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Hi all, First time in, so be gentle. I think this is roughly near where I need to be, any pointers? Also first time trying out the Warhammer app! Unnamed Army 1 Adeptus Astartes - Strikeforce - Eternal War ( 10CP - 1990PT - 10PT ) Adeptus Astartes Battalion Detachment ( 3CP - 1975PT ) SUB-FACTION: Ultramarines HQ WARLORD: Captain in Phobos Armour TRAITS: Stealth Adept, Ultramarines: Adept of the Codex STRATAGEMS: Exemplar of the Chapter Primaris Chaplain TRAITS: The Imperium's Sword LITANIES: Canticle of Hate (Aura) RELICS: The Armour Indomitus STRATAGEMS: Hero of the Chapter Primaris Lieutenant Special issue bolt carbine TROOPS Intercessor Squad 4x Intercessor 1x Intercessor Sergeant: Astartes grenade launcher, Power sword 1 Intercessor Squad 4x Intercessor 1x Intercessor Sergeant: Power sword 1 Intercessor Squad 8x Intercessor 1x Intercessor Sergeant: Astartes grenade launcher, Power fist 1 1x Intercessor: Astartes grenade launcher ELITES Aggressor Squad 1x Aggressor Sergeant: 2x Auto boltstorm gauntlet, Fragstorm grenade launcher 2x Aggressor: 2x Auto boltstorm gauntlet, Fragstorm grenade launcher Aggressor Squad 1x Aggressor Sergeant: 2x Auto boltstorm gauntlet, Fragstorm grenade launcher 2x Aggressor: 2x Auto boltstorm gauntlet, Fragstorm grenade launcher Bladeguard Veteran Squad 4x Bladeguard Veteran 1x Bladeguard Veteran Sergeant Primaris Apothecary Redemptor Dreadnought Icarus rocket pod, Macro plasma incinerator Victrix Honour Guard 2x Victrix Honour Guard FAST ATTACK Inceptor Squad 1x Inceptor Sergeant: 2 X Plasma exterminator 4x Inceptor: 2 X Plasma exterminator HEAVY SUPPORT Eradicator Squad 2x Eradicator 1x Eradicator Sergeant DEDICATED TRANSPORT Impulsor Ironhail heavy stubber, Shield dome STRATAGEMS Exemplar of the Chapter (1CP) Hero of the Chapter (1CP) Total Command Points: 5/15 Reinforcement Points: 10 Total Points: 1990/2000
I'm haven't played 40k before but have been collecting and painting some space marines during lock down. So am looking to start small in 500pt matches and work my way up so I was wondering if this would be a good ultramarines list. The only squad on the list I don't currently own is the vanguard vets. HQ - Captain in phobos armour - 95 pts Troops - Intercessors x5 - 100 pts Elites - Invictor Tactical Warsuit w/ Twin ironhail auto cannon - 160pts - Vanguard veteran squad - 145pts - Sergeant w/ relic blade + ss - Lightning claw + ss x2 - Twin lightning claw x2 Total 500 pts
So I finally got round to having a proper look at rejigging things for the new edition, new codex, and FAQ. Eschewing vehicles completely here apart from Dreadnought - Marching for Macragge! (oh and riding a few bikes...) ULTRAMARINES - 2000 POINTS ARMY - 9 CPs with 1 extra relic and 2 extra traits HQ Chapter Master in Gravis armour (Warlord: Adept of the Codex) (Exemplar of the Chapter: Master of Strategy) (Angel Artifice) - 155 Tigurius - 135 TROOPS 5 Intercessors (Bolt Rifles, Power Fist) - 110 5 Intercessors (Bolt Rifles, Power Fist) - 110 5 Infiltrators - 120 ELITES Primaris Chief Apothecary (Selfless Healer) (Seal of Oath) - 95 Victrix Guard - 70 5 Terminators (Heavy Flamer, Teleport Homer) - 200 Contemptor Dreadnought (Multi-Melta) - 150 Redemptor Dreadnought (Heavy Gatling Cannon, Gatling Cannon, Icarus Pod, 2 x Storm Bolter) - 180 FAST ATTACK 5 Marine Bikes (Chainswords, Multi-melta) - 175 5 Marine Bikes (Chainswords, Multi-melta) - 175 HEAVY SUPPORT 3 Eradicators (2 x Heavy Melta Rifle, Multi-Melta) - 155 5 Hellblasters (Assault Plasma Incinerators) - 165 The 'command group' of CM, Tiggy, Apothecary and Victrix will all synergise and buff each other and the Heavy Support, and act as the central lynchpin and firebase. Dreads can support the Intercessors in getting objectives; Termies can reinforce the Infiltrators. Bikes and Termies can give mobile support where needed and provide the mobile options that the lynchpin lacks Hoping I have a good mix of dakka, plasma and melta spread around. All comments gratefully received!
