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DuskRaider last won the day on September 29 2024

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About DuskRaider

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    Albany, NY
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    Death Guard, 3rd Grand Company

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    Death Guard, Nurgle Daemons, House Makabius Chaos Knights, Blood Axe Orks, various Kill Teams of my creation.

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  1. They literally have a Volkite-armed Chaos Knight that would have been more appropriate with this name. There hasn’t t been a reason to play Chaos Knights for at least one edition.
  2. About damn time, I’ve been waiting for those Karacnos for a hot minute.
  3. I’m pretty sure it was over on Reddit so I’m hoping it amounts to nothing. I saw it in passing on my lunch break last week and haven’t seen anything since.
  4. I really want this game to work, but at the end of the day I can always fall back on Titanicus and be perfectly happy with it, it’s still my favorite game to this day and while I was hoping LI would be similar, it’s really not. There’s been rumors abound that AT may see some sort of update and I sincerely hope they’re not true. I can’t imagine what the current Design Team would do to that game, it makes me shudder.
  5. Ugh, it really is. I keep investing in a game that I feel is fatally flawed and at times I absolutely loathe, but god do I love seeing all of it painted up and fielded on the table. I told myself after the last Mech purchase that I was going to stop, but then they announce plastic Mech Knights and I just know I’m going to buy a couple boxes. I still have a ton of unpainted stuff and little time to paint nowadays and I still do it lol.
  6. I’m a plastic crack whore, I cannot help myself. I keep saying how the rules are garbage and I shouldn’t give the company my money, but I keep doing it anyhow. It’s a vicious cycle.
  7. That’s how they said they did the 8mm versions back in 2018 sans the Warhound due to its age. I don’t know, ask GW. I’m sure they’d answer you.
  8. I would say the base model CAD is there, but if they do decide to do it in 28mm then they will need to add more detail, as it’s possible at that scale
  9. Titans in 28mm just aren’t that popular overall. The price tag is high, which means that the customer base is generally pretty small. Obviously they don’t give out numbers for the volume they push, but I am curious what number each of the Titans would show on the certificate you get with them if they still do that. I remember purchasing a Chaos Warhound back in 2015 or so, around what? Ten years after that was originally offered for sale, give or take, and it was still under 1,000 on the certificate… something in the 800 or 900, I can’t remember at this point, but I was kinda surprised considering how long the model had been around. My buddy has a still unassembled Warlord he purchased back in 2019 or so, I’ll have to ask him what number is on the cert. I just don’t think the market is there to retool for an entirely new 28mm resin Titan. Just think about how few 28mm Warbringers you see, those are the most recent release.
  10. The Dire Wolf just isn’t a very popular Titan overall. Even after plastification, you don’t see them very often and even in Titanicus, the game they were actually designed for, they’re limited to one per Maniple and not very common there either. I would have to imagine that 8mm sales may have some kind of impact on the decision to create a 28mm version, or 28mm Titan sales in general. I vividly recall an interview where the designers stated that they used the CAD files for the 28mm version of the Warlord and maybe Reaver? to create the 8mm models. The Warhound had to be made from scratch as the 28mm version preceded the technology and was hand made. I’m pretty sure the Reaver was CAD, but don’t quote me on that since the aforementioned article and interview are 6+ years old now. It would stand to reason that any models created and released after AT are also CAD and thus have the ability to be scaled up and down as they please… obviously with more or less detail depending on the scale.
  11. So the good news with this box is that you get four Knights, which means two boxes will get you two full Banners of each Mech Questoris variant. That’s actually pretty decent and what I plan on doing myself.
  12. I mean to be fair, it was dumbed down from v1.0 to v2.0, so I expect more of the same for a 3rd edition.
  13. As someone who was considering picking up the resin models but a bit off put by the price, this is quite welcome. I’d love to see Armigers get the same treatment!
  14. Thanks! The only problem with that is I’m running out of real estate in the light box as it is. I was tempted to try and jam all of my Mortis Titans in there with the Constructs, but the Titans alone barely fit. I may have to just take a picture on my kitchen table or RoB tiles or something.
  15. Oh yeah, I love the idea of these and the Mech units swarming around their Titanic counterparts. I’ll eventually get shots of them in a game if I ever convince my lazy friends to actually play again. It’s like pulling teeth just to get some of these jamokes to even paint their models.
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