The stalker pattern bolter (sniper bolter or SPB from here on) is getting a ton of attention lately and I’m frankly dubious to its worth. Therefore, I’ve decided to put it to the test in the only way I know how: arithmetic! For our purposes here, we’ll talk about a 5-man Veteran squad with 5 SPBs, and we’ll compare and contrast ammunition types first. Without further ado:
Vs. MEQ/standard MCs (3+ saves)
Dragonfire Bolts: 10 shots @ 30”, 7.84 hits after Mission Tactics (MT), 3.92 wounds (1 AP2), 2 damage
Hellfire Rounds: 10 shots @ 30”, 7.84 hits after MT, 6.51 wounds (1 AP2), 3 damage
Kraken Bolts: 10 shots @ 36”, 7.84 hits after MT, 3.92 wounds (1 AP2), 2 damage
! *Vengeance Rounds: 10 shots @ 24”, 7.84 hits after MT, 3.92 wounds (1 AP2), 4 damage (*and about 50/50 chance to lose a Veteran to Gets Hot!)
Vs. TauDar (4+ saves)
Dragonfire Bolts: 10 shots @ 30”, 7.84 hits after MT, 3.92 wounds (1 AP2), 3 dead
Hellfire Rounds: 10 shots @ 30”, 7.84 hits after MT, 6.51 wounds (1 AP2), 4 dead
! Kraken Bolts: 10 shots @ 36”, 7.84 hits after MT, 3.92 wounds (1 AP2), 4 dead (better odds than Hellfire though)
*Vengeance Rounds: 10 shots @ 24”, 7.84 hits after MT, 3.92 wounds (1 AP2), 4 dead (*)
Vs. IG/Orks (5+ saves or worse)
Dragonfire Bolts: 10 shots @ 30”, 7.84 hits after MT, 3.92 wounds (1 AP2), 4 dead
! Hellfire Rounds: 10 shots @ 30”, 7.84 hits after MT, 6.51 wounds (1 AP2), 7 dead
Kraken Bolts: 10 shots @ 36”, 7.84 hits after MT, 3.92 wounds (1 AP2), 4 dead
*Vengeance Rounds: 10 shots @ 24”, 7.84 hits after MT, 3.92 wounds (1 AP2), 4 dead (*)
TL;DR: Vengeance Rounds are the best vs. MEQ, unless they have 3+ cover (then switch to Dragonfire). Kraken are best vs. TauDar (and Tempestus Scions, I guess) unless they have 4+ or better cover (Dragonfire again). Finally, Hellfire Rounds are best for enemies with 5+ or worse saves, though if they have 5+ or better cover you’ll want Dragonfire (seeing a pattern here?). In all cases, you’re likely to score a single AP2 Precision Shot every time, which is pretty hot for sniping special weapons and unit characters out, but is kind pointless vs. MCs and factions with multi-wound characters, like Orks. In the next post, we’ll compare these results to other C: DW ranged options.