2k Batallion Ventris -warlord Primaris chaplain -exhortation of rage -benediction of fury 10 intercessors -bolt rifle -power fist 10 intercessors -bolt rifle power fist 10 intercessors -auto bolt rifle -thunderhammer 10 intercessors -auto bolt rifle -thunderhammer 10 intercessors -stalker bolt rifle 10 intercessors -stalker bolt rifle command squad (kind of) bladeguard veteran squad (3) bladeguard ancient primaris apothecary eradicator sqaud eradicator sqaud
Greetings all! Getting back into the hobby after a long hiatus and decided to finally order up some minis and give it a go. I decided to start with a small, mostly Phobos force, as the playstyle is attractive to me -- I like focusing on maneuver, feints, etc. My chapter, The Illuminators, is a UM successor, but I'm not sure if I want to just CTRL+C their tactics or build my own. Any advice on this would be appreciated. The basic plan for this force is fairly straightforward: Pre-game: pick progressive, objective-based secondary objectives like "Raise the Banners" and "Domination" Deployment: 1) Drop one Infiltrator squad each on midfield objectives. 2) Forward-deploy Invictor aggressively to threaten screened characters or heavy-hitting units. 3) Put captain with Eliminators so they can take advantage of his aura, preferably on home objective if lines of sight are okay. 4) Use "Rapid Deployment" to shift Invictor if I lose first turn, and shift third infiltrator squad to threatened objective. During game: 1) Use Invictor and Invaders to harass enemy backfield and try to take out anything scary early. 2) Infiltrators camp on objectives while Eliminators deal with characters or heavy infantry units. 3) Basic strategy is to concede 1 out of the four objectives and double down on holding the three grabbed early. 4) Libby just makes a nuisance of himself by using obscuration to make camping infiltrators un-targetable (assuming Invaders and Invictor are still forward deployed being annoying) and/or using "Temporal Tunnel" (?) to shift forces to objectives as needed. Overall, I think I like the synergies of this list, but would love some feedback, specifically:Do I have enough bodies? Is my almost complete lack of CC an issue at this points level? Are there strategems or abilities that I'm overlooking? How would you expand this list to 1500? Do I have enough AT for 1000 pts.? Too much? Should I drop the libby and get a Phobos Lt. for second HQ? Would give all my troops rerolls on 1s to hit AND wound. Would also free up 20 points to give remaining 2 Infil. units Helix Gauntlets to improve resilience. Thanks all! Illuminators 1000 Vanguard Battalion Det. Adeptus Astartes - Incursion - Eternal War ( 3CP - 1000PT - 0PT ) Adeptus Astartes Battalion Detachment ( 3CP - 1000PT ) HQ Captain in Phobos Armour (95) Librarian in Phobos Armour (100) TROOPS Infiltrator Squad (135) 1x Infiltrator: Infiltrator comms array 1x Infiltrator: Helix gauntlet 1x Infiltrator Sergeant 2x Infiltrator Infiltrator Squad (125) 1x Infiltrator: Infiltrator comms array 1x Infiltrator Sergeant 3x Infiltrator Infiltrator Squad (125) 1x Infiltrator: Infiltrator comms array 1x Infiltrator Sergeant 3x Infiltrator ELITES Invictor Tactical Warsuit (160): Incendium Cannon FAST ATTACK Invader ATV Squad (85): Multi-melta Invader ATV Squad (85): Multi-melta HEAVY SUPPORT Eliminator Squad (90) 1x Eliminator Sergeant 2x Eliminator Total Command Points: 3/6 Reinforcement Points: 0 Total Points: 1000/1000