Hi, RSJake here.
I had been posting on Dakka for years, but I have been mostly absent from the hobby for a long time. Just when I wanted to start posting again, I find I am blocked from Dakka at work, and since at work is pretty much the only time I have time to post (before and after work of course, never during the day ), I decided to start a thread here, where I am not yet blocked. I’ve been on B&C for several years, but only to lurk until now. I should clarify what “work” means since it will come up again, I live in the Lower 48 of the USA, but I work in Alaska 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off. I do most of my sculpting, converting and painting when up north as I have very little else to do before and after work.
I have always had a soft spot in my heart for Chaos, especially Khorne, but I got tired of painting berzerkers, and then I fell in love with the Word Bearers. And I fell hard. I decided to sell pretty much everything that couldn’t be used by WB’s or at least converted, or was already painted the wrong colors. Which will help fund the purchase of all the Horus Heresy era models you’ll be seeing eventually.
But to start things off, I want to show you the beginnings of my 40k Word Bearers army. I had some chosen, (the lame bolter ones) that I added melta barrels to and modified some of their armor so they didn’t all look like carbon copies. One of the things I hated about my Khorne army was the way I was painting them: basing red, then all of the bronze edging. What a pain. Then I was looking at these chosen, dreading painting them, and a thought hit me. It was like a revelation! Without all the burning of bushes and what-not…Anyway, I thought why not base the model in leadbelcher, and then paint the flat parts red? Wow! I know right? I know this might seem like heresy to some, but I am much better at painting the flat parts, and then going back and cleaning up the edging, so I tried one, and was blown away. I’ll show my color test model, and then I’ll show a more or less step by step. The one big issue, when I went home, I didn’t have leadbelcher, so I used Vallejo “Steel” air paint for my airbrush, which is WAY brighter. But since the majority of my army is now “steel”, I’m going with that, so they’ll be a bit brighter, but will work I think.
TLDR; I started a Word Bearers Army, this is how it’s starting:
Paint scheme test:
The pictures are a bit washed out, the rest are better, I swear!
These 2 pictures are only the color test to see if I liked it, I did. I also have the powerfist chosen as the squad champion, the color scheme is much lighter, but I think it still looks good.
The next pictures show the progression of my painting.
Base in leadbelcher (after these test models, all are Vallejo Air Color "Steel":
Then, Vallejo Air "Fire Red" and Zandri Dust and then Ushtabi Bone on the parchment:
Army Painter Strong Tone wash on most of the model, Soft Tone on the parchment:
Then I highlight the larger area of the red with Vallejo Air "Italian Red", and of course touch ups on the paint.
And here is the early work on the Champ, you can see he is much lighter than the others.
I have been working on these models since these pictures, but for a beginning, what do you all think?
Thanks for stopping by,