As some of you probably know I have been here on the BnC fr a while now, and my focus has always been the Space Wolves, whether it be in 40K or 30K..
More recently I have been working on my 30K force, which was always meant to be compatible for use in 40K. This has nt changed much, however I am looking forward to working on Heresy HQ units. I m hoping that they can inject a little flavour to my army. For a long while nobody knew how the Wolves would look in the 31st millennium so I kept them pretty basic, and used the story "Wolf at the Doors" as my inspiration, where the Wolves set aside many of their pelts trinkets etc in favour of a more professional look.
Anyhoo the reason you are here and some advice is sought for a lot of this
Last nights tinkering.
20170812_105637 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr
20170812_105646 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr
20170812_105700 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr
Moritat pretty much done bar the cabling and filling on the left hip. Need to add some wolf bits to his knee pad
20170812_105716 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr
20170812_105737 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr
20170812_105757 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr
Hvarl is slowly getting there. I think he is starting to look a little top heavy and not sure about the twin drums on his HB. Really need some guidance on where to go wit this one. Enthusiasm is cooling off.
20170812_105817 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr
20170812_105839 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr
Legion champion based off of Loken and he MK3 command set
20170812_105852 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr
Was originally going to go with caster of Runes, but thinking Speaker of the dead. Dropped the spear and will o with crozius or axe... Thoughts?? Needs a pelt or 2 maybe swap head for Ulriks or even try to do a chop job and apply the helm of Russ. Need ideas for left arm!!
20170812_105916 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr
20170812_105928 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr
20170812_105941 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr
20170812_105954 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr
4 Varagyr fleshed out have an idea for the 4th but run out of claws...
20170812_110011 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr
20170812_110020 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr
20170812_110028 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr
Thegn/ Praetor to lead Varagyr. Always loved the imagery of the Varagyr swathed in pelts and carrying great harpoon/spears. So decided to pinch this from the Priest. Kept him similarly armed to the Varagyr, but may strap a combi-weapon to his side for versatility.. Thoughts?
20170812_110055 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr
20170812_110103 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr
20170812_110112 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr
Thegn for the tartaros. Do I ditche the banner idea and leave the pose so he is eting readyto smash someone or keep him as a bnner bearer so he could be a commad squad member. He has Polux's combi melta, but the banner stops me giving hi a chain fist (could change to claw though).
Tartaros squad are plasma blaster and chainfist + 3x combi-melta and chainFist or 3x combi plasma and chain fist
What do you think?
20170812_110125 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr
20170812_110135 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr
Gun for the vigilator, just deciding if I want old-school scout pack or heavy loaded with a recon pack.
What do you reckon?