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Matcap86 last won the day on November 1 2024

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About Matcap86

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    DA, Custodes, Ad-mech, GsC, SoH, Legio Praesagius

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    DA, Custodes, Ad-mech, GsC, SoB

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  1. With the way they drop releases, there's a non-zero chance the following Heresy Thursday will be the launch box reveal.
  2. Meh. No Heresy stuff means it'll probably have nothing of interest to me.
  3. Seeing as the store anniversary mini is space hulk themed, it wouldn't surprise me if we get a remake sooner rather than later.
  4. I'll take it if it's a proper look at new mk2. If no Heresy at all; we riot.
  5. I'm surprised they haven't started the Adepticon teasers yet. Might be an indication of something big being shown... Or that it's real lacklustre. Or that they're finally catching on that people don't really care for overhyping in advance and just let the show do to talking.
  6. I think the flaw in your argument is that the specialist games studio and the mainline studio are two very different teams with very different goals. 40k is the BIG name, even more so nowadays with it breaking out in the mainstream, so it makes sense for them to grab as many players as possible now the spotlight is on them. Meanwhile SGS's job is to keep the long term fans and the more invested fans happy (and buying). So they bring out more granular, nostalgia driven, expansive games, like Horus Heresy, Old world, Bloodbowl, Necromunda etc. Not everything in the company needs to follow the 40k model; and probably SGS is better off if it doesn't. (Evidenced by the fact most of their projects are such runaway successes they have trouble keeping kits in stock).
  7. I'd imagine so. There's usually some big announcements with Adepticon and if the rumored release date of early summer are correct this would be an excellent time to start building hype.
  8. But... I want it... because it looks cool. Gameplay niche is way down on the priorities ladder for me.
  9. Took m a bit, but happy these are getting a release. Will definitely pick some up for my mech detachments in the future.
  10. I'm really looking forward to these books even though I'm not particularly planning to play a game of it. The RPG books are often a fount of lore and ideas.
  11. I'm trying to think when's the last time they released a model in resin larger than a character? Must've been like 5 years? The rereleases of old world resin monsters might be the closest thing we've gotten. There was talk of them phasing out all resin vehicle production a while back, so might be why we haven't gotten the titans out yet. Edit: I think the Arvus remaster might have been it? But that was a weird one in general, bring it out in resin a year ago and a year later release a plastic kit.
  12. Those 2 examples are just because they haven't made the jump to releasing titan models in plastic (yet). The warlord, reaver and warhound are also out in tiny for years now, but nothing bigger than knights in the larger scale. (Though plastic warhound and thunder hawk rumors abound for like a decade now).
  13. Careful in trying to apply logic to GWs release schedule; that way madness lies.
  14. LI also missed its release slot and was delayed till November. Initially planned for August.
  15. Or a new Legions box set like how the new warhound weapon sprues were introduced in the LI starter.
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