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Everything posted by nismogrendel

  1. I'm working on some Bullgryn, I am doing the yellowish/black hazard stripes on the shield edges. I have them base coated black / some form of yellow (picking up a project I started long ago). What is your go-to formula for the black / yellow stripes? Do you wash the yellow at all or just highlight it?
  2. I misspoke... I have a lot of the regular GW paints, not many contrast. This is what I came up with, it doesnt exactly match my priest grenades but I'm ok with it. I'm not sure what the base was, but I think it was deathworld forest Then nuln oil Then drybrush elysian green Going to do the metals next and grenades are finished Base + wash on right / base, wash, drybrush left
  3. nismogrendel


    From the album: IG in progress

  4. nismogrendel

    IG in progress

  5. I'm picking up painting some old guardsmen I had half done. I want to do the grenades in green, similar to this old one I painted: I had a text file of all my paint recipes but can't find it. I have almost all the GW green paints on hand. I remember it was basically just a base, the green GW wash, then a drybrush. Anyone able to help me out and figure out the dark green base / light green drybrush?
  6. nismogrendel


    From the album: Orks 2019

  7. nismogrendel

    Orks 2019

  8. nismogrendel


    From the album: Orks 2019

  9. nismogrendel

    ETL V - WIP - IG

    Work in progress pics for ETL V
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