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DemonGSides last won the day on January 15

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  1. I think he's possibly the biggest hype beast of all time, but his record is pretty good all considered.
  2. Not sure how it's weird. I don't think I'm alone in worrying about being mulched by unregulated machinery. Just as much fodder for nightmares as the Boogeyman is, especially for an even more technologically developed society that the imperium is.
  3. Yeah it's not much but could give a few more riders which was the genesis of this whole thing even tho we have replaced our hooves with treads lol
  4. That's a lot of engineers. I'd be tempted to just go down to their 5 man variants and slip in one more unit of 5 man death riders. Probably about a wash overall tho. Love 4 dorns. Making me feel like I need one more myself...
  5. If you want to go back through the thread, there's plenty of back and forth on this exact conversation. Not sure we need to rehash it all again.
  6. I agree with the sentiment that Combined Arms is probably the obvious best one, but that's almost a guarantee; getting 5 perfectly balanced detatchments is a fools errand and shouldn't be aspired to, because it'd be worse overall for any given detatchment. I think most of our detatchments at least have a use, compared to something like, idk, Tau or something on release where they really only had like one detatchment. Or god forbid something like Mechanicum, which were absolutely terrible in every respect. We've got great datasheets and pretty good detatchments. That most of the detatchments hew towards a specific strategy is actually a good thing, not a negative; if every one of our detatchments was aimed at buffing the entire army, we'd have a lot of boring or same-y detatchments and that would be a bummer.
  7. I don't even think it's 99%, it's 100% this. They've been moving away from multiple boxes to make a single unit in 40k for the past decade so the writing was one the wall. I find infantry to be useful, just not as damage dealers. TBF, they weren't really damage dealers even when HWT could go in them; they were just slow chip damage as opposed to normal speed objective players they are now.
  8. I agree it has remained civil, just that some people are hearing about this it feels like and immediately jumping to "You're a bad sportsman for even suggesting this" which feels... Egregious, considering the factors I mentioned.
  9. I don't think it's worth the less effective strategems for what the gameplan is with this list to get benefit of cover on a unit that's so weak to begin with. Like I get the thought process behind "Well maybe I can get one fo those Death Riders into strategic reserves on like T3 to have a come from behind outflank on T4" but your Death Riders are going to be dead, or if they were sitting near board edge to not get targetted and blasted, they were wasted for 3 turns and should've probably just sat in reserves to start, and then you place them and immediately pull them off again, which feels worthless as well. The rest of Recon's strategems are fine but aren't exactly beating down the door for usability in this list. Hammer at least you can synergize with some Blazing Advance if you want to, but you can basically ignore the detatchment rule if you want to and still benefit greatly from Tactical Withdrawal (With this many tanks one fo them getting charged is actually quite likely), Crash Through helps with positioning on the things that really need it in this list, Furious Cannonade has lots of really solid shooting to make great, and Ablative Plating even shores up some fo the weakness of a RDTC. All that's to say I still wouldn't suggest Hammer either, I think Combined Arms is probably still our best bet overall, and especially with this list which is pretty much exactly what Combined Arms wants; a little bit of everything. There's probably some solid play in this with Siege Regiment too, giving Smoke to your Death Rider blobs as you huck them up the field. I just think Recon is overall my most meh of our detatchments.
  10. "Technically unchargeable" is doing a lot of work to get people upset in this thread when that's not even really the case in game. It's to make the easiest avenue of charging something difficult, which I think is a very fair play in most circumstances. You can get around this so called "Unchargeable unit" by assautling it from a slightly different angle or just going up and over them. Or having a 25mm base. It's not really that big of a deal and I think there's more getting worked up about it in this thread than there is in any practical operation of the game.
  11. Personally I'm of the mind that it's better to make you're already good stuff into great stuff than it is to make your bad stuff into middling stuff. Benefit of Cover is nice, but it's not like the Death Riders are going to have a bunch of high AP stuff targeted at them.
  12. I generally don't use anything other than the online resources either, but the concept of allying in a single guy from a different faction for a nominal benefit was more of my kvetch than the monetary cost or ease of use. It doesn't feel good from my perspective.
  13. I think if I was ever playing death company, they'd be in cahoots with a chaplain anyways so it's a non concern of mine. And needing another book just to angle shoot a 6++ just feels silly to me as a non tournament player.
  14. I think this is a huge key to the discussion too, but I think also runs into one of the greatest issues that people on this board complain about; social interaction. I can't describe how many times I've been told here that talking out a game prior to playing is onerous and impossible (hell we we are in a thread where that's stated from the opening post) because of a litany of reasons, but I'm always left scratching my head because EVERY game of 40k I've played, regardless of the edition or where it's played, has always had at least a ten to fifteen minute discussion prior to any deployment or even terrain being set up most of the time. Knock on effect of that I guess being that people also don't chit chat during the game, or discuss what they're doing. Every time I make a game action I fully explain what I'm intending to do and what my hopes are, because silently pushing plastic around a table sounds extremely boring and tedious, but it feels like that's what a lot of people EXPECT out of the game. The playing by intent stuff feels like an attempt to get people to be more sociable while playing because we all understand it's a board game at its base level and not an actual battle. The problem comes from those who treat it as such. WAAC and the general competitive mindset are toxic, but so is a lack of social grace when it comes to dealing with the other player across the battlefield.
  15. Or even just old Cadians to new Cadians. Old Cadians had definitive style but were basically a force of borderline bobbleheads. Current Cadians are way closer to standard scaling.
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