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The Crimson Cartel

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About The Crimson Cartel

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  • Armies played
    Crimson Fists, Blood Angels, Raven Guard

The Crimson Cartel's Achievements

  1. :cuss No picture is showing on my computer, and everyone seems to think this model is awesome! Anyone have any thoughts as to why it's not popping up? -CC
  2. Tutorial Request: Type: Painting Race: Space Marines Details: Painting battle damage on dark metal Looking for tips on painting battle damage on dark colored metal armor (boltgun metal very heavily washed w/ Badab black.) Most techniques i've seen involve painting metal color on armor color, then underlining with black. Don't think this will work on the scheme i'm using. Thoughts?
  3. It is really not that hard, given it's all black. Just learn to draw the icon on paper and then with a detail brush. :cussSadly this is the only shot I have of it and it is a bad angle for the freehand I did on his belt, but you can see my AC test model here: Give it a go on a test model, it is truly easy to do! Much obliged there Nihm. However.... It seems i wasn't specific enough when asking. What i'm after is the pre-renegade chapter symbol, the one recently re-done (i think) by FW. Ideas for that one? But, I may just add the renegade symbol in the army somewhere for a fluffy nod. -CC
  4. Anyone have an easy Tutorial for freehanding the "new" Astral Claws chapter symbol? Thanks!
  5. Brilliant as usual Aerion! AO is one (two?) of my favorite Primarchs, and you have done him/them justice for sure. I love the simplicity of the armor, all the while maintaining the details befitting a primarch. I also love that he looks the most loyal and uncorrupted of the chaos primarchs done so far. Bravo! ... fingers crossed for Corax.... -CC
  6. oooh Me like! Loving the eyes and dark metal on this guy. Hey Fox, tut for the eyes, and also how you did the base? BTW been following the deathwing thread... very clean. Cheers -CC
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