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  1. Hello and welcome to the Neurode Crusade's Keep! This is my second attempt at a WIP thread in this section of the forum. I pronounce the first one dead - all of the images were hosted by Photobucket and many of us know how this turned out. However, technical issues are not the only reason why a fresh thread is justified. My approach to the hobby has changed and I have started doing things with my models. Before that, with few exceptions, the only thing I did was to hoard more models to meet a crusade composition I imagined, but did not control. That is why matters got out of hand quickly and the number of models swelled considerably. The miniatures were tucked into countless scattered boxes. This is no longer! Over the last month and a half, I appointed my Power Armour Marines to squads and/or "functions" and organised my bits. The way ahead of me is long, but I am finally able to see progress and hope. For a good start, I'll leave share this photo of the larger part of my PA Crusaders. In addition to 205 Marines (including 30 jump packs), I have 25 models in scout armour, 49 in TDA,17 bikers, over two dozen vehicles and a Freeblade Imperial Knight. Disclaimer: for the foreseeable future, no Primaris are allowed! And here is a sample of my painting skills. These models represent my current table-top standard (or I should probably add "overall standard," since I'm not able to produce better quality painting factoring in time-per-painted-miniature that I find acceptable). I am going to update this thread as regularly as possible - i.e. every time I manage to do something meaningful, like a completed kitbash/conversion, painted model, finished squad or reasonable progress in a larger project. All and any questions, comments or requests are mostly welcome!
  2. A brotherhood of knights known today as the Neurode Crusade, over the last few decades, underwent a series of changes leading to its present day composition. The changes centre on the figure of Marshall Arthur, the current Marshall of the Crusade. At present, the Neurode crusade's forces are divided. While a pursuit force lead by Marshall Arthur and an accompanying Inquisitor is after a traitor governor who left the Neurode forge world in ruin, the bulk of the Crusade rebuilds its strength in a newly established chapter keep after sustaining considerable loses in a series of violent war campaigns. This thread, as many others of this kind, is a mess. You'll find here successful, suspended and abandoned attempts at converting models and scratch building. You'll find WIP shots and images of painted miniatures. There is also some fluff out there, which hopefully will one day be expanded to form a chronicle of the Neurode Crusade's feats. In order to do something with the mess, I'll be links to important posts here. My approach to painting black - a tutorial; part 1 - general stuff Marshall Arthur, conversion work Black Templars Marshal, Arthur - painted miniature Neurode mechanised Scratchbuilt Neurode-pattern Vindicator Lady Inquisitor WIP and finished model Venerable Dreadnought Neurode Crusaders +++ Below you will find a detailed overview of the Neurode crusade's notable battles. +++PART 1+++ The Otmar Intervention Still a Sword Brother, Arthur was appointed command of a minor, 35-man strong (including a Dreadnought and a 5 TDA Sword Brethren), Black Templar strike force. They were ordered to support Imperial forces on Otmar. Thereon, the safety of a sacred shrine of the Emperor was threatened by an Ork raiding party of unknown size. Planetary radars located an incoming Ork vessel and the local officials sent distress signals. Because of its location and insignificance, Otmar did not have a military force and had little chances of defending against the incoming Orks. The defenders of the planet were but a small, underequipped militia, mustered from the more zealous civilians and local priests. The plea for help was answered by a nearby Black Templar vessel. Arthur’s force landed in time to bolster local defences and, most importantly, secure the safety of the shrine located on a rise in Walhaim, the biggest city of the planet. The Ork shuttle crashed on the surface of Otmar on the outskirts of Walgaim just a few hours after the Black Templars landed. Arthur assigned 10 Initiates, a Dreadnought and some of the local forces to defend the immediate proximity of the shrine. Meanwhile, he lead a pre-emptive attack. Unfortunately, as the Orks need no time to organize, they already managed to brake the militia’s defences of Walhaim. Fighting the scattered Ork forces was tiresome. The greenskins posed no threat, nor were they a worthy challenge for the fearsome Crusaders. However, the crashed vessel was not the only inbound Orkish craft. Somehow two other, larger vessels remained undetected until it was too late. The cumbersome, mutilated chunks of metal entered Otmar’s atmosphere. This time the greenskins were lead by a Warboss. Seeing what was left of the first wave of attackers, the brute became furious. He lead a swift strike on the city, much more organized than the previous formless assault. Orks used their numbers to their advantage and were pushing the defenders back, deeper into the city. Even the might of the Astartes, stretched thin among the kilometres of breaking defence lines, proved to be insufficient. Arthur ordered all his man back to the shrine to prevent desecration of the holy place. The remaining forces of the human militia, at first hesitant to leave their homes to be ravaged by the scattered parties of the green horde, joined the Marines. Eager to fight the finest of the Imperium, the Warboss gathered a significant force of Orks and ordered a brutal onslaught on the defenders’ donjon. The joint Black Templars’ and militia’s forces repelled the initial push and two consecutive ones; yet, the defenders, especially the militia, suffered great losses. However, the Ork’s numbers were greatly diminished. In the third attack on the shrine, the Warbass was slain. The rest of his kin, leaderless, discouraged and broken, scattered. The shrine was secured. Walhaim was ruined, though. The remains of the defenders, assisted by fresh units of militia from other settlements, dealt with the scattered Ork survivors. