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About SwordBrother13

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    Pearl Harbor, HI
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    40K, BF4, GoW(both Gears and God), several novels, and Metal.
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    Black Templars

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  1. I've shown these characters on a couple of FB pages, but I didn't get quite the degree of feedback I was hoping for. I'm here seeking approval and/or constructive criticism on how to make the characters balanced, so the question is whether you would be comfortable playing against them in a friendly game and if not, what could be done to make you feel more comfortable with them? I wanted to put up screenshots of the 8e/9e unit template, but since I don't see how to do so, I'll just refer you to a their corresponding basic datasheet and just tell you the exceptions. The first is a Black Templar Marshal who had artificer armor and had it reforged into artificer Mk X upon becoming Primaris, has a sword forged for him by a Salamanders Captain that has been used almost exclusively in fighting the Great Enemy since, a special adamantine mantle, and a hard-on for trying to be like Sigismund. He has a plasma pistol(standard can-totally-suicide-with type), a +1 Strength, AP -4, 2 dmg power sword with the ability (paraphrasing)to add 1 to the wound roll against any CHAOS unit. Then he has his "Scarlet Mantle" which I've written down as granting him a 3++ in melee, and finally his unique rule "Echo of Sigismund" which adds 1 to his melee dmg when within Engagement Range of enemy CHARACTERS. For a complete view, the Warlord Trait he will be recieving is one where, CORE units within 6" improve their melee AP by 1 on unmodified wound rolls of 6. Priced at 6 Power and 125 Points. The second character is a Night Lord sorcerer with a bit of a grand backstory as he was a character I played in a campaign of FFG's Deathwatch. Through nefarious means, he acquired for himself a highly sophisticated suit of armor that I would refer to as master-crafted as opposed to artificer, as well as the means to forge force-empowered lightning claws. He has a "guardian pistol" that is an award for great service within the Deathwatch. He also has a stolen Rosarius of a Chaplain that he has embedded an Eldar spirit stone within and linked to a psychic hood. With many years, foul sorcery, and a mindset, this sorcerous contraption is his attempt at seeking immortality. His power as a Telepath rivals Ahriman's, but only in the field of telepathy. Although Ahriman has greater control and mastery of his power and that translates to all disciplines of psychic might, this character, though still a master in his own right, has a kind of power that seeps from him constantly. Clouding the minds of others, upsetting dispositions, and laying a breeding ground for mistakes in those who feel no fear, and causing downright terror in those that do, the sorcerer's very presence is a dread pall draped over the entire theater of war/slaughter. Other Psykers experience this as a...disorientation in the warp, which becomes pronounced when the sorcerer focuses on them and weaponizes it against them. So, looking at a basic Chaos Sorcerer, we give him 1 more wound and a 2+ to hit for both melee and ranged just like all named Chief Librarians, aside from Mephiston of course. We throw a jump pack on him and then his weapons...he has both kinds of standard grenades, his special bolt pistol with-1 AP and 2 dmg, and his claws which are just 2 lightning claws with D3 dmg like most force weapons. Then the big stuff. Cast 2 deny 2 like a Chief Librarian, which I fancy him as for the Legion, and 4 special rules, with 1 being his armament and the other 3 all from psychic power. "The Sinplate" grants a 5++ and a +1 DtW. "Telepathic Terror" causes 2 models to flee instead of 1 when any enemy units within 6" fail a Morale test, before Combat Attrition. "Miasmic Presence" causes the opponent to lose 1 Command Point if this character is the WARLORD of a Battle-forged army. And "Master of Mind" permits him to choose an enemy PSYKER within 12" on his psychic phase and they suffer a -1 to their psychic tests until his next Psychic phase. The Warlord Trait he'll recieve even goes into reflecting his supersuit with it permitting him to Fall Back and still Charge AND imposes a -1 to hit in melee. He's priced at 10 Power and 190 Points. I very much appreciate your time. Especially if you read the whole thing. Again, I would emphasize my request for constructive criticism, but I understand how patience might wear thin while reading what amounts to an attempt to make a fanfiction into legal gameplay, and you have my word that I'll give you the benefit of the doubt if you exhibit an online slip-of-the-tongue. Thank you.
  2. The first one was drawn by Skirill and colored by Inkary from deviantart. Inkary's watermark is at his waist. The second I'm not sure, but their signature is on the bottom right. The third is the cover art for Lords of Mars by Graham McNeill. The kroot one and the terminator one, I'm not sure. The final one is the cover of one of the original BT novels...Conquest of Armageddon by Johnathan Green.
  3. The only thing I don't like about the Emperor's Champion and the concept dude under him is that they have aquilas. The EC looks amazazazing, the second guy is meh, and the third is friggin' crazy cool. The guy Metic posted, his armour looks a bit too puffy, but other than that, he be ballin'.
  4. I kid you not, that first picture is my dude. I had Skirill draw the line-art for me and then Inkary colored it. Both of them are on deviantart. His name is Sword Brother Tyrannus and he believes he is chosen by the Emperor for awesomeness and he strives constantly to be a paragon of swordsmanship just as the first High Marshal, Sigismund, was. He has a super awesome master-crafted power sword and his bolter contains vengeance rounds because he REALLY hates traitors. They'll draw characters for you guys as well. It costs, but oh well. The_Chaplain, I told him that I want an adamantine mantle and told him that they look like regular capes, just more awesome in practice, and that I wanted a hood. I know that's typically more of a DA thing, but the BT in Damnation Crusade have them and it looks awesome. He asked to kind of go his own way with it and I let him and that's what came of it. I liked the mantle from the beginning, and kind of liked the scaled hood. I never intended the hood to be a part of the mantle, but I think there was a miscommunication. I stuck with it until the whole mantle was colored and decided that the scale hood had to go, so I just asked Inkary to convert it to cloth and make it a part of the tabard, and she did. I wish the mantle was bigger, but that can be amended in a future battle scene my buddies and I are gonna commission with all of our homebrewed characters. That's also when his power sword, Endseeker, will be turned on and the blade itself won't be able to be seen through the bright white power field.
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