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About UltiXorz

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  1. As a further question How does the wording handle if you take a Blood angels HQ for example But want to take a AM relic as your only relic. Would you need to use a stratagem to access AM relics ?
  2. Waaait a second ? you can advance when using the move action AOF ? I thought it was only the normal movement
  3. Good point, never noticed the bearer must take the wound with 6 Wounds per gun however i think its not that big of a problem.
  4. So a small update Played another game vs Dark Eldar and got to try out Mek Guns BubbleChukka This weapon consistently under performed, I find its too easy for an opponent to negate one of its stats and cause the weapon to underperform. Really need your artillery to do well for them to be worth taking Smasha Guns This weapons suffers from being great against low toughness units, but having too few shots to be worth it. However firing at terminators would make these fantastic. Against high toughness targets you are gonna wound less and with only 1 shot it hurts to miss Traktor Cannon Having only a single shot hurts this alot. Especially since its preferred targets alot of the time give it -1 to hit Kustom Mega Cannons These are the real deal. Putting out d6 shots per turn per gun that hit on 4's with good damage, strength and ap is mean. The losing a mortal wound on 1 is negated alot by the 5 crew required to have a Mek Gun. I will almost always take these MegaNobs These were a bit of a surprise for me. They play almost exactly like terminators did in 7th since they now have a pseudo invul since most ap doesn't get through their amour entirely, Yet to decide if they are worth it though. Since they performed well for me, i think thats more because of placement then actual unit strength
  5. So ive been pushing my orks quiet hard since 8th has hit and here are my findings Im finding every unit can be really good, Nothing ive played so far has done horribly(apart from loota's) 5 games under my belt Vs Dark Angels Vs Templar/IG/Inquisition Vs Tau Vs Grey Knights Vs Grey Knights Im finding the following Boyz These are only viable as 30 blobs. Anything smaller and they can be shot out very easily. Mob rule makes them resistant to battle shock, but means you need to need to hug them to another big mob. Any player worth his salt will do the maths and reduce both evenly to maximize damage. I also favour not taking the Klaw anymore and find the Big Choppa a much more rounded weapon, as well as freeing up alot of points. Boyz tend to be best as a bullet magnet. Combined with a painboy and/or KFF and they tend to soak enemy firepower really nicely. Allowing more important units to perform Grotz These are invaluable. Essentially allowing you to negate enemy deep strikes on your flanks entirely. a squad of 30 can totally block off a board quarter from flanking units, Taking battle shock on them isnt that big of a deal as they are so cheap Warboss More of a support unit now, I find charging him into the enemy just results in a dead warboss, More often i leave him untill the boys have been wiped and he can clean up whats left. I also eschew towards the big choppa on him Since he needs to constantly be within range of multiple boy squads i find him on a bike a requirement definitely not the powerhouse model of 7th, most chapter masters will chew him out Big Mek you can either run him with tons of weapons or a KFF. personal preferance is with the KFF on a bike. Almost never took one in 7th. Struggle to justify not having one in 8th Wierdboy Very much a one trick pony. Give him dajump and get a 30 mob in the opponents face. once done just keep spamming smite until your opponent deals with him, his other powers seem really lacking Tankbusta's My favourite unit in 8th. they will die when focussed. But taking them 10 man in a trukk with just rokkits is an fantastic way to deal with vehicles. Reroll to hit against vehicles and 3 wounds at -2 is tough to ingore. These rarely dont make thier points back. I normally auto include at least 2 squads Fliers Grouping these all together as they all play the same, Great units and being able to shoot 360 is amazing. i find if someone targets them they tend to die, However take alot more shots then before but at the same price. Left alone they can cause alot of damage Loota's Honestly the worst unit in 8th for orks. they now wound less due to how the new wounding system works as well as being less survivable due to how cover works. Everytime i take them they kill 1 or 2 models and the just die. Big Guns/Mek Guns Fantatic units. having a psuedo character rule combined with better bs skill makes these great. The random strength also isnt as much of issue due to the new wounding system. Warbikers These seems super solid now, Putting out 72 shots on a full squad is a crazy amount of shots. I find them really resilient considering what most opponents are playing, combined with a big mek, painboy and warboss this is the closest to a death unit i can get too without dedicating far too many points too Stormboyz These are solid options, However if the opponent shoots them instead of boyz you are throwing points away, They seem to play better sitting behind the boyz and charging with them as opposed to in front of teh horde as you would expect from jump troops Killa Kans These are insane, if you can get them into position. Really solid in CC while still packing some decent shooting. 30 toughness 5 wounds with 3+ save makes them resiliant to most fire as well. If only dajump allowed you to move vehicles. I havent had a chance to play with other units, But am slowly making my way through them. But so far it feels like Orks need to build their lists more based on the meta then ever before,
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