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  1. So, the Death Spectres, my favorite official chapter, has gotten lots of new fluff from the Deathwatch book, and I wanted to make sure it was put down for posterity. I am combining this with the other small amounts of fluff that are out there, which is very little, hence this is being written. ­­Of the Death Spectres, Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes. Homeworld: Occludus. Planet on the fringes of the known galaxy, and beyond the official borders of the Imperium of Man. Day is 27.3 Terran hours long. First settled by the Death Spectres by Chapter Master Corcaedus sometime in the 34th-35th millenium Death is an important theme in the nature and traditions of the Chapter. This is echoed in the chapters homeworld of Occludus,which is a vast tomb world, its surface almost entirely covered in incredibly ancient graveyards and tomb cities. Snowy world. Not dense snow, but cold. Sub zero temperatures, enough to kill an unprepared man. Planets colonization origins are unknown. Graveyards and many of the tomb cities origins are unknown. Meaning pre-imperial by all likelihood, as the tombs and graveyards were there long before the arrival of the Death Spectres. Home to some Terran-origin species, such as crows. The citizens of Occludus make their home in the cities vast tomb cities. The chapter fortress Monastery itself is the city of Logopol, a tomb city built by the Death Spectres themselves. Origins of the Chapter: One of the two chapters known to have been created during the 13th founding, the other being the Exorcists Chapter (this founding is also known as the Dark Founding, the origin or which is clouded in mystery), this founding taking place around the 34th-35th millennium. The chapter finds its origins in the gene-seed of the Raven Guard, and shares some of the same physical characteristics of their founding Legion. The chapters first Chapter Master, Corcaedus, was the one who led his chapter to the future homeworld of the Chapter, and to the very spot where Logopol would eventually be raised. He did this upon receiving a vision, a vision he was given while swearing his oath of loyalty and service to the Emperor, at the foot of the Golden Throne itself. It was at this very spot that the chapter would find the source of their destiny: The Shariax. History of the Chapter: The chapter has taken part in many of the Imperiums great conflicts, from the Macharian Crusades to the 13th Black Crusade in just the last millennium. The chapter itself is tasked with "ensuring the supernatural inhabitants of the Ghoul Stars never again threaten the galaxy". There is much supposition of what these inhabitants are, and how they present a threat to the galaxy. The most agreed upon theory is that the Thexian race. What is known of this race is that members of this species are described as "shape shifting and somewhat vampiric in nature". The species possesses the ability to disguise themselves as members of completely different species, from Orcs to humans, and are known to infiltrate species, eventually taking positions of power and authority. The threat of this kind nature could not be overstated enough, and the containment of such a species would be worthy of the attention of an entire chapter of Astartes. The other possibility, just as great, has something to do with the event known as the Pale Wasting, a great catastrophe originating in the Ghoul Stars in the 34th Millennium that wiped out "souls unnumbered" and "a score of Space Marine Chapters". Other than that, little is known, what records that ever existed being destroyed or sealed away under the highest of orders. Considering that it originated in the Ghoul Stars, the home region of the Death Spectres, and within the same millennium of their founding, along with the fact that whatever this danger was, that it was capable of destroying twenty whole chapters of Astartes in apparently short period is a terrifying possibility that the return of would be of the utmost importance in preventing, hence a whole space marine chapter dedicated to ensuring that fact. Gene-Seed: Descend from Corvus Corax of the XIX legion, the Death Spectres share the same pale skin of their founding legion, a result of a slight malfunction of the melchromatic organ. This malfunction causes the members of the Death Spectres chapter to be albinos, possessing no pigmentation in their skin, or hair (if they possess any, the vast majority of Death Spectres going bald during the implantation periods). The other result of this malfunction causes all members of the chapter posses blood red eyes as a result. The other features of note with the chapters gene-seed is the lack of functioning Mucranoid and Betcher's gland implants, though the loss of these implants are not considered hindrances. Traditions, beliefs, and nature of the Chapter: The Death Spectres chapter bases many of its traditions and titles from old Occludian tradtions. Examples of this are: Megir: Title equivalent to Chapter master in fellow chapters. Mesazar : Title equivalent in fellow chapters to Chief Librarian of Chapter (and also head of the Chapter in the Chapter Masters absence). Megron: Title equivalent in fellow chapters to Master of the Flag (a position held by one of the chapters Captains, in this case the 3rd company captain). Menrahir: Title equivalent in fellow chapters to Chapter council. The word means "Sage" in the Occludian language. Death, a important theme in the nature and traditions of the chapter, is not important in the more morbid sense that chapters such as the mortifactors celebrate it, but in a more somber, respectful sense. Death Spectres find great comfort and peace in the quiet of the endless graveyards and tombs cities of their homeworld, which includes even the Fortress Monastery Logopol. Members of the chapter, upon death, whose bodies can be recovered, are returned to Logopol and are mummified and then interred into the fortress monastery's catacombs. Chapter motto: "Fear not death, we who embody it in His name!", which can be respoded to with "We fear not death, for we are death incarnate!" Chapter Salute: The Masrahim, the salute of skull and throne. A gesture done by placing the open left hand palm up on the abdomen, and the placing the right hand, in a fist, in the palm of the left. The chapter places a strong emphasis on death in battle (and death in general), believing that "only those who die