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  1. *** WORK IN PROGRESS *** Generic Notes: Will be updating in the future. Better writing, story building etc. - The Oblivion Hunters started as 5th company from the loyalist chapter of the White Scars. A great hunt was issued and Captain Ganbaatar was chosen to lead 5th company in this hunt as the huntmaster. This happened in M36.792. The White Scars have written in the books that 5th company had been destroyed during the hunt under the command of an unknown Inquisitor. - They were not aware at the time but they were assigned to hunt down an Inquisitor by another corrupted Inquisitor. - Fell to the Chaos God of Khorne over the course of their great hunt - They now travel from battlefield to battlefield in the name of Khorne. The herald, Chaos Lord Ganbaatar, acquired an ancient personal teleporter that was modified to open portals to other worlds allowing for quick movement of troops. This is how the band races around the galaxy. It randomly opens a rhino sized portal to different locations when activated and Chaos Lord Ganbaatar and his followers go in. Constantly in a elevated state of awareness of their surroundings and the need for battle they are oblivious to the greater picture and goings-on in the galaxy. They hunt. They maim. They claim glory in the name of Khorne. - One of the more interesting teleports happened when it opened a portal into a space hulk. Sounds from the warp infused engines still echo in the halls of the hulk to this day. - Inquisitor Jay'van is the corrupted Inquisitor that started the false hunt for the Inquisitor Layn who is still alive and hunting Inquisitor Jay'van. Inquisitor Layn has had a series of narrow escapes and has only lived at the cost of millions of Imperium lives as he has been cursed by Tzeentch after wearing an ancient amulet. Inquisitor Layn is now stuck time-jumping every 24 hours and also appears in random locations across the galaxy. Inquisitor Jay'van is now a daemon-prince of Tzeentch. - The Oblivion Hunters always ride into combat on their bikes. As the entire company is always on the move they are unable to recruit new members. This has led to the company almost becoming extinct several times in the past/future. But the strange thing is just as the last of them are killed a warp event is triggered and their hunt begins anew. This has a very powerful affect on the morale of enemies that have just defeated them as they wake to the nightmarish noises a few days later of the companies' warp engine noises. - They have been known to appear on battlefields, shatter a flank, and then immediately re-enter their portal to another battle. The most known event of this happening was at the fall of Cadia, where they were reported to have attacked multiple areas of the battlefield before disappearing entirely - The company's teleport will sometimes malfunction and weaken the barriers between reality and the warp allowing Daemon Princes of Khorne to enter the battle field. This has been documented in several of the encounters with them.. - Despite being followers of Khorne the armor of the Oblivion Hunters seems to be resistant to the soaking of blood that is shed in combat and it has been recorded that blood rolls off their armor and blankets the land that they traverse. A report from a deceased inquisitor stated that there are pores on the armor that secrete large quantities of blood and that the armor is coated with a substance that prevents blood from sticking to it. This gives each person the visage of a blood cloak when they are riding into battle and helps them coat the field in blood. - When killed, the bike and space marine erupt in an explosion of blood. This does not damage anything but it does make a mess. Pictures: ============================================================================== Oblivion Hunters The story of the Oblivion Hunters is a cautionary tale only known to a select few in the upper echelons of the Imperium and the leadership of the White Scars. Once being the proud 5th company with banners displaying their lost history of accolades, they have now become a horrific reflection of what they used to represent. M36.792 marks the year of their shame, the year of the Imperium's loss of one of it's finest White Scar companies. It started as most falls to Chaos do, with pride, honor, and rage. Through the flow of time, Tzeentch guided his minions. Attention set upon the White Scar's 5th company. Why? Most people can guess reasons but rarely are any of them right. This need, this obsession, came from the visions of a young heretic psyker by the name of Kay'van. The younger sisters to then savage hunter Jay'van. Jay'van was born on one of the many death worlds close to the Eye of Terror, Le'shen. Life was hard on Le'shen as it is on any death world and made for strong humans and potential recruits for the Adeptus Astartes. Jay'van was as skilled as any non-human could be with various close combat weapons and was able to bulls-eye targets with a bow from over two-hundred yards away. He was lithe and deadly. A supreme hunter and dedicated tracker of beasts. When asked about his skill he simply replied that time seemed to slow down when he needed it to. He called it a state of mind, and focus of willpower. Others were able to use this skill of his to a smaller degree but he managed to control it entirely. When the Imperium arrived with plans to setup a forward lookout base of operations on Le'shen, the population was quickly identified as having potential for space marine recruitment. The planet was renamed Savant IV and assigned to one of the newly created chapters to guard the Eye of Terror. In a matter of months the chapter had setup defenses and started building their chapter monastery using nearby tribes as slaves. Jay'van was marked as un-fit for implantation and sent to work as a