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  1. Before I go any further, INP, thade if this topic is inappropriate please let me know, or lock it as applicable. Okay, as some may know, I write a few stories in the Librarium's Short stories section and would like some feedback from the members of this sub forum if possible on an SoB story. I'm currently writing a story that covers the origins of my DIY Order, The order of the Dauntless Spirit, and would like to know if it conveys in any accuracy, a Convent and it's Sisters accurately. The story itself is mainly about one Sister Saffron Sera who eventually becomes the Founder and first Canoness of this order. The Convent in question is a small branch of the main order, the Order of the Valorous Heart. Whilst I have read as much as I can about the various Orders of Sisters and know that there are a few Black Library stories with Sisters in (I've only read Daemonifuge), I'd like to know whether what I'm writing is any good. I have had feedback from other members of the board (although I haven't had any for a while ), but who else better than to ask those who are true aficionado's? I'd appreciate any opinions that you might have. I don't have a problem with critical comments, after all, how else is one to improve otherwise? For those who are interested the link for the story is here: A Valorous Heart, a Dauntless Spirit Thank you in advance
  2. Someone suggested elsewhere the idea of a Holy Crusade army - with a small core of SoB leading a regiment of Imperial Guard. This idea really appealed to me but I'm looking for some advice with regard to implementing it: Firstly, which SoB units to use as the leaders of the crusade. I was thinking St. Celestine and maybe some Priests, but are there any other units I should consider? Second, any suggestions regarding the IG part of the army? I'd like to use primarily infantry but I'm wondering how best to kit them out to represent their being led by SoB. Should I use Meltas and Flamers? Also, should the sergeants have melee weapons or such? Any specific IG units you think would work for this theme? Finally, any other advice or suggestions for this theme? (I might post this on the IG section as well.)
  3. http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/345303-2k-sisters-of-battle-with-an-imperial-knight/ This was briefly started, over the army list, but now I expand this here. Minor order (assuming sister fluff does not change much with the codex) Order name: TBA Home base: Terra Honoured Saint: Alicia Dominica Primary colours: Scarlet robes, blue armour. I will get some better pictures of the miniatures during next week. Plan is mostly for me, to motivate myself to keep painting and trying cool/fun/fluffy lists. Here is the rest of the pics from the match. (New Necrons vs Sisters + Knight. 2k points.)
  4. From the album: Order of the Dauntless Spirit

