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About Archangelus

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  • Location
    Sydney, Australia
  • Faction
    Dark Angels

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    Dark Angels, Ravagers, Grey Knights

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  1. Showing off my Sternguard? Sure :wub: Cheers! Archangelus
  2. Well, I think that the thread was "deaded" because we did not start touching on the fun part of doctrines and rules.We left it waiting for someone to write an IA up to the last discussed points. Nobody did (for various reasons) and thus it started rotting away. I just tried to boost things up a bit. I am not trying to impose anything here, I am just suggesting some guidelines. On that note, your gracious offer to do the writing is much appreciated :) Looking forward to reading it :)
  3. Well, should we discuss combat doctrine? I was thinking that the War Bearers would be prepared for anything that the enemy might throw at them, while at the same time focusing an having the right "tools" for the job. Right tools for the job: The War Bearers follow the Codex Astartes very closely, as it allows maximum flexibility. Be prepared: In a standard organisation chart, a War Bearers army should fill at least one of each slots under Elite, Fast Attack and Heavy Support. These slots can be filled by allies if the rules allow it. For example if fighting against Chaos, a War Bearer army could include an Ordo Malleus Inquisitor. Listen to the expert: Due to the War Bearers pragmatic view of things, putting a lot of weight in strategy and tactics, 1 HQ slot should always be filled by a Space Marine Commander, who is flexible and a master tactician.
  4. They do not need to enforce that. They are not Commissars or anything. After all even the most pragmatic Space Marine will need faith to shield him from the horrors of the Warp. The chaplain's role is spiritual instruction and support anyway. In the WB a chaplain also does part of the training. In terms of faith the dogma stresses the point of "effectiveness" instead of "glory". A like to think that a War Bearer Chaplain would advise like this: "After all you serve the Emperor and by fulfilling your duties you give glory to HIM. Yes, the sound of the Boltgun is a prayer to Him. Yes, the dead enemies of the Imperium are an offering to him. But if you fail? Then what? Do not die and fail! Live and succeed!"
  5. We do not deviate from Codex Chaplain. We just fine-tune the Chaplain's role to fit better with the Chapter's attitude. Regarding the Chapter Master's origins the White/Black Consuls suggested above are a good choice but my personal suggestion is: Genesis Chapter It has not been used much as a chapter by GW.
  6. I think we are on the right track, so far. The WB protect the common imperial citizens from threats they could never hope to face themselves. The WB also believe in co-ordinated action and teamwork. Individual heroics are not encouraged, as they can jeopardise the whole unit and the achievement of its objectives. Of course if there is a need for sacrifice to get the job done, a War Bearer would not bat an eyelid before acting decisively. Do you remember the story in the SM Codex under the apothecary entry, where a Space Marine shields his Battle-brothers from an underground mortar shell by throwing himself on it just in time. These kind of heroics are the stuff the War Bearers are made of!
  7. Nice ideas out there :blush: When I mentioned wars, I was referring to the period BEFORE Natos was re-discovered by the Imperium and became homeworld of the WB. Now they all play nicely, having a go at each other via the Academy Wargames. The chaplain could be very zealous regarding the end results. Instead of shouting: "Charge! Purge the enemies of the Imperium!" He would be more like: "We have to capture this bridge. And there have to be enough of us to hold it. Remember the Codex! Glory, not death!
  8. Hey! This topic is almost forgotten! Regarding the military tradition, I think we need to emphasize more. Probably the planet was ravaged by political/economic fuelled wars between the different domains/principalities before it was rediscovered and brought back into the fold of the Imperium. Roles of the Chaplain: Training and Indoctrination to the Imperial Dogma (basics). Chaplains firmly believe in: Healthy soul in a healthy body. Responsible for physical and spiritual training. Planning and preparation is everything in order to achieve a single, utterly crushing blow to the enemy. Role of the Librarian: Archives and data base of imperial and non-imperial battles, tactics, strategies. Learn through others' experiences. Do not repeat mistakes that others' have made. Exploit weak points.
  9. I like that, Grimdarkness! Although, it sounds a bit Dark Angel-ish to me :blink: How about this: Chaplain: "This is our duty!" Battle-Brothers: "And we will see it done!"
  10. That's a valid point, StormDragon! So how do we proceed now, battle-brothers? Do we all agree with what we have so far? If not, please feel free to offer any suggestions :P
  11. The numbering could stay as in IA. Don't you think that the black markings look better? It's fine by me, anyway. maybe normal markings are white and sergeants' are black. I am just trying to avoid a red helmet...
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