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Hello all, Longtime wargamer here who finally got into 40K for real with the 9e and Indomitus releases. I've always wanted to create my own Space Marine chapter (I dabbled with Blood Angels a bit back in 5e), so I finally took the opportunity to do so! Meet the Ironhearts, an Imperial Fists successor and Ultima Founding chapter. By way of background, they're a crusading chapter that's currently assigned to Battle Fleet Secundus and are fighting around the Eye of Terror. I'm still working on their exact organization in the fleet, but my basic fluff so far is that the Captain of the Second Company, Captain Cyrus Vakarian, is the task force commander of a small task force split off from Battle Fleet Secundus and is currently conducting relief operations in support of other Imperial Forces around the Eye (primarily, my main gamin buddy's Raven Guard successor chapter). We've started a narrative Crusade with several forces (we're each playing our own homebrew chapter and several Chaos forces, and I'm planning to add Necrons once the 'dex drops). I have to say, narrative play in 9e is the most fun I've had gaming in a long time. Currently, I'm playing the Ironhearts as an Imperial Fist successor Master Artisans and Warded. I'm expecting that will change when the new 'dex drops soon, and I'll probably push them a bit more toward a melee focus because I've enjoyed playing up the Black Templar-esque nature of crusading Fists successors. In my chapter's narrative, they spent some time working alongside the Templars on crusade and have adopted some of the Templars' methods and tactics, leading to some divergence from standard Codex procedures. The clearest of these divergence points is that Assault Intercessors are so common in the Ironhearts that they're treated as Battleline, rather than Close Support. My hobby plan is to build up the Second Company under Captain Vakarian, which will grow and change as our Crusade goes on, but I'm hoping to have a solid 100 Marines built and painted at some point. Their task force has some Tenth Company Vanguard units attached as well, because I want to play with all the toys at some point. Here's Captain Vakarian, and more units to follow in additional posts. Captain Cyrus Vakarian, Commander of the Ironhearts Second Company, Master of the Watch Profile: Indomitus Captain Relic: The Burning Blade Warlord Traits: The Imperium's Sword and Indomitable Crusade Upgrades: (so far) Artisan Bionics and Deadly Charge
Hi. I once started a thread for my homebrew chapter to develop ideas for it. Unfortunately I cannot find that thread anymore. In addition, I felt I had taken a different lore direction with my Chapter since my first attempts, hence this reboot. EDIT 6/14/2020 :Here's the second draft, and the first fleshed out IA article. Comments and criticism is appreciated. Overview Far in the edges of the Eastern Fringes, the Argent Fists stand against the encroaching darkness. The gene-sons of Rogal Dorn, they’re known for their massed Devastator squads and destructive fusillades of firepower. Stoic and defensive-minded, they hold a lonely vigil over their home sector. Many of the early records of the Argent Fists have been lost to the mists of time. However, they seem to have been a chapter of the Third Founding. Initially they were created to patrol the Odoacer Marches, a far-flung region of space on the Imperium’s northeastern frontier. The Marches are a remote region, bordered by Ork empires and pirate enclaves. Two-thirds of the worlds in the sector are classified as either feral or feudal worlds. It is not unknown for the sector to go for decades or even centuries without contact from the wider Imperium. The gene-line of Rogal Dorn was selected for the new chapter and so the Argent Fists were created. They eagerly embarked on their new crusade, proud and bellicose. Some scholars theorize as a young chapter, they were especially eager to prove their worth as inheritors of Dorn. It was that headstrong attitude that almost lead to the Chapter’s ruin. Records are fragmented, but it appears that two centuries after their founding, the young chapter almost faced utter annihilation. While on crusade in the sector, the Argent Fists suffered a disastrous defeat at the hands of the World Eaters Traitor Legion. Records are fragmented, but sources claim that the Chapter launched a reckless and ill-advised attack out of misplaced hubris. The Chapter Master and three-quarters of the Argent Fists were slain in the battle. From then on, the Argent Fists would refer to that conflict as the ‘’The Calamity,’’. As the legend goes, the Argent Fists blamed their own arrogance and recklessness. They vowed to survive and rebuild into a force worthy of the Emperor and Dorn. The survivors regrouped, taking a new homeworld to rebuild. According the Chapter legend, a vision of Dorn appeared to the survivors, guiding the battle brothers to the world of Lohengrin. How much of that account is unknown, but the Argent Fists hold it to be true. In the decades to come, the Argent Fists reappeared in the Administratum’s records. The proud and reckless young Chapter was gone. Instead the Argent Fists earned a reputation as careful and methodical planners who defeated their foes with concentrated firepower and skilled marksmanship. According to historical accounts, the Argent Fists eventually drove out the forces of Chaos from their territory and established themselves as the chief protectors of the Odoacer Marches. Since then, the Chapter has stood as a bulwark against the forces of the alien and the heretic. While practically obscure outside of their home sector, the Argent Fists care not. In a way they prefer it. Due to their distant and isolated location, the Argent Fists often go without attention