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  1. This is a major WIP still and currently I have been working on it on and off for most of the past few months. The colours of the chapter will be bone armour, blue as a secondary colour and gold accents. The marines will be converted to have some aspects added which I am still yet to decide on. However the main feel/look I am going for is a celtic/slavic vibe with draconic features. aspects I have thought of for their look is scales on the armour (draped over or as apart of the armour), totemic items that link back to their homeworld culture, bones or other items as trophies from hunts, rune engravings (which is highly likely on the librarians and chaplains) and they will mainly wield spears and hammeraxes as melee weapons. I have included Librarians and Chaplains into the description as they play important roles within the chapter itself. Successors of the White Scars and apart of the Ultima Founding. Despite the youth of the chapter they have adopted a new step into the trials. One that is not a test of the aspirant but a part of the trials all the same. This new step occurs at the end of an aspirant's trials. It is unknown if this step does anything for the marine or it’s merely a placebo effect because no matter the marine they always feel tied to their clan and family which bolsters their morale. This step is from the culture of their homeworld. They have adopted the drinking of the “Dragons Fire”, a fiery alcoholic drink that's meant to mimic the hot breath of the beasts that once called their homeworld home. It’s an act of the denizens of their homeworld to mark a coming of age. It’s marked as being a part of the world where the now near extinct apex predator of their homeworld and a part of each other. While on their homeworld it is near extinct the beast exists on other planets of the solar system. There are a variety of subspecies; they all have aspects that unify them, a winged beast and their scales are as hard as ceramite and they can project bolts of heated plasma from their mouths. Customs of the Chapter On their homeworld the culture and customs of the native population and the recruits have resulted in impacts on the chapter as a whole. These range from minor cases such as the “Dragons Fire” a fiery drink that makes the coming of age for all to for more major impacts such as the adoption of a clan like structure. Each clan is self-governing and is for all purposes the equivalent of a company. This brings a great deal of unity among each clan and each person whether human or astartes they see them as family. Each clan handles its own recruitment, recruiting from different sections of the homeworld. After they have been trained by a sergeant they must undertake the first trial. The first testing the mind of the aspirant and their purity. Unlike some other chapters the chapter serfs must also pass this test. It is in this trial that they will face temptation if they pass they move onwards to serve the chapter or continue on with their trials. There are several other trials that take place after this which are reserved for aspirants on the path to become a space marine. While some of these are commonplace of the chapter others are unique to the clan. Once one has passed the trials set by each clan they move onto the final aspect of their trials. They are given the Dragons Fire in a coming of age ceremony. The final task of an aspirant is to hunt one of the draconis variants that inhabit several worlds in the solar system where their homeworld resides. Though this never occurs on the homeworld due to the draconis species being brought to near extinction. The only known members of the species native to the homeworld are kept by the chapter itself. Some do not return, succumbing to the beast they hunt. This has formed a chapter cult around this custom and the beasts they hunt. The eventual chapter marines often wear trophies from their hunt on their armour. This flows into wearing trophies from challenging hunts or fights, those they deemed worthy of remembrance. Unlike other chapters the pilots of their aircraft are not piloted only piloted by techmarines but some members of the clans who have proven themselves have been given the knowledge and skill to fly. Almost every marine wishes for this honour. This is the result of them idolizing the winged draconic beings of their home system and the desire to feel the rush of freedom that the aircraft gives. Much like how their progenitors desire the freedom given to them in the seat of a bike. This is carried on into the chapter's dislike for dreadnaughts. Every single marine views becoming one a fate worse than death. Knowing if they are trapped within one of these mechanical coffins they will never feel the freedom of being in the cockpit of an aircraft or voidcraft. Another way that the chapter has taken to venerating the winged draconic beings of their home system is the use of plasma weapons. This is due to the winged beasts firing bolts of plasma from their mouths. This has led to the chapter having a large stockpile of plasma equipment at their disposal. Company Organization Each company is known as a clan and is responsible for its own recruitment and management. This has led to the chapter being semi-feudal in nature. When an aspirant is taken in by one of the clans