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  1. Hello ! A lot of things to say: - Argel Tal & Zardu Layak & Herald = 1/3 of your army in HQ. Horus Heresy isn't Herohammer, take one big HQ maximum at 2000. What are your plans for Zardu ? - 10 Gal Vorbak, take power fists and you can take double talons yes. No transport ? - 10 Ashen Circle is too much, prefer five man squad that can be a pain in FeP. Don't forget they are only 1W 3+ Space Marine. - Mhara Gal Dreadnought is not very synergic with Gal Vorbak army. Play it well or he will be your doom. If your ennemy kills 10 GV, you can't win in objective scenario. You only have 26 models + 1 Dreadnought + 3 Land Speeder, and you cruelly lacks of firepower. It's only my vision, I think it's a very Word Beareresque army, full of charisma, but on game, I've the idea that you will have little fun...
  2. Thinking of creating a 20 man Inductii Squad for my Word Bearers. 4 energetic spears + 1 on the sarge. May be used in Zone Mortalis by 10 or in normal game by 20. On the modeling... I prefer to use CSM bits on veterans looking, in MKV for example, because you don't born Chaos, you fall in it progressivly. For my Inductii, I plan to use MKVI with young/sadistic faces.
  3. Some memories: - Vulkan is alive or Vulkan lives shows the Salamanders/Death Guard/Iron Warriors battle point of view. - First Heretic shows the Word Bearers/Raven Guard conflict. - In some books as Shattered Legions or Corax, you can see the end of the conflict for loyalists survivors. There is a short story seen by eyes of an dying Iron Hand Morlock, probably Santar, but it's just Fulgrim with a loyalist vision. Not very interesting.
  4. Hello guys. What do you think about combi-grenade launchers on Seekers ? That seems to be a good unit for saturation and pinning but: 1 - 230 points for 10 3+ Space Marines 2 - Lose the special bolters 3 - Use of CT5 less important
  5. Don't understand why so much people wants it, because Barabas Dantioch is a non-combat character. Charismatic yeah but on a battlefield ? Give me Cyrene Valention :D For my wishlist: - Plastic Land Speeder Javelins - Plastic Land Speeder Proteus - Plastic Sabres - Plastic Destroyers - Plastic Breachers - Plastic Rapiers
  6. In tome 20 Primarchs, Iron Hands fight versus eldars. On the battlefield, eldars uses psychic powers to turn Iron Hands's bionics against them. A Farseer tries to impress on Ferrus that his brother Fulgrim will be his downfall.
  7. Probably some PDFs drops this week: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/09/18/sunday-preview-mortal-realms-magic-and-space-marines-made-to-order/
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