We need to see more players with this idea in mind.
Nice PM's. A bit bright for me but that's personal taste. They're certainly distictive so keep it up.
Tutorial type: Painting
Race: Any Space Marine
Details: I recently bought a droppod for use with my World Eaters and I'd like to know how best to apply weathering that looks like it's burnt up as it's entered the atmosphere. The same effect is usually used on the barrels of Meltaguns. I've seen the guide to painting the droppod on Games Workshop's site and it's not quite what I'm after.
Thanks in advance.
Using a combination of the fortress of redemption and the sanctum imperialus from the GW cities of death range would be your best bet. To save on costs you could order some of the parts from a bitz website. Fix the diorama to a large sheet of plasticard for a suitable base.
'The Antares Malestrom'. (My main Chaos army is 'Perdition's Flames', a cookie to whomever get the reference...)
I may be way off but is that a Dr.Who reference?
Awesome minis, you have shamed me and my Word Bearers.