they are taken through the trials that are overseen by the clans librarians and chaplains. When a clan recruits they occasionally get those who are strong enough in psychic ability or wish to progress into the role of the chaplain, techmarine or apothecary they will remain within the clan though should the need arise they sometimes work as a part of other clans when they cannot do it themselves. Though they may act as a part of another clan their home is and always will be with their clan and view them as family. Much like a company of a chapter having its own areas, each clan has its own dedicated areas within the chapter's fortress monastery. This is very similar to how other companies would have theirs. However there are a few areas that each clan would have. This includes a small hall dedicated to honouring the members of the clan. This is separate from the great hall which is for the chapter as a whole. Finally each clan has its own dedicated crypt. However all other parts of the fortress monastery are for the chapter as a whole and is seen as such by all of the clans. It should also be noted that each clan holds a small holding within the location of the world where the clan was originally born. The clan will always try to recruit from this location before branching out to other worlds to recruit from. A clan will never recruit from another clan's grounds. Though recruitment from other worlds are shared among the chapter. However, unlike other chapters the space marines are often very close to the chapter serfs of their clan which they view as family and treat them as such. This has been frequently looked down upon and seen as a weakness by other chapters but the clan and chapter see this as a strength of unity. While they do not see the chapter serfs of other clans as family they do treat them with a great deal of respect and view them in a way as a stepfamily member. Librarians Before its rediscovery the population of psykers was not overly excessive but it was more common than other worlds of the imperium. This resulted in the development of a monk-like subculture. Much like the runepriests of the space wolves and the stormseers of their progenitor chapter they use the natural power of their homeworld. It’s this that serves as a limiting intermediary that protects them against the malign influences of the warp. Post rediscovery these practices were all but lost. However it was the founding of the chapter and discovery of the old monastery that reawakened the practice and its common place within the culture. The Librarians of the Draconis Invictors serve the chapter in numerous ways and their identity is spread out. As with all other recruits they are recruited by a clan and their first calling is often to that clan. Though with librarians they also remain in the chapter as a whole and occasionally have roots or some kind of connection to the monastic order. To the clan they serve as advisors, guide and teach initiates of the chapter the lore and history of the clan. When an initiate is first chosen a librarian is present at each of their trials. Except for their final one. To the chapter they undertake the role that librarians of all other chapters would undertake. The final role they undertake is their role within the monastic order of their homeworld. Due to the nature of the Librarians and their connection to each clan they are sometimes used interchangeably with chaplains. An example of this is if a space marine feels they are in need of guidance they can see the clans' chaplains or librarians for guidance; in rarer cases they may seek the guidance of both. This is due to the nature that each represents and they will often have different advice they can and will offer the space marine. A librarian will offer more practical advice while a chaplain will offer more spiritual advice. Chaplains Chaplains of the Draconis Invictors have a similar role within the chapter as the Librarians of the chapter; they still have a crucial role within the clan and the chapter as a whole. Like the librarians they are with the aspirant from day one. Unlike the Librarians whose roles have a strong focus on the homeworld culture the chaplains focus is on promoting the values of the chapter as a whole and the spiritual health of the marines. This includes veneration of the Emperor and the values of the draconis. Like the wolf priests of the space wolves the chaplains of the Draconis Invictors are known for having draconic skull helmets. Homeworld (Uber WIP) The Homeworld of the Draconic Invictors is known as Ormr and is classified as a Civilized World. It's a lush tropical world sporting a variety of dense jungles, floating mountain ranges that float in the air and coastal reefs. Before its rediscovery its religion revolved around the winged beasts in a totemic/shamanistic way and a monastic order of psykers was born on this world. Which was saved by the founding of a space marine chapter on the world and which progenitor had a positive view on psykers in a religious capacity. The technology of the world itself is on the level of Advanced Space or Warp Travel. Despite this type of world not being ideal for space marine chapter the culture of the population is one where warriors are idolized in history and a warrior culture was born on this planet.
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