    Artist unknown (will update if name is found)
  5. toaae

    Retributors 1 WiP 2

    From the album: WiP

  6. toaae

    Retributors 1 WiP 1

    From the album: WiP

  7. From the album: Our Martyred Lady Commandery

    WIP for a Seraphim with dual Infernus pistols conversion. Took a Seraphim with bolt pistols, dremeled off the barrels and magazines, then added melta barrels from the Betrayal at Calth marines combi-bolter parts. To make the fuel cannisters I used geneseed cannisters from the (I think) Dark Angels bits.
  8. I think this is a good place for this post. But if not, please I beg moderatii to move it in better place. This is not 100% Sisters of Battle art, but can be use as that. And is truly inspirational indeed. It can be perfectly a representation of a saint or martyr or the base an alternative Saint Celestine. Luna is an artist from Spain who made this illustration and many others. And the commissions are now open. You can see more illustrations and info, here: https://mobile.twitter.com/lunaevayg
  9. Hi I'm new on the forum and have started building an army of Sisters of Battle. Currently, I'm only collecting them but I maybe will start playing with them. I think the Hospitaller looks really cool and I like the aspect of having a faithful army with a touch of spirituality. What SoB units are good, and which are to avoid? Will there be a new release for SoB soon? Because I didn't find any Immolator or Repentia. Are they playable? And if so, how good are they?
  10. So it took GW 3 months to add the new marine datasheet to apocalypse.... I'm starting off a clock to see how long it takes them for the SoB :p
  11. So I broke off and started painting my sisters. I'll be mainly using the ebony chalice rules. Was thinking the Amethyst Chalice but that just doesn't sound, well cool enough. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
  12. Well, its been a while...:lol: I've had a rather long sabbatical from the hobby, insofar as actually building stuff. I've accumulated a few of the new Sisters models (including three plastic Celestines and the twins :lol: ), but ultimately haven't done anything substantial. Recently, I've had a few ideas regarding how I want the second version of my army will look. They'll still be white, but I'll be going for a purer white over the dirty white of the metal army. I'm currently working out what models I want to field (basically all of them, but I'm unemployed right now, so it'll be a while :lol: ). So, what have I been up to? Well, besides getting some Seraphim from the box set, the Sister superior model (which I have a specific purpose for, but I don't have the parts ready...yet), Canoness Veridyan (times two) and a Razorback I forgot about. Yes forgot about. It was going to go to my Rainbow Warriors army, but since heading to the Sisterhood, it was left to gather dust... When I found it, I mulled on what to do with it. I have two Mark II Immolators (which will still be put in service with the new army) and a number of regular Rhinos. But I don't have a Repressor. Looking on eBay, I found an Immolator top plate sprue (cost waaaaay more than I wanted, but still) and set out to make a custom one. I've seen a number of other Frater make them here over the year's, and each are awesome, but I wanted my own, unique one. That got me thinking. Today, I had a major brainwave, and after tearing half of my flat/apartment apart to find the sprue clipper and craft knife, I got on with it. Below is the result. This is the basic idea. I used two different Rhino turrets and glued them together. The turret top: The bottom: The bottom one has the two part hatches added to fill the gap and to have a "maintainance hatch" the turret will be attached to the front panel, by cutting a section away as shown below: From the front: From the back: The cut wasn't perfect, but the gap will be filled up using plastic from blister packs I have lying around. The remaining view point will have the plate that goes over the top, but I wanted the join between the turret to properly harden before doing it. The Flamer. One thing about the Flamer on the official Repressor is supposed to be a heavy Flamer. It isn't that much different from the one that a Guardsmen could carry, much less one that needs to mounted to a vehicle. So, I bulked it up. It's made from the Razorback turret mount and the Immolator Flamers. So, that's that sorted. The turret won't be glued down to the Immolator turret. The fit is tight enough, and it'll allow it to take less room when being transported. Oh, yes. I said I wanted this to be a custom one, right? Well... I used to love electronic projects back in the day, and whilst this will be very basic, it'll be what I hope will be the start of something more. Thanks for reading!
  13. This topic will be used to collate all of the information about the new range of models and Codex ONLY. This is to help members of the board keep abreast of developments as and when they happen and not have to wade through pages and pages of other topics. Please do not any models that AREN'T from Games Workshop. Thank you. First up, a 3D render of the first model GW has revealed, a Canoness based on some artwork. Warhammer Fest 2018 Sister of Battle reveal - Information I found out at Warhammer Fest, Sunday May 13th 2018. Please post links below, official sources preferably, so I can add them here.
  14. It's been a while since I played or posted here. In previous editions with my metal army I ran something like: Celestine + Seraphim to create enemy backfield havoc Canoness warlord hidden in an Immolator with BSS to spend the entire game trying to dodge giving up a Slay the Warlord point to my opponent Dominion spam as my main combat force to overpower MEQ and TEQ saves Retributers with HB to lay down fields of fire to protect my lines and camp backfield objectives Occasionally a single giant blob BSS to tarpit and bolter spam the center pretty much all MSU in an extremely typical midfield run and gun style. I'm coming back to maybe playing again and I've got Morvenn Vahl and the Paragon warsuits and the models are so cool there is no way I cannot use them. How are people fielding them? How do they work on the table? What do they replace in a typical list and what usually supports them best? I know that's pretty broad, but I did a search and did not see a topic specifically about how people are using these two units.
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