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About t4ct1c47

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  • Location
    Staffordshire, United Kingdom
  • Faction
    Carcharodon Astra

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  • Armies played
    Codex: Space Marines (Carcharodon Astra), Codex: Imperial Knights

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Battle-Brother (3/5)

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  1. I am very impressed with the quality of the Heresy, Titanicus, and Necromunda books. Good rules, good fluff, not too much of fight mongling gore stomp fests (you know what I mean).
  2. Me and my friend used to play Marines Vs Tyranids. I've got my eye on eBay for some of the Tyranid models on their own as it's his birthday soon. I'm not buying the Leviathan set though as I won't use any of the marines out of it myself. Heresy era exclusively is my bag now as its far far cheaper.
  3. I made the decision to drop all 40K, including any future Kill Team, recently. All I can say is even whales get sick of being harpooned all the time, and they certainly don't like jumping through hoops to get the latest product. Buying 40K things when you haven't actually had a game since 7th edition is a bit silly I have to admit. What made me take a good long look at myself was when I found myself waiting outside my local Warhammer from 7:30AM to get Kill Team: Gallowfall. Four other people arrived to wait with me before they opened at 10:00AM to get the 1 copy the store had. It certainly puts a downer on things when you see other folk disappointed in person. Then when Ashes of Faith sold out within seconds on the website I realised trying to buy the product simply wasn't pleasant anymore. The ever increasing prices, watered down rules, rapid redundancy of expensive rule books, the 'rapid seasonal rule updates' etc... All of that annoyed me but still didn't stop me. Ironically, it was the FOMO and literally not being able to buy the product that stopped me wanting to buy the product. Sorry for the little rant, think of it as an addict smelling the coffee. Still on the bright side, as I get round to eBaying the 40K stuff that I can't use in the Heresy, it will raise funds, and allow me to declutter. I'll probably use the funds to get the bigger Heresy Lords of War I've always wanted (or 3D print them). I haven't dropped out the hobby entirely, I have an entire Heresy legion in the process of being assembled and all the Necromunda releases I've been slowly working through. I find both of those systems are much better for me. Less rules updates, less models to field a game (for Necromunda at least).
  4. I play Carcharodons as I like how the chapter tactics buff their core troops choices. Being able to spend 10 points to give a tactical squad an extra 10 attacks in close combat is pretty sweet, considering it costs 10 points to add 1 attack and 1 leadership to a seargant anyway. Fear is pretty useless though, as there's a lot of units that are immune to it. Units that become subject to rage aren't hindered too much with having to consolidate towards enemy provided you put a little forthought into placeing your models during pile-in.
  5. No worries, fluff can be quite ambiguous at times. My own take on the Carcharodons remaining silent during combat and only using an encrypted comms between themselves is because they're embarrassed about their really high pitched chipmunk like voices.
  6. I thought it was pretty much assumed that the Carcharodons were derived from the 7th Battalion XIX Legion? They were recalled to Terra and sent off in a predation fleet around the time Corax made the XIX legion his Raven Guard? At least that's what the Horus Heresy Book 3 Extermination seems to suggest. Red Brethren aren't highlighted as being First Company anywhere either. The Badab War books say their structure is similar to a codex chapter but that each company has its own dedicated Terminators and Scouts. My guess would be the Red Brethren would be either Veteran's of Tyberos's company, or his own personal Honour Guard.
  7. Nice work, I'm currently working on a Blood Ravens army myself, 4th company though as everyone seem to be doing 5th. What colours are you using for the main coat? I'm using Mechrite Red / Mephiston Red myself.
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