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  1. Skip to a month... Welcome to the 5th year of the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge. I started this challenge in 2019 to keep me motivated throughout the year, and to help me stick to my Hobby goal of completing *at least* one model per month. In 2019 I developed a series of Randomizer Tables are still available for this year, and you are most welcome to use them yourselves, or ask to put on the Randomizer List, and I will roll for everyone on the list a week prior to the new month. If you've missed the previous years Challenges, you can find them here, 2019 - 2019 Summary - Additional Awards - 2019 Favourite - 2019 Favourite Poll 2020 - 2020 Summary - Additional Awards - 2020 Favourite - 2020 Favourite Poll - The Campaign Summary 2021 - 2021 Summary - Additional Awards - 2021 Favourite - 2021 Favourite Poll 2022 - 2022 Summary - Additional Awards - 2022 Favourite - 2022 Favourite Poll 2023 - 2023 Summary - Additional Awards - 2023 Favourite - 2023 Favourite Poll As with last year, I'd like some company, if you'd like to join me with a commitment to 1x model (or more) per month for the 12 months of 2023, I'd love to have you along. The Rules are pretty simple; I DO NOT expect you to use the Random Tables, you are more than welcome to pledge models towards your existing armies, or choose a model you would like to complete. Multiple model pledges are fine, but ONLY ONE *must* be finished per month to "complete" the Challenge for the Month. A starting pic is required. Any model that is incomplete, even those that only require basing, are eligible for this Challenge. A finished pic is also required, this MUST be completed to your standards, AND the model MUST be based. If you know what you'd like to pledge, pop this pip in your signature, then pledge in the following format, you'll need to vow each month you wish to participate, I, { Insert your name } , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of { insert correct month } pledge to complete { insert the model/s to be completed } by month's end. Each month will feature a selection of Awards, The Completed Badge is awarded for Completing 1+ model for the month. The Seriously Badge is awarded for Completing 5+ models in a month The Artificer Badge is arbitrarily awarded to models I find impressive each month The Speed Daemon is awarded for Completing a model within 24hrs The Last Minute Badge is awarded for Completing your vow on the last day of the month The Overtime Badge is awarded for Completing your vow on the 1st or 2nd of the following month The Stubborn Badge is awarded for Completing a previous vowed but uncompleted model The Favourite is awarded for my top pick each month You may make up to two Plodding Along Vows for the year, one for the first six months, and one for the second six months. These are intended for larger, multiple month projects, or an Army goal for the year. All badges will upgrade Black, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum, as they are earned multiple times. If you know what you're going to paint, then jump right in and click HERE to skip the Randomizer Tables, and make your pledge below. *IF* , however, you would like to use the tables, you'll need 2D6. You are not bound to your rolls, If you're not feeling it, re-roll Re-Roll any duplicates, either Faction OR Sub-faction (if you want to). Feel free to choose a Faction / Sub Faction and roll on their chart. I am more than happy to roll for anyone wishing to participate, please notify me if you'd like to be added to the Randomizer Tables list and I'll roll for everyone on the list in the last week of the month for the coming month. Roll a D6, click the link; Adeptus Astartes Forces of the Imperium Forces of Chaos Xenos Horus Heresy Loyalists Horus Heresy Traitors Once you have Randomized your pledge please vow below in the format provided above... Skip to a month...
