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While most planets in the Epicnium system were subject to bombardment due to cultist activities, the Durang planet was not. It had stopped almost all of the cults from spreading to their planet, refugee ships being shot down or not allowed in. It was a Frontier World, but it was relatively calm and peaceful, and almost all the Gangers were there to help, and the hostile ones were usually crushed by the relatively small amount of Arbites. There was a single city that contained quite a few people. It's population was around 700 million people and it was fairly well supplied. But, a small cultist war band managed to get through the planet's defenses. And while it may have been small to most planets, to this poor frontier world it was massive. The Arbites and PDF were unable to stop the attack, and the planet was seemingly lost to the attack. However, the Arbites and PDF were able to kill almost all of the Cultists and heavy weaponry managed to kill most of the traitor Astartes. But, during all the killing, the Poxwalker virus had boomed on the planet, turning all of the dead into shambling monsters. The survivors in the city were dubbed Citywalkers, and those who abandoned the City and started new towns were could Frontiersmen. ---------- When the Imperium got in contact with Durang, they found nobody who answered the offical Vox message. However, they did receive an old Vox Communication, warning anybody who comes to 'beware the dead'. When the scouting parties made of Guardsmen landed, they were met with a swarm of Poxwalkers. After nearly dying to them, Citywalkers saved the Guardsmen's lives. After a week or two of scouting and mapping, it was decided that the Citywalkers be made into a Militia Regiment, and properly funded to be able to reclaim the City. After making the hordes manageable, life started anew, and the Poxwalker-infested areas were made into Quarantine Zones. The Militia then started to help other planets dealing with similar problems. ---------- The Frontiersmen had managed to live simple lives with barely any energy needed. The only weapons they used were Stub-Revolvers, Lasguns (that were fitted to look like old hunting rifles), and stub rifles. When the scouting parties landed, only one landed near a Frointersmen town. They were met with hospitality and care, warning them about the City and the 'deadwalker' infestation. They seemed like nice folks, until they discovered the more brutal aspects of their lives. When a small group of Poxwalkers attacked the settlement, the fine and nice people they knew turned into unflinching killing machines with great aim. After that, a barroom brawl, and a robbery, they knew both sides of the Frointersmen. Nice people with dark pasts and grim truths. They were given the opportunity to become a Guard regiment (there were quite a few towns) and they accepted. A small regiment, they usually keep their distance and they attempt to not needlessly lose lives. They generally don't use Commissars and Psykers are quite rare.
While the planet of Pacificae collapsed into civil wars, crime, and death, the planet of Necrofirmma stood tall. It was a Hive World that starved of a resource drop from other planets, but it's status as a good place to start a Guard regiment gave it a good standing with the Imperium. But, twelve days before it's shipment of resources arrived, the Inquisition arrived. As they searched the system for heresy or Xenos, they found out that Necrofirmma also contained scouting Tau, a couple Genestealer cults, and quite a few chaos cults. Most had come from Pacificae, and the rest sparked after. The Inquisition, this time, merely had more Arbites sent to the planet to deal with the cults. Where Pacificae was collapsed on all levels, Necrofirmma was doing fine, besides the resource shortage. On the day of the arrival, it wasn't food or water that came; it was Orks. Some had hijacked the shipment, and tore down local defenses. With all the killing between desperate people, Arbites, and Orks, no one was really sure of the head count. For three years at least the killing was organized; an attempt to have the desperate gangs rise up and help fight the Orks alongside the Arbites and PDF. But, in the end of the third year, the resources finally became too little to ration for a whole Hive World. So inner war broke out again, and the Orks met no organized resistance when they recovered. When the next shipment arrived, it was too late; the planet had become a wasteland, not by the Inquisition, but because of the people. After five hundred years of bloodshed, destruction, and scavenging, the world was a barren husk filled with wanderers, war bands, speed freakz, and road warriors. The glorious remains of the toppled Hive Cities were constantly fought over, being defendable positions. Many wondrous