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About _Lupercal

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    Sons of Horus, Dark Angels HH and 40k

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  1. Cheers! The poses are quite standard with the resin arms but I do think they have turned out well as a unit. so I’ve been a bit quiet with posting mostly due to a nice holiday and some busy weeks at work. I grabbed some of the new sons of Horus upgrades to add to my Justearin. Mostly the power Tabar for rules reasons. I think the kit bash looks good.
  2. As in the black arms and heads? I based them on the template for the inducti in the Siege of Cthonia. my collection is very much based on official art work I guess. bit different for sure! I also mixed in some of the sons of Horus heads
  3. Was really nice to see these guys pop up in white dwarf with some other great inducti!
  4. Cheers! armour has evolved since white dwarf a little bit. basecoat: sons of Horus green recess : incubi/black very watered down softshade/glaze: incubi ( bottom of legs shoulder pads) you can do this with an airbrush if careful chunky: sons of Horus/sybarite 50/50 highlight: sybarite (glaze tops of pads heads as well) fine highlight: gauss blaster green hope this helps
  5. Thanks! It was fun doing the article for white dwarf. I’ve found a new spark of enthusiasm for them which is nice, although it is hard to paint for myself after painting all day at work.
  6. Cheers for the kind comments all. I’ve had a pretty busy work schedule so haven’t managed to get much done recently. I have managed another Justearin but he’s not quite finished as I’m waiting for the Carson Power Tabar to be released so I can get those on the first company lads. I also managed to finish my master of signals model. he’s a pretty busy model so I was hard to make him look good. overall I’m happy for time spent and as a gaming model. apologies for the bad picture.
  7. Evening, I’ve had a little bit of a break from painting in the evenings. the heat in the U.K. and painting full time for a job can slow things up with my personal hobby. Anyway, the road to terra continues! managed to finally get some paint on the first from a big unit of Justaerin, really enjoyed this guy, I think 4ish hours start to finish. on to the next one! any questions fire away, always happy to chat.
  8. thanks! Slight change of plans for what I wanted to do this weekend. turns out my partner would much prefer me going out for walks with her on a bank holiday than me hobbying Anyway… decided to bite the bullet and jump into a tank next, I’ve had this tank for a while now. Bit of a pricey combination but I love the plastic Sicaran so thought I’d just use the turret from the Arcus Strike tank. all these additional bits I’m adding are for gaming reasons as I’m attending the warhammer world team event in November.
  9. Cheers! I took the standard scheme from the box and tried to speed it up a bit, it’s evolved over time now so isn’t too bad time wise.
  10. Morning, I have recently been having a big push to add to my on going Sons of Horus collection. Mostly posting on IG/Twitter/FB etc and realised I missed the reading through and creating threads on forums. hence me signing up and starting one here! Anyway on to the good stuff! Ive always felt super drawn to the Sons of Horus, not only for the sea green scheme but also the fall to chaos in the background. Since the release of the age of darkness box I’ve jumped in to heresy as a whole, painting and gaming. (Fingers crossed this works and aren’t too big) I’ve attached some pictures of the stuff I’ve already painted in my collection over the last couple of years. Going forward I’ll hopefully add more wip and finished things as I do them. I’ll add some more of the stuff I’ve done as I go, rather than spam this thread with images. any questions at all fire away and I’ll get back. Onto my kitbashed master of signals now which is the last picture uploaded! cheers
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