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  1. This thread is to index the many threads I have (and will have) to detail the background details of my whole chaos collection, as I plan to outline my homebrew background for my Chaos Collection (A mix of Demonic cohorts, Renegade Guard and a few groups of space marines). In many ways this is the companion thread to my WIP thread in the Forge Section of this site. Feel free to comment at any time, I would love feedback. I have never done something like this before so please excuse my overuse of tropes, spelling and grammar… and all the other mistakes I make. == Index of Threads == The Cohort of Bloodied Brass Uverons Iron Warriors The rest of this thread will be dedicated to detailing the Obsidian Rift, which is the area of space that my forces call home, and reports and stories for the whole ‘Black Crusade’ The following are the links to my Posts that are the core of the ‘Fiction’ (Not just my responces to comments) == Index to Key Posts == == Obsidian Rift ==
  2. The following will be details about my Iron Warriors force it still is in the very early stages of creation. The full index for all the parts of the Black Crusade can be found at this thread. This thread is for the creation of background for the Primary company of my Iron warriors at the hart of the Black Crusade. I am not currently looking to create a classic IA style document for this group as iam trying to write the story for them first. But that will be my eventual aim. == Table of Content == Coming soon. == Time Timeline of the Core Company == 2.843.M30- Siege of Incaladion: Battleforged a group of survivors of the IVth Legion form into a single platoon. 2.848.M30- The Decimation: Perturabo orders the death of 1 in 10 of the whole Legion, followed by the Meratara campaign. Following this the platoon is reduced to one unit. 2.850.M30- The Squad is deployed to a mining world alongside a large deployment of Adeptus Mechanicus, during the deployment the unit is tasked with building fortifications for the mines and help to defend the works from Ork attacks. 2.900.M30- The Fortification, became home to a training detachment for the IVth Legion, and was upgraded to include the facilities for the creation of new space marines. Over time the Garrison grew with command of the operation resting firmly in the command of the original members. Because of this Facility becomes home to key Logistical responsibilities for the Legion. Attacks from Orks and other Xenos slowly erode the moral of the Legion based at the Fortification. 3.004.M31- Olympia erupts in revolution, the Company are given the task to ensure that the near by sectors are supplied and resources can be sent to Olympia when needed. 3.005.M31- The Heresy, It was not by the command of Horus that the Fortification turned against the imperium but the Schism of Mars. As the Mechanicus rejected the idea that the Emperor was the machine god, the Garrison also felt there faith in the imperium crumble. And as news of the rebellion reach the Fortification it was quickly decided that the forces would side with Horus and continued to supported the war effort. 3.006.M31- As news of the dropsite massacre reached the fortification, any pretence of loyalty to the imperium was dropped, a few loyalists that where on the planet had been dealt with and work had began to increase the defense of the Fortification. 0.014.M31- Following the end of the Siege of Battle of Terra. A contingent of retreating forces joined the Garrison these forces were a mix of Iron Warriors, and Death Guard with A Cabal of Thousand Sons. As a force of Imperial Fists arrived to lay siege to the Fortification these renegade forces were integrated into the Company. 3.016.M31- After a 17 month Siege, the Company Carries out an elaborate escape, with all but 20 warriors leaving the Fortification the Company flees for the ‘Dark Marches’. The Sacrifice of this Squad is something that is still talked about to in the M41 9.050.M31- The Company and their Mechanicus alies start raids into imperial space from the new stronghold within the ‘Dark Marches’. Over the following years the slowly build a citadel and with the use of technology taken with them in the heresy they start to expand their numbers. 9.099.M31- The Citadel is assaulted by a Xenos Race(Necrons) following the Dark Mechanicus investigations of the ruins on the planet. Eventually the Company left the Dark Marches and headed into the Imperium. 4.001.M32- the Company assaults the Imperial world of Vaugn 7. An Industrial world based around the extraction and processing of fuel and chemicals. The Planet only had a small PDF and detachment of Mechanicus forces that were quickly destroyed by a number of carefully planned engagements by the company. They then set about building fortifications as they started to ‘recover’ all the industrial materials on the planet. 2.003.M32- A Response from the Warriors of Ultramar Chapter arrived in the form of their 3rd and 4th companies assaulted Vaugn 7, after a number of apparently significant victories the two chapters were drawn into a number of sieges. This had all been the plan of the Chaos Sorcerer [insert Name], with the Warriors of Ultramar’s devotion to the Codex it had been possible to predict their actions. This did not guarantee victory by any means but it did mean that the Warriors of Ultramar were forced to fight the Iron Warriors on their own terms. And despite Huge losses of Renegades/Cultists the Iron Warriors were able to turn the tables on the Warriors of Ultramar and destroy them to a man. Quickly Following this the salvaged any usable part from the world and the Warriors of Ultramar, took the local population as slaves and left the system. 