in battle with be reborn". Chapter Aspirants (at least those of the Librarius) must go through at least two deaths while trying to take a place within the chapter. The first is done at around ten years of age, when a aspirant would first begin the implantation process. What is done is that the aspirant is injected with a lethal toxin, and remains dead until they revive on their own. Failure leads to an obvious conclusion. The second death takes place at the end of the implantation process, when the neophyte takes his place among the chapter. This death is more intense, with the aspirant dead for hours rather than minutes. A third death can take place, but only for members of the Librarius who wish to attain a higher rank (That of Codicier), and greater power as a result. Of the chapter Librarius itself, the size and power of this body within the chapter is not clearly explained, but there are references that the Chapter Master is a psyker, and would then of course be a member of the Librarius. The Librarius is also referenced as being called "The Order" A deeply held belief is in that of the Black River, seen by aspirants of the Librarius (unconfirmed if non-psykers experience it as well) during the ritual deaths they experience. Though it is the shortest death, the first seems to be the greatest, as during the trial, one is assailed by the rivers currents (which seem to symbolize fate/time) and the "forces" that are drawn to it and the person experiencing it (daemons by another name). This first trial one is a task the aspirant has no experience in dealing with, and so failure appears to be common. Chapter Organization and Tactics: The Death Spectres chapter appears to be a chapter organized around the standard Codex Astartes dictates. The chapter has a strong emphasis on Assault Marines, a major assault undertaken by the chapter during the 13th Black Crusade involving some 600 marines equipped for jump pack assault on a traitor stronghold. The chapter has a unique position within the ranks of the chapters command squads, a position called "Terrorblade". As it is uniquely named, it is assumed that the position is different than that of a company champion or some other common title/position. The chapter does second members to the Deathwatch across members, and has a long history with that organization. The chapter Librarius appears to have great authority within the chapter, with the Chief Librarian commanding the Chapter in the Chapter Masters absence. The chapters Librarians appear to place great emphasis on reading the tides of time and fate, and appear to have an unparalleled mastery of changing the future. The Chief Librarian is noted to have placed notes in time itself, through sheer power, to be in place in the event certain eventualities came to pass, passing on information, and even psychic aid, if/when those eventualities come to pass. Through these techniques the chapter Librarius can change the future to a degree that few Imperial organizations can dream of. Notable/ Known members/ Relics of the Chapter: The Megir: Death Spectres Chapter Master. The First Spectre, Grandmaster of the Order, the Eye that Pierces the Veil. Name unknown. Athio Cordatus: Chief Librarian (the Death Spectre title is Mesazar). Captain Rohiam Elgrist: Captain of the Death Spectres 3rd company. The Megron (title equivalent to master of the flag). Lyandro Karras: 1st Codicier of the Chapter Librarius. Currently seconded to the Deathwatch. Arquemann: Relic two handed force sword. Chapters oldest relic, carried by the chapters first Chapter Master, Corcaedus. It was the weapon carried from the time he made his oath and received his vision at the foot of the Emperors Golden Throne to his death. Most revered relic in the chapter next to Corcaedus' remains and the Shariax. The chapters secret.... The Throne of Glass....The Shariax. It is the Shariax that first Chapter Master Corcaedus, upon his vision from the Emperor himself, was the reason he took his newborn chapter to Occludus. Little is known of its purpose. Nothing is known of its origins. The Shariax is a ancient Throne, contained in an ancient, secret dome, called the Temple of Voices, deep beneath planets surface, and directly underneath the chapters home of Logopol. The throne is where the Megir rules Occludus and the chapter, but it is where he will eventually die. All Megir, upon taking that position within the Chapter, take the throne the same day as they take their oaths. Upon taking the throne, they never rise again, and only rarely communicate with the chapter, and then only with a few select members. Exactly what the Shariax does is vaguely hinted at. In return for immense power, power that can be felt even in the planets orbit by psykers, the throne slowly sucks the life out whoever sits in it, while also slowly petrifying them, eventually turning the Megir to stone. What this power that the Megir is gifted with is unknown, except for the sheer scale of it. When the Megir turns even a portion of this power to some task, the implications are apparently staggering. The fact that it seems to be a psyker based technology implies that one must be a psyker to use it, reinforced by the fact that when the Magir finally passes, the current chief Librarian would take his place, but the references are vague, and it may just be based on the fact that the chapters strongest warrior must be Magir, and thus he who sits upon the throne. The chapter apparently has been preparing for the "Cadash", which translates to "Living Chalice", someone of great significance who, upon taking their place upon the Shariax, will bring about the "Great Resurrection". The leadership of the Death Spectres have apparently been sowing the seeds of fate to bring about the Cadash's rise throughout the chapters history. Based on the chapters belief about the fact that only a warrior who has died in battle can be reborn, and other small beliefs, what could possibly be assumed is that upon the Cadash taking the throne of the Shariax, the human dead of Occludus, and possibly the galaxy, will rise from death to fight for mankind. But this is only a guess. - Please note that this is a hypothesis on the writers part.- References: Deathwatch, by Steve Parker (where the vast majority of this info came from). Warhammer 40k Rule books, 5th and 6th edition Codex Space Marines, Current Edition Warhammer 40k Lexicanum and Wikia sites.
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