laborer on the monastery. It was during this time that Kay'van started having the visions. She would take Jay'van up in the middle of the night with terrified screams and retell her nightmares to her older brother. These stories always revolved around one thing. The new space marines and the demise of Le'shen. The visions showed Kay'van the war to come, and showed her lying lifeless in her brothers arms. Jay'van started to build a resistance up. As the will of Tzeentch would have it, hours after the resistance disabled the monastery and forward sensor arrays is when the Thousand Sons attacked. They battered their way through the defenders of mankind over several months. Through this carnage Kay'van's visions came to pass. A unit of the space marines was defending a nearby generator from an assault and through their successful defense, killed Kay'van. Jay'van found his sister shortly after the withdrawal of the Thousand Sons. They had claimed their prize and achieved their goal, the goal set by Tzeentch many years before. This was the spark of anger leading to his ultimate downfall and betrayal of the Imperium, when he caused the fall of an entire company of space marines. Survivors of the attack were separated and cleansed. Jay'van became an emotionless blade. The space marines could see it in his eyes. He only reason for survival was the presence of a High Lord Inquisitor that planned to use his skills in his continuing fight against the darkness. It was through this High Lord Inquisitor that Jay'van found himself eventually trained as an Inquisitor himself. His mind focused and the hatred of the space marines shaded and hid beyond the psycho reconditioning of the Imperium. He went on to do the Imperiums work for three more decades, slowly building his plan of attack and redemption. It came to fruition in M36.792. He had beguiled the chapter master of the White Scars to approve a hunt for a renegade Inquisitor leading a band of now renegade space marines using the planet Savant IV as their staging ground. The plan had been guided from multiple angles and supported by several sources all of which were guided by Tzeentch. It was nearly the end of M36.792 when 5th Companies' fleet emerged from the warp and unleashed their fury upon the supposed traitors. The battles in the stars could be seen from from the planet, something that had put the population at unease. The space marines gathered any that were willing to help defend against their foe. Days after silence was achieved in the stars is when the drop pods came, thunder hawks tore through the skies, and the monastery was laid to waste. It was the death of the space marines chapter master that caused the first rip in time and space and the revelation that the White Scars had just wiped out an entire company of loyal space marines that caused roars of rage and water to boil around the planet. Blood began to rain from the skies and hiss into mist as it touched the ground. At some parts of the planet this happened in reverse. In some areas entire populations had the blood sucked from their body and funneled into the reddening thunder storms, and still others beings of blood and metal emerged from the forming pools of blood. Roars of rage echoed across the planet as it was engulfed in a tidal wave of bloodlust and madness. It was now decided. The followers that Tzeentch had so carefully planned for were not to be. Khorne had chosen. Khorne had laid claim. Skulls erupted from volcanoes and rivers reversed their flow. Time seemed to stretch while animal and plant-life mutated to the whims of chaos. A war between the gods unfolded on Le'shen. A madness few survived and even fewer ended up being able to recall. Still through all of this Captain Ganbaatar focused his rage on Jay'van. His deceiver. His enemy. Jay'van's mutation was quick with a powerful explosion of psychic energy as a form within him burst through his human cage. knocking Captain Ganbaatar and many of his brothers to their knees. It was a testament to Ganbaatar's unusual strength, balance and willpower that he remained on his feet. At least that was what was initially thought. As the psychic energy continued to rip out from Jay'van, Ganbaatar found his footing and quickly realized the waves of energy were warping around him harmlessly. Ganbaatar charged with his thunder hammer and crushed the left wing of the newly awakened Daemon Prince. The fight between Ganbaatar and Jay'van lasted several minutes. The power of Khorne being fulled every minute by the battle saw to it that the day belonged to him and his followers. Ganbaatar's fall was complete. He had laid low one of the loyalist chapters. He had slaughtered a brother. Shame erupted over him and his remaining company. Though it did not last for long. A vision of the Daemon Prince Jay'van has become flashed before his eyes. This vision has continued to happen time and again as the hunt continued in the name of Khorne. Ganbaatar's only goal becoming the destruction of Jay'van. After falling to the unfettered bloodlust and fury of Khorne in M36.792, Ganbaatar renamed his remaining followers Oblivion Hunters. They have continued to fight in the ways of the White Scars with rapid assaults and Khorne in the fact that they leave no survivors in their wake. As the battles continued on the red of battle has stained and seeped into the armor he and his brothers wear permanent changing their feet and gauntlets to be a dark red. Their armor grew tiny pores that began to constantly drain their own blood and so they have remained on constant hunts, leaping from one battle to the next. Captain Ganbaatar as seen on Dannatar VII. M38.426 during the uprising of the Semek Cult in M38.795. He was wielding a whip of chaotic fire that would suck the blood from those it struck leaving bloodless husks in his wake.
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