from the wider Imperium. This has bred a sense of independence and self-reliance in the chapter. With the creation of the Great Rift and the destruction of Cadia, the Argent Fists found themselves embattled against heretics and traitors on several fronts. Due to their distant location, it was difficult to supply them. As such only a limited quanity of Primaris Marines were delivered to the Argent Fists by the Adeptus Custodes. Currently the Chapter has perhaps fifty Primaris Astartes in the chapter. As of late, the Chapter has found itself pressed by rising threats. Across the sector, the local Ork empires have been rising in activity. At the same time, a large warband of the Night Lords Traitor Legion has been spotted raiding several worlds. With stoic determination worthy of Rogal Dorn, the Argent Fists grimly prepare to respond to these encroachments. Homeworld Lohengrin is a storm-wracked and mountainous feudal world located in the depths of the Odoacer Marches. Initially the planet had suffered under the lash of Dark Eldar pirates, but the resurgent Argent Fists drove out the xenos and claimed the world as their new homeworld. Typical of many worlds in the region, Lohengrin hosts a primitive populace, divided into feuding warrior clans and kingdoms. The people of the world proved to be excellent Astartes recruits, robust and courageous.The people of Lohengrin are deliberately kept in a primitive state, the better to ensure quality recruits for the Argent Fists. The people of Lohengrin worship the Emperor as the Divine Progenitor, the great ancestor who created the world and watches over the people. For the feudal warriors of the world, having a clan member enter the ranks of the Argent Fists is the ultimate honor. The Fortress-Monastery of the Argent Fists is called Solitude, a city-sized bastion of ceramite and adamantium built deep into the tectonic crust of the Lohengrin. Every twenty years, the Chaplains and Apothecaries journey to each of the kingdoms and clans of the planet, selecting prospective recruits. Under the watchful eye of the Fists, these youths undergo a variety of combat trials and gladiatorial games. The best of the planet’s youth are then taken to Solitude for the rites that will transform them into Astartes. Combat Doctrine While the Argent Fists are trained for all forms of warfare, they have their own particular martial doctrines. Like the Imperial Fists, they place emphasis on marksmanship and heavy weaponry. Unlike their progenitors, they do not strictly adhere to the Codex Astartes. Instead they view it as a useful military treatise, preferring to follow their own chapter traditions first and foremost. Following the events of The Calamity, the Argent Fists reorganized themselves. The Chapter’s doctrines placed particular emphasis on the importance of careful planning and massed firepower. Devastators, Sternguard and Thunderfire cannons all hold central importance in Argent Fist battle doctrines. While the Chapter’s forces do conduct close-quarter assaults, this is only done when tactically expedient. Combat operations are carefully planned to the smallest detail. Some detractors have accused the Chapter of being too cautious and hesitant, of borderline cowardice. However, the Argent Fists care not. Their methods have served them well and they continue to follow their own path. Organization The Chapter broadly follows the basic structure of the Codex Astartes, with ten companies totaling a thousand warriors. However, alterations have been made to company structure and training in order to suit their martial traditions. The Battle Companies of the Chapter has an extra Devastator squad in place of an Assault squad. In other words, each Battle Company has three Devastator squads. The composition of the First Company is also lopsided in favor of the Sternguard. Beliefs The Calamity shaped the Chapter’s psyche forever. In the aftermath, the lords of the Chapter vowed to never repeat the same hubris that almost destroyed the nascent Argent Fists. The Chapter Cult emphasizes caution and icy rationality over reckless zealotry and aggression. The Chapter still holds a special hatred for the servants of Khorne. Unlike other descendants of Dorn, the Argent Fists aren’t a crusading chapter. Instead they view themselves as watchmen and sentinels. Much of that view coincided with acquiring Lohengrin as a homeworld. As a result of standing a long vigil, the brethren of the Argent Fists have acquired a reputation of being cautious and aloof. They have generally have little interest in the affairs of the larger Imperium, save for how it directly affects their territory. The world of Lohengrin and its people has shaped the Chapter in turn, as generation after generation was inducted to the Argent Fists. Lohengrin traditions and quirks became part of Chapter culture. The practices of animistic ancestor worship practiced by the local people has meshed well with the Chapter Cult. Chapter artificers carefully inscribe the names of the honored dead into the wargear of the battle brothers, believing that the spirits of past heroes aid the living. The masochistic tendencies of Dorn’s gene-line has been influenced by their homeworld as well. Instead of the Pain Glove, the Argent Fists utilize their own methods of self-flagellation and extreme privation as a form of self-discipline. It is a Chapter custom for a penitent battle brother to journey alone and unarmed into the polar wastes of Lohengrin in order to become closer to his ancestors and contemplate his duties. Gene-Seed The Chapter is of the Imperial Fist gene-line with no known mutations or irregularities. Battlecry ‘’Unyielding and Unbroken"
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- Imperial Fists Sucessor
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