  2. Bouargh

    12 Months of Hobby - 2024

    A folder to store the various pics for my enlisted mensual entries for this 2024 Challenge
  3. Skip to a month... Welcome to the 5th year of the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge. I started this challenge in 2019 to keep me motivated throughout the year, and to help me stick to my Hobby goal of completing *at least* one model per month. In 2019 I developed a series of Randomizer Tables are still available for this year, and you are most welcome to use them yourselves, or ask to put on the Randomizer List, and I will roll for everyone on the list a week prior to the new month. If you've missed the previous years Challenges, you can find them here, 2019 - 2019 Summary - Additional Awards - 2019 Favourite - 2019 Favourite Poll 2020 - 2020 Summary - Additional Awards - 2020 Favourite - 2020 Favourite Poll - The Campaign Summary 2021 - 2021 Summary - Additional Awards - 2021 Favourite - 2021 Favourite Poll 2022 - 2022 Summary - Additional Awards - 2022 Favourite - 2022 Favourite Poll As with last year, I'd like some company, if you'd like to join me with a commitment to 1x model (or more) per month for the 12 months of 2023, I'd love to have you along. The Rules are pretty simple; I DO NOT expect you to use the Random Tables, you are more than welcome to pledge models towards your existing armies, or choose a model you would like to complete. Multiple model pledges are fine, but ONLY ONE *must* be finished per month to "complete" the Challenge for the Month. A starting pic is required. Any model that is incomplete, even those that only require basing, are eligible for this Challenge. A finished pic is also required, this MUST be completed to your standards, AND the model MUST be based. If you know what you'd like to pledge, pop this pip in your signature, then pledge in the following format, you'll need to vow each month you wish to participate, I, { Insert your name } , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of { insert correct month } pledge to complete { insert the model/s to be completed } by month's end. Each month will feature a selection of Awards, The Completed Badge is awarded for Completing 1+ model for the month. The Seriously Badge is awarded for Completing 5+ models in a month The Artificer Badge is arbitrarily awarded to models I find impressive each month The Speed Daemon is awarded for Completing a model within 24hrs The Last Minute Badge is awarded for Completing your vow on the last day of the month The Overtime Badge is awarded for Completing your vow on the 1st or 2nd of the following month The Stubborn Badge is awarded for Completing a previous vowed but uncompleted model The Favourite is awarded for my top pick each month You may make up to two Plodding Along Vows for the year, one for the first six months, and one for the second six months. These are intended for larger, multiple month projects, or an Army goal for the year. All badges will upgrade Black, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum, as they are earned multiple times. Last year saw the introduction of the Challenge+ mini-challenge, I did not complete mine, and will continue it this year, so it is open for others to continue theirs, or for people to start fresh. Challenge+ features four, 3 Month long Challenges, one each for the four Quarters of the year. The first Challenge, running from January to December is the What if? Challenge. If you choose to take up this Challenge, you will be creating (kind of) a custom unit for the game. You will need to take an existing unit entry from one Codex, and shoe-horn it into another. For example, I will be doing; What if the Tau weren't incompetent in Close Quarters Combat? What if they had an Assault Intercessor type unit? Once you have chosen your unit swap, you will need to complete two tasks, the first is to re-name the unit with a suitable name for the new Faction, as well as any Wargear and Special Abilities they may have. Secondly you will need to model and paint a single model from your created unit. Please keep the units to infantry sized models, no Tanks or Independent Characters. Please choose different proper Factions, please don't do What if? Dark Angels had this Blood Angels unit, or Space Wolves unit etc. The second Challenge Copy Cat, running from April to December, is a little easier. You must choose one of the other What if? entries and model a single model from that new unit. The third Challenge, Wordsmith, running from July to December requires a small short story of an interaction (peaceful, or not...) between the two models / units you have completed in the What if? and Copy Cat Challenges. I'm not going to put a word limit on these, but think 300 - 500 words or so (I won't be counting though). The fourth and final Challenge, running from October to December is to place the two models you have created, onto / into a scenic diorama base, showing or referencing details from the Wordsmith Challenge. I recommend looking at a 80mm or 90mm base for this, as I've found 60mm a little crowded. Lastly for anyone who manages to complete all four Challenges by Years End, the Challenge+ Veteran Badge will be awarded. The Challenges should be completed in order, however, as you can see from the timing of each Challenge, once the Challenge has started it remains open for the rest of the year to allow newcomers to pick up the Challenge+ challenges if they so desire. When you pledge to a Challenge+ challenge, or complete a Challenge+ challenge, please place the correct badge from above into your post for easier identification so that I don't miss anything. I will re-post the badges with each new month for ease of access. If you know what you're going to paint, then jump right in and click HERE to skip the Randomizer Tables, and make your pledge below. *IF* , however, you would like to use the tables, you'll need 2D6. You are not bound to your rolls, If you're not feeling it, re-roll Re-Roll any duplicates, either Faction OR Sub-faction (if you want to). Feel free to choose a Faction / Sub Faction and roll on their chart. I am more than happy to roll for anyone wishing to participate, please notify me if you'd like to be added to the Randomizer Tables list and I'll roll for everyone on the list in the last week of the month for the coming month. Roll a D6, click the link; Adeptus Astartes Forces of the Imperium Forces of Chaos Xenos Horus Heresy Loyalists Horus Heresy Traitors Once you have Randomized your pledge please vow below in the format provided above... Skip to a month...