3.010.M32- The Iron Warriors force assaults the Imperial Fleets base of operations in the Avritt sector. A swift assault led by terminators and deathclaw assault boats the orbital facilities are quickly captured as are a number of ships and goods. The Dark Mechanicus worked quickly to secure some heretical devices to the Facilities and suddenly the whole structure disappears into the warp. 2.012.M32- Iron Warriors assault the Imperial Industrial world of Chiles #02. Without warning the Iron Warriors fleet arrived in orbit of the world. They quickly establish a blockade of the planet and with the help of the Dark Sorcerers in the company they cut communications with the rest of the Imperium. They quickly secured the orbital defence facilities and with the captured equipment from the Avritt sector they bombard the planet below for a number of months. 3.014.M32- The Company Fortifies the world sets about turning the world into the Fortress world. Whole Continents are turned into mine-fields and a single citadel is built protected by void shields and miles upon miles of defence lines. 2.017.M32- An Imperial Cruiser and escorts are destroyed upon arrival in the Chiles sector a brief communication back to sectorium command is interpreted as having rebelled plans are drawn up to bring the sector back into compliance. 2.023.M32- The Imperial response finally arrives in the guise of a Black Templar Crusade, and after a number of large orbital battles they are to secure a ‘beach head’ on the planet of Chiles. The war between the Black Templars and the Iron warriors continues for ten long years of trench warfare. 3.030.M32- At the height of the campaign the Marshal of the Crusade clashes in a duel with the Warsmith, the warsmith is finally victorious and as a reward for the Marshals death the Warsmith ascends to deamonhood. This act starts a rupture in the materium and gateways to the warp open.. as daemons poor out across the planet the Iron Warriors and the Elite of their Axillary forces make their escape into the warp following the ascended Warsmith. 2.034.M32- With the loss of the command and control provided by the Company the war turns in the favour of the Crusade, and the sector is brought back into compliance within two years. The Planet itself is abandoned until it is re-settled in M40. 9.040.M32- The Company establishes itself on the Medrengard, It builds a small fortification and pays homage to Perturabo, and joins his preparations for his revenge. The Company takes on recruits and re-supplies 9.400.M32- The Company leaves the Warp with Perturabo on his strike to the forgeworld of Toil, The Company leaves the main force on the orders of Perturabo to strike against the an Eldar exodite world. The initial strike against the unprepared exodites, went well and the Company started to build a network for fortifications around a number of key sites of natural resorces the company were to recover.
  3. So kicking this thread into new life; I have decided that its time I get my home crafted background in order for my Black Crusade the Cohort of Bloodied Brass is one part of this Crusade. The full index for all the parts of the Black Crusade can be found at this thread. This thread is for the creation of background for the Demonic warband, Cohort of Bloodied Brass. I am not looking to create a classic IA style document for this group. But will be more a collection of reports that tell the story of this Demonic threat. == ++ Transmission start ++ ++ Date- 2. 860.998.M41++ ++ Inquisitor Odeas’s Report on the Aaltheron VI ++ ++ To Lord Inquisitor Xilan ++ ++ From Inquisitor Valon ++ My Lord, Attached is a report from the now renegade Inquisitor Tadeas’s initial investigation of the φλ-class World Aeltheron VI, and the reasons he and his acolytes departed for this world. I have attached the unrestricted report.. ++ Report 1 ++ The Planet of Aeltheron VI, and the system of Aeltheron can be found in Segmentum Obscurus, on the edge of sector #34.57.B, within the subsector known as ‘The Obsidian Rift’. [see Additional Report]. The following is the time line of events that led to my investigation. 450.900.M39 the Rogue Trader House Xalexus, informed The Segmentum Command that they had finished surveying the system of Aeltheron, and finding nothing of value they were not invoking the charter to claim any of the wealth. 