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Gang, I've created a little Tier Listing of our Space Wolves units as an additional resource for The Fang. This was vetted with a few other competitive Space Wolves players, as well as a couple other competitive players that do not play Space Wolves, but who have played games against them in 8e. This Tier List can be used in conjunction with the Buying Guide, to help inform new and existing players on where to focus their resources. You will notice that I only included a handful of available Forgeworld models; there are way too many options to evaluate, when you open it up to everything that FW offers to Marines, but there were a few notable standout Dreadnought options that I wanted to include. I also didn't not include any of the Characters. When you start to list out all of the different ways you can field them, it gets a little unwieldy (for example: Wolf Lord, Wolf Lord in Phobos Armor, Wolf Lord with Jump Pack, Wolf Lord on Thunderwolf, Wolf Lord in Terminator Armor, etc., etc.). Although we can certainly discuss the Top Tier character options within this thread. Hope this is helpful, Val
Ola mi amigos. I had an epiphany while searching for infos, that an overview thread were we post our special units to easen writing and to avoid tooo similar descriptions. Not sure if we should put rules in this thread. I thought if every legion post his units and I add them to the first post and sort them legionwyse. Here an example would be cool if we keep that form. We could add prefered weapon and if cc or longrange combat. Breacher etc. XIIth Legion: The Wardens of Light 1. Sìtheadair (Pacifier) Best of the best when it comes to CC-Units from the Wardens of Light. They are the personal bodyguard of the primarch and a army in its own. Equipped with dual chainsaberstaffs ( sometimes with tonfas) and wrist mounted flamers or melter, they can make the.difference.and win a battle for you. Their pariahtrait works as.if they were equipped with antiwarp grenades and in battle they switch betweem offensive and defensive stances. Only members of the Wardens can join them who awakened the pariah gene by themselves, which means though death. 2.Coimheadair(Guardians): There role on the battlefield is primarily to protect their brethen from harm caused by psykers or daemonic entities. They protect arcane artefact from warp attacks. They focus their powers into the device and every comheadair creates a null shields protecting those around him. Seldom do they fight actively but they are equipped with energyweapons. Even if they hit slow, when they hit, they hit hard. 3. Storm Blast: An elite unit already established before they were reunited with their primarch, the storm blast are expert marksmen and trained in the usage of heavy weapons in a way, that it seems as if they could shoot around corners and hit targets nobody else sees. They are even able to use their weapons with jumppacks to quickly change their positions and attack from different angles. Although they sacrifice their precision for range. XIIIth Legion: Eagle Warriors 1. Jaguar Toa- The most elite close combat (and ranged) terminator unit from the Eagle Warriors. They are trained with their special terminator armor (wich is specifically designed for movement and speed) for special use of Aztekii longswords and hammers. They are all armed with power javelin launchers, and have a fully operational optic targeting system for both range and close combat. They are entirely made of veterans or very promising and strong recruits. They embody the nobility that the legion once had, and during the insurrection, become a very powerful and feared deamon unit. (The Jaguar Toa, besides the Aztekis circle, were the only warriors in the thirteenth legion allowed to wear or carry a jaguar pelt, wich was made with both real jaguar skin, and interwoven adamantium wire.) 2. Eagle hunters- A specialized unit of heavy hitting veteran close combat jetbike marines. The 28th wing of the first company was filled with these fearless warriors. The Eagle Hunters were only used (in conjunction with the Kaskuta) if the need was at its greatest, as the Eagle Hunters were made to act like executioners, and never backed down from killing anyone or anything that opposed them. They are armed with heavy reinforced, and plasma armed jetbikes, made for heavy assault, and all marines carry an Aztekii long maul or axe or lance, to wreak as much damage as possible. 3. Kaskuta- These are degenerative assalt marines that are nothing more than malicious maniacs. They care not for what side they kill, as long as they are allowed to shed the blood of the "unworthy". These warriors are fuelled by the many many many drugs from the medicine men, they are also primarily test subjects for both cognitive and psychological tests, and ofcourse, drug tests. They all carry lightweight breaching shields, and all carry either chain glaives, or other styles of axes and chain weapons. They usually barely resemble units, and during the insurrection, they become very akin to khorne bersekers.
Hey pack, I just picked up a Primaris Librarian from my flgs relatively cheap and turned him wolf (pics soon, when I resurrect my plog). This might be a bit of an untimely discussion, as things might change very soon. But still... what are your favourite Rune Priest builds (normal/ njall/ "jötunn" (
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