  4. Brother Argent's gallery for all models completed for the 2024 12MoH
  5. Well, I had my first couple games in nearly 20 years recently. And I got SLAUGHTERED. Still had a ton of fun, but I could use some input on play styles with 1k games. I play casually, so the most tournament-meta list isn't really for me, but I'd like to have a few different lists to bounce around with for quick games at the local stores. I should note that I did not play chaos back in the day, so their style is pretty different to me. The first game was 2k against Ultramarines, and I just simply didn't have time to finish it...got like 2 whole turns in, since there was a lot of getting up to speed with current rules to do. 2k might be too many points until I get more acquainted with the current rules. The second game was 1k against Tau, and I was pretty up in his business as quickly as possible after hearing about the turn-three sustained hits rule he would be getting, but my stuff hit like wet noodles. Then I got totally pounded. I think I need more synergy so I can hit harder? I'm not really sure. The tau player's 1k list looked something like this: -Two squads of crisis battlesuits, one with commander farsight -Commander shadowsun -Riptide battlesuit -Couple squads of 2 tetras My 1k list looked like this: -Slaanesh daemon prince with wings -5 chosen, undivided -5 legionaries, khorne -2 rhinos, undivided/khorne -5 havocs (2 autocannons/2 lascannons), nurgle - came in from strategic reserves -10 cultists, nurgle -2 x 5 warp talons, slaanesh The problem I faced was being killy enough with the fast-striking units I had, and the inability to lock him into combat. The daemon prince didn't really do much besides eat up a turn of riptide shots with FNP. I got into close combat with almost all my stuff pretty early. It was an odd game, and I was completely wiped off the board once he had his sustained hits rule. I have the havocs painted and really want to keep playing with them to try to make them work. I see some tournament lists running 2 autocannons/2 lascannons, but I don't know if they need a helbrute babysitting them or not. I also don't really know if chosen need a lord to be effective. Disembarking, advancing, shooting, and charging from a rhino is ridiculous. Seems like I should be able to time my strikes from multiple units in the above list, but it just didn't work. The legionaries' rhino unfortunately got shot down and they were plucked away. Gotta say, I loved loved loved the warp talons, even though they were a bit fragile. Cultists were great too, they were the last to die. I'm thinking of the list below, against a variety of opponents, whoever that may be next. Let me know if you think this would be more balanced and punchy, or if Chaos is just in a tough spot where they need the best of the best units to work properly after the dataslate changes... 1k List I'm thinking of running next (no clue who my opponent will be but want to make it applicable to most scenarios): -Master of executions, slaanesh -5 chosen, slaanesh -Rhino, slaanesh -10 cultists, nurgle -5 havocs (2 autocannon/2 lascannon), nurgle -2 obliterators, nurgle -Venomcrawler, tzeentch -2 x 5 warp talons, slaanesh Below are some shots from the epic loss...as well as the havocs I'm so proud of! Even though they did all of 2 wounds on anything the whole game. Let me know if you think the revised list will be a better approach to having more punch, even though there's no chaos lord.
