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About postal105

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    Space Wolves

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    Space Wolves

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  1. humm i think that land raider may have a small dent and a minor scratch or 3 in it nothing a dent puller and a bit of touch up paint wont fix.
  2. oh don't worry i will bring your puppy home in one peace or die trying
  3. that is even a better idea Arez
  4. you still can.....if you play Apoc :wallbash: true and for that reason i am thinking of buying at least two of them.
  5. bealive it or not the space wolves used to be allowed to use Leman Russ tanks but my guess is to honor our Primarch
  6. yes hehehehe that is good stuff horse
  7. real damage is tearing apart some books or even causing mayhem in the halls or hurtling himself into the kitchen and destroy breakfast it can get even worse though.
  8. you asked for it so here it is http://store.drumbum.com/media/more-cowbell-cow-bell.jpg
  9. You underestimate the length a spinal flail can reach, it isn't just the skulls and spines of failed Liber authors that I use to make them. There are many extremely long necked xenos, daemons and even typos I can and do make some out of. :) i am starting to feel right at home here i my just have to stop by more often. as for the reach of your flail Talon don't worry it's length means nothing if you cant hit your target with it :D
  10. it seems you under estimate the space wolfs acute scenes my friend i can smell your flowery bunch from one thousand yards or more away so you will not catch me off guard. or did you think that warhorse would allow a wolf who could not use all his scenes to there best ability on this little walk into not so friendly territory?
  11. darn right i volunteer to take my fuzzy friend for a walk :lol:
  12. if anyone lives near Flint Michigan you are all welcome to come on over to gamers sanctuary they are open from noon until 9 pm Sunday through Thursday and noon to midnight Friday and Saturday nights. and they have free open gaming on all those nights but every Wednesday night is when you can find the 40K guys there for the most part and also some show up on Saturdays to get in as many games as they can.
  13. yes that was a grand hunt looks like Firenze has a new trophy for his trophy room.
  14. well i play at Gamers Sanctuary in flint when ever i can mostly on Saturdays when i can not to mention they have listed all their events on this calender of events
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