500.910.M39, a Group from the Pioneer Corps of the Departmento Munitorum was dispatched along with a force raised from the Astra Militarum to bring the φλ-class World into the Imperium. Reports sent by the Rogue Trader House Xalexus referenced a world with a nomadic populous with a pre-industrial technological base. 560.913.M39, after a number of successful years securing the population a rebellion had started on one small part of the world, a request for more supplies and regiments was requested. Segmentum command dispatched a token force of additional units, along with a resources supplied by the Ecclesiarchy 670.914.M39, Contact was lost with the expeditionary force following an increase in warp activity in the area. Segmentum command declared the sub-sector to be quarantined, and requested that a larger expedition be launched to find out what happened. This request has been denied. It was at this point that I decided that an agent of the Inquisition was required to look into these events of this. I suspected the work of Chaos, as such my initial investigation would be an interrogation of creatures from warp from that local area. I traveled to just outside of the restricted space and summoned a lesser daemon into a repentant sinner. At this point I started my integration. Over the following days my “informant” declared that he was a servant of ‘Dhatlogos the Prince of Bloodied Brass’ and a part of his personal Cohort. It was at this point that I interrogated for more information about this Prince of Bloodied Brass. The following is a summary of what I found, or deduced. Dhatlogos, was once a mortal man on the human settlement on Aeltheron VI. When the System was embraced by Warp Storms at the start of the age of strife the civilization found on the planet slowly collapsed. Dhatlogos found himself at the head of a horde of ‘techno-barbarians’, his savagery and bloodlust was like a beacon in the warp and he soon became a champion to the Chaos god Khorne. Over the years and then decades of never ending war over the ruins of the planet, he ascended to deamonhood. It was at this point he was gifted a Cohort of lesser daemons of Khorne that follow his command. A number of times, Dhatlogos have traveled though the warp to other warzones to kill in the name of his god. But he is worshiped as a god by the remnants of humanity found on Aeltheron VI, so he frequently returns there. As do other servants of chaos wishing to gain his aid… or oppose him.” It was at this point I pushed him for more information about other notable members of his Cohort. “Other than Dhatlogos, there are 8 others who pose a level of individuality of noting. The first group and his ‘Brass Guard,’ 3 fellow ascended mortals who form his loyal body guard. Vast slabs of flesh and brass these monsters. All owe their loyalty to Dhatlogos directly who has bound them all to his will, each a mortal champion from the ruination of Althorn VI. Leading the Demonic Creatures themselves a Pair of Heralds command the forces one is known as the Herald of Wrath, the other is know as the Herald of Fury. It should be noted that these creatures are also the present to ensure loyalty to Kharneth the Lord of Blood and Brass. Thought his trusted captain Kal’ha’varus a Bloodthirster of the Third Host. Another Individual of note is the High Priest of Brass; he is a mortal man located on Aeltheron VI but he leads the mortals who worship Dhatlogos and is able to open the ‘Gates of Blood’ and summon the Cohort at times of need”, The final two individuals are the High Priest of Gore, and the so called ‘Ironclad’. The High Priest of Gore was the opposite of the High Priest of Brass but was recently killed in the conflict on Aeltheron VI. After checking with a number of tomes of record, I have also deduced that the Cohort of Bloodied Brass has been in a number of conflicts with the Imperium over its history. It appears that it was present at the first war of Armageddon, and there are indicators that they have recently become tied to a warband of Iron Warriors operating in the local area, reports of the nature of the forces are limited and hard to distiquish, but a prevalence of demonic engines are noted, but how this relates with other alliances the cohort has is as of yet unclear. At this point, I and my retinue are en route to Aeltheron VI to see what we can discover about the ill-fated expedition. In The Emperors name. Inquisitor Odeas’s ++End++
  4. Greetings all. This is a thread dedicated to my efforts to build a GIANT Chaos Crusade consisting of 3 Chaos Space Marine War bands, a number of Renegade forces, and a Host of Daemons. I had been running this Plog on another forum (Heresy Online), but following some Tec issues the site had I couldn’t reliably access it (aka, work blocked it following some issues with add wear). Anyway the thread was called Uveron’s Iron warriors, and will have more conversations about the development of this force. The first post in this thread, is a VERY LONG Re-conditioned post from my archive detailing this year’s push for progress in 40K. (Please excuse the English in these posts, I only speak English, but some days… that’s debatable, and when editing the syntax of these posts, bits may have slipped though.) == First Complete Model of 2015. Painted up the First Tank, A bit of a Test I then played with some weathering powders, to try and make it look even better I think I like the powders, just needed to get a bit more practice in on them. It does make the tanks look dirty, which is nice. == Next up I sat down and got 20 Iron Warriors together, a few Dark Vengeance Marines, a few parts from my ‘Back in the Day collection’ (the havoc) and some resin parts with CSM and 'zerker kits. From this I was able to build a CSM Squad and a unit of Chosen.. A start. [Photo link broke when Hosting Site died]
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