stories are told about during this period in time, ranging from a large Titan converted into a mobile pseudo-Hive City, a small amount of Magi and Enginseers stranded on the planet formed a secret here-tek cult underneath the surface, and a bold group of individuals who gathered old war equipment from the ruined PDF and Guard strongholds and forged a new empire out of the (twisted, bad records) ideas and symbols of the Ultramarines. But from ruin came rebirth. When the nearby Forge World and Space Marine Chapter went on a crusade to save their system from falling further into post-apocalyptic madness, they rediscovered Necrofirrma. Where they expected peace and a successful Hive World, they were met with the same sight; a dead, barren world with scavengers, survivors, and an Ork infestation, which was new. After reclaiming the planet, the survivors were tasked with rebuilding the Hive cities. While most agreed, some missed the old life, raiding camps, pillaging loot, fire and blood. The warriors were chaotic at first, attempting to (and nearly doing so) break the small amount of peace established. After a deal was made between the Fabricator-General and the leading Scavenger King, the warrior bands were converted into the ninth ever Necrofirrma Strike Regiment. With new recruits only accepted from those who remain in the untamed wastes, the Strike Regiment has gained an infamous reputation, with looting, pillaging, and extreme pain tolerance as their claim to fame. The Fabricator-General (and most people agree) has described them as 'an Emperor-worshipping Chaos Cult.' They only use Autoguns and Stubguns, and rarely do they use anything else; it's what they were used to. The Strike Regiment doesn't use too many vehicles either; the only vehicles they use are makeshift cars out of the scrap and spoils of wasteland battles. Their Enginseers are crazily fanatical towards the Machine God, often calling drivers of these vehicles 'Wheel Angels'. Overall, their post-apocalyptic experience has trained them well for battle in the Far Future.
(One of many factions in the system.) The world of Pacificae was a beautiful world, a mixed bag of Hive and Paradise Worlds. When an uprising of Genestealer Cultists and Chaos Cultists occurred, while a surge of Houses and Gangs appeared, the entire world was brought to its knees. The nearby planet of Occulis, a Shrine World dedicated to the Sisters of Battle, got itself involved. After countless Sisters were lost in the fighting, the Inquisition got involved. Deeming the planet's citizens heretics and Xeno-tainted, the Imperial Navy bombarded the planet, turning it into a new-founded Death World. Three hundred and fifty years later, the planet had changed. The end had come and gone, and people's needs had become increasingly difficult to find. The world burned, the survivors killing each other for food, water, and fuel. That all changed when a single man, claiming to be the son of a Fabricator General, created a pseudo and unofficial Forge World out of the carcass of Pacificae. Claiming the planet from the new techno-barbarians and warlords, the Forge World got in contact with the Imperium. After being established as a proper Forge World and receiving assistance from the Astra Millitarum in quelling the planet's cults and war bands, the Forge World supplies the other recovering worlds in the Epicnium system. ------------- The Shrine World of Occulis was a noble world, using it's military might of Sisters to maintain loyalty to the Emperor. Before it's transformation into a Shrine World, it was a wild Frontier World where anything went. Heists, gangs, and heresies were committed and created. Once the Sisters and other Imperial forces got the planet under control, it's occupants were turned into fierce zealots of the Emperor. After the destruction of Pacificae, the planet of Occulis was next in line. After the Inquisition checked the planet, they found a couple small cults, one of Genestealers and the rest Chaos. The planet was bombed as well. The survivors fared better than their Pacificae brethren, and led by surviving Sisters and Acolytes, the planet got back on its feet far quicker than Pacificae. Only eighty years passed between the Exterminatus and the finalization of reconstruction. After the High Lords decided that the system was too dangerous to be left unchecked, a Salamanders successor chapter was formed on Occulis to maintain order, seeing how the Sisters failed eighty years prior. The chapter crushed what the locals had trouble with; raiding parties, cultists, and the occasional Ork or two that had come from a crashed Ork ship that landed twenty-four years after the Exterminatus. The chapter utilizes guerrilla tactics due to the crumbled city and cathedral terrain, and utilizes a steel and green color scheme on its armors and vehicles. (More to come!)