  6. Last week I built a new Sniper/Chainsword Veteran squad as a place for my MoS to hang out when I am not running a HSS (Logos requires a MoS). With the leaks this week it turns out the Optae + Company command is basically the exact squad I was planning on building, but for ~20pts they gain some great buffs over the regular veterans. The Optae allows his unit to automatically rally, and to ignore the restrictions on shooting/charging when doing so. The Company Standard makes the squad line, and also has a 6" aura of LD 9. I've gathered enough information to have a pretty good idea of what the cost would be to run the new units. I'm 90% sure these numbers are correct. Delegatus Rides with the Suzerain in the Raider, The MoS hangs out with the Optae and his Company Command. The Company Command is mostly there for the 6 relentless Nemesis Bolters, but they also have some excellent melee output with 30 Chainsword attacks on the charge at WS5 (or WS6 during Retribution Strike turns). I had a couple of spare points so I threw a Shotgun on to the MoS for occasional overwatch/return fire fun and the slim chance of Concussive going off. I have 10pts left to spend, and I cant decide what to do with them. I was debating a Charnable weapon on the Optae or MoS. I could also drop the searchlights from the Land Raider to get an Argyrium Boarding Shield on the Optae. Allegiance: Loyalist XIII: Ultramarines Rite of War: The Logos Lectora (UM) + HQ: + Tartaros Delegatus: 130pts Warlord: The Aegis of Wisdom Argyrum-pattern Boarding Shield, Combi-Bolter, Thunder Hammer Master of Signals: 92pts Astartes Shotgun Legion Optae: 60pts Artificer Armor Nemesis Bolter Company Command Squad (5) 178ppts 5x Chainsword 5x Nemesis Bolter Company Standard + Elites: + Castra Ferrum Dreadnought 170pts Gravis Lascannon, Gravis Lascannon, Searchlights Contemptor Dreadnought 180pts Gravis Melta Cannon, Gravis Power Fist with in-built Combi-Bolter Contemptor Dreadnought 180pts Gravis Melta Cannon, Gravis Power Fist with in-built Combi-Bolter Invictarus Suzerain Squad (6) 245pts 2x Legatine Axe 4x Thunder Hammer + Troops: + Assault Squad (15) 235pts Sergeant: Power Fist 3x Power Axe + Troops: + Assault Squad (15) 235pts Sergeant: Power Fist 3x Power Axe Tactical Squad (10) 160pts Sergeant: Power Fist Legion Vexilla Rhino Transport Tactical Squad (10) 160pts Sergeant: Power Fist Legion Vexilla Rhino Transport + Fast Attack: + Javelin Land Speeder: 105pts 2x Lascannons, Multi-Melta Javelin Land Speeder: 105pts 2x Lascannons, Multi-Melta + Heavy Support: + Land Raider Proteus Carrier: 240pts Searchlights, Twin-linked Lascannon Predator Squadron (2) 255pts 2x Volkite Culverins, Predator Cannon, Searchlights Predator Squadron (2) 255pts 2x Volkite Culverins, Predator Cannon, Searchlights ++ Total: [2990Pts] ++
  7. Expanding on an existing White Scars army of mine to use up some random infantry i have lying around and making it a more thematic force that is more focused on being traitors instead of their legion. Decided to include a blob of Sons of Horus and an Esoterist to summon daemons. ++Crusade Force++ Legion: White Scars (Traitor) Rite of War: None +HQ+ Praetor [172] - Warlord: The Forgotten Sons - Cyber Hawk, Master-crafted Paragon Blade, Volkite Serpenta Moritat Consul [144] - 2x Volkite Serpenta - Warhawk Jump Pack - Power Sword Esoterist Consul [95] - Force Weapon - Chainsword +Elites+ Bound Daemon Brutes (6) [255] Contemptor Dreadnought Talon [405] > Contemptor Dreadnought - Gravis Plasma Cannon - Gravis Power Fist with in-built Heavy Flamer > Contemptor Dreadnought - 2x Gravis Lascannon Terminator Tartaros Squad (10) [745] > Land Raider Spartan - Flare Shield, Searchlights > Tartaros Terminators - 10x Pair of Lightning Claws +Troops+ Assault Squad (10) [190] - 2x Power Sword - Combat Shields - Sergeant w/ Pair of Lightning Claws Tactical Squad (10) [165] > Rhino - Searchlights - Dozer Blades > Tactical Marines - 10x Chain Bayonets +Fast Attack+ Sky-Hunter Squadron (6) [285] - 6x Multi-melta Sky-Hunter Squadron (6) [220] - 6x Volkite Culverin ++Allied Detachment++ Legion: Sons of Horus Rite of War: None +HQ+ Dark Emissary Consul - Staff of Dark Authority +Troops+ Tactical Squad (10) [186] - 14x Chain Bayonets - Legion Vexilla - Nuncio-Vox - Augury Scanner > Sergeant - Power Sword - Plasma Pistol
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