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ORIGINAL POST: The thread description says it all: this will be my WIP thread in which I'll be posting (hopefully regularly) pictures of my endeavours to expand my Crusade and convert different pieces in my collection. Unfortunately I can't do anything for the ETL competition, because my pledged units aren't where I am. But I can devote myself to my new-found passion: making plasticard models. For the time being, I'm suspending my Thunderhawk project: I just want to make a smaller plasticard model to see whether I'm capable of making a decent looking craft. For starters, my cheap Vindicator (which I'll vow in ETL when I'm done with my rhinos & razorback). Here is a raw overwiew of what I have so far. http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/9049/p1050937zs.jpg And the cannon: http://img705.imageshack.us/img705/1724/p1050933c.jpg How do you like the look of the cannon? I did it according to the templates which I've found, but it is not as wide as in the original model. Does it look okay, or would you advise me to make it wider, more like in the original?
  3. So after a break I have decided to start a Black Templar army. I painted up a 500 point force for a small Fate of Konor tournament and fell in love with how the models looked on the battlefield. The time spent researching the fluff a couple weeks before the tourney was the most fun and obsessive thing I have had with 40k in several years. So, every good story needs a starting point, here is my crusades story. (bit rough, still fleshing out the details) The Ventros Crusade, led by Marshall Alderic Jamil Ventros is a rogue inquisitor responsible for the Cartalu VII massacre. A backwater world, Cartalu VII's population was massacred over the course of two weeks in an attempt by Ventros to gain favor with the Chaos gods. It was by happenstance that Marshall Alderic's ship received a faint distress signal and investigated. After receiving no word from planetary defense forces a small force of 50 crusaders was deployed to the planet surface. The force was decimated, tortured, and sacrificed to the Chaos gods. One initiate was able to escape and send word back to Alderic, before succumbing to his wounds. Alderic immediately moved to engage Ventros' ship. After a brief firefight Ventros was able to escape into the warp without Alderic's forces able to pursue. Alderic then declared that the Ventros Crusade would bring vengence to this rogue inquisitor. Due to Ventros' willingness to sell many Imperial secrets and his psychic ability for prescience he has evaded the Crusade for several years and never seems to find a lack of soldier be it foul xenos or heretics. Marshall Alderic is closing in though, and vows that he will slay this enemy of the Emperor and show that heresy will never escape justice.
  4. I played a 1500pt game last night and Used the High Marshal for the first time! I loved it. He really made my Land Raider crusader quite nasty :) re rolls to hit are awesome. His +1 str ability helped my crusader squad mop up things in combat. And he is 6 wounds, so he survived quite nicely against a lot of things until he was felled by necron gauss. I paired him up with a lieutenant for the re roll wounds. Now, in the future I think my Lieutenant will be my warlord and give him the storm of fire warlord trait so that the LRC can have some more AP goodness. Anyhow, I just wanted to say that I have been playing my Dark Eldar alot, and it was rather refreshing to run the good ol templars again. My original love, my main army... :D
  5. HI All, Decided I'll let you all in on my latest endevours. It's not much, RL keeps me rather busy (study, family life), but slowly and steadilly we're getting back in the hobby. Rcently I dug up a squad of terminators. They are the first plastic ones GW produced and I believe a free blackreach termie. I started to templarise them. Here are some pics. Sorry for the crappy cell phone pics, my camera died on me. Templarification in progress: Some tabbards and a lot of purity seals. Those didn't show up on the phone pics. Made a mould to see if I could make maltese crosses out of green stuff. Worked reasonably well, looks better in RL then on pic. Hope you like them, Comments and feedback is welcome. Greetz,
  6. From the album: BT album Falcongek

    one of my oldest mini's still in service. paint job is about 16 years old.

    © falcongek

  7. From the album: BT album Falcongek

    My first attempt at glowing eyes on the left reiver.
  8. Hi everyone! Long time lurker first time poster, wanted to start a thread to help with motivation for my new crusade. It's a combination of new purchases in the last year and an old firstborn force I tried my hand and I'm now rescuing, from 8 years ago when I was 16 and didn't pay attention to mold lines! Forged in the fires of the