Successors
From the album: Space Wolves of Ironfang
Received just prior to the company's 3rd scourging of Torax, this tank performed superbly in the forested regions and city-scape habs of Torax's primary continent. -
From the album: Space Wolves of Ironfang
Leader of the company's first Land Speeder squadron, armed with the typical Heavy Bolter/Autocannon duo. -
From the album: Space Wolves of Ironfang
The only known Blood Claws to take pride in their use of Jump Packs. The Wolf Lord selected them specially, hearing of their affinity for the demolition of armored units. This pack never fails to take Meltabombs with them into the thick of battle. -
From the album: Space Wolves of Ironfang
The youngest Grey Hunter Pack, these Marines have seen their share of sticky spots. During an operation on Armageddon, they, along with Wolf Lord Fullugi Iron fang and his retinue, were cut off from the rest of their company during hard drop. The marines were 250 kilometers from any friendly support and were circled by large numbers of Orks. Due to the cunning of the Ironfang, they were able to bypass roughly two thirds of the Ork forces and managed to blast their way through the remainder of Orks, thereby linking up with friendly forces. -
From the album: Space Wolves of Ironfang
The Ironfang's venerated Leman Russ Exterminator. This tank has led every assault in every major battle in the company's history, and has proven its worth time and time again. When two companies of the 51st Cadian Armored Regiment were stranded and encircled, it was a daring drop pod assault on the part of the Ironfang company that saved 30 Leman Russ tanks from annihilation at the hands of enemy Orks. This Exterminator was given to the Ironfang Company at the end of that campaign as a sign of gratitude and allegiance.