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With the release of the Ravenstrike box, it's got me thinking. Is there any way of using a primarily/fully phobos army in a viable way? I'm thinking of picking up the space marines Combat Patrol as a starting point and expanding from there.
So I had my first stretch of games with my Raven Guard Successor (Charcharadons) using the new AoO detachment rules and missions. Here are some takeaways: Infiltrating forward pregame/turn 1 gives us not only the ability to us "Secure or Sabotage", but also capture and keep primary using the new sticky objectives, you can then pull the infiltrators back and set up as you choose. Keeping the army in Tactical Doctrine for the whole game after turn 2 gives us access to our Surgical Strikes super doctrine for nearly the entire game. Making it much easier to hit/would a lot of big nasties. This also makes Plasma Incepts all that much better (along with their points drop) the entire game as they are now an additional -1 AP.
Hi all, I'm returning to the game after a long absence (ahem, Rogue Trader, ahem) and finding the odd small change here and there.... Most importantly I'm trying to be fairly fluff accurate with my Raven Guard successors but frankly really struggling. When ive won I've won big, but those occasions are few and far between and most of the time I'm finding the only way to stay in contention is to get the first turn. I'm sniper heavy and have started avoiding forward deploying as most of the time that seems simply to get units killed early. Early on I tried using infiltrators and then master of ambush to reinforce them with aggressors, with eliminators and a gun line holding back field objectives, sometimes a jump pack assault squad to harass deeper. Any suggestions? I'm varying chapter tactics but tend to come back to bolter fusillades as a staple. Atm I can field 2-2.5k max but tend to play ¹k games in practise. Loosely my list will draw from: Primaris captain Phobos lt Primaris chaplain Phobos librarian Primaris apothecary Vindicare assassin 2 squads assault intercessors 2 squads infiltrators 2 squads eliminators (1 bolt rifles, 1 Las fusils) 2 squads aggressors (both flame variant) 1 squad suppressors 1 tactical squad with missile launcher or flamer 1 devastator squad with missile launcher, lascannon, plasma and grav 1 assault squad with jump packs 1 terminator squad with heavy flamer 1 hellblaster squad (assault variant) 1 sternguard squad (combi meltas plus heavy flamer) 1 razorback with lascannons 1impulsor with sky talon array Yet I keep just being overwhelmed by waaghs, Ulthwé alpha strikes and daemon engines. Any ideas?
Long time lurker, first time poster... I've been running my Charcharadons as Raven Guard Successors this addition and was curious about everyone's experience using a the Chapter Champion. Specifically If he is you Warlord doing the following: Chapter Champion Upgrade (+1A, +1 Ld, Skilful Parry, Exquisite Swordsman, Honor or Death, Martial Superiority) Warlord Trait Martial Exemplar (ReRoll Charge 6" Aura) Master Of the Trifold Path---Swift and Deadly Warlord Trait (Advance+Charge) Blade of Truimph Relic (+3 S, -3 AP, 3D) This coupled with Hunger for Battle and Whirlwind of Rage Chapter Traits. So essentially you have a 6" Aura that Advance +Charge, +1 to both, Reroll Charge with Exploding 's for 70 points. Thoughts?
As I flitter back to slowly building up my Primaris models and casually browse the JoyToy thread and see that big-kid-sized Invictor warsuit, I find myself wondering why I have not yet purchased one of these to add my other Phobos units and double ETB Redemptors. Are the Invictor Warsuits still viable in Raven Guard? If you run them without the Redemptors or other vehicles, I'm guessing 2 would be better, but would a single one have a place beside two Redemptors?
Dear wise and all knowing Ravens, I cannot emphasise enough, how delighted I am to have a reason to post here. Fate put me in the amazing situation to help four sons of friends of mine on their way into the Hobby. One of them started a Raven Guard Army with a Ravenstrike Battle Force and I had the privilege to assist him during his first ever 40k match (against Necrons). I didn't have the chance to spend a single thought about what to do with the Army. Thanks to the Nightbringer and the Doomstalker, he was tabled after three rounds. But I was also quite uncertain what to do with Kayvaan after reading his Datasheet. It looks like it doesn't make sense to let him join a unit due to Lone Operative (esp. as he can't join any units with the Ravenstrike Box). But his shooting is also worse than his melee abilities. But at the same time, he had no chance to bring down either the Nightbringer, nor the Doomstalker. And OC 1 makes him bad at holding Objectives … sooo that leaves him with the "Echo of the Ravenspire" Ability and good melee against S5 oder less. Sooo … to me this reads like … deep strike close to an quite isolated weak enemy infantry unit he has hope to wipe out, in order to make use of Lone Operative Echo of the Ravenspire. Then use it to go for another of these Units. Is that really the best thing you can do with Kayvaan? Has anyone already used other tactics successfully? As always: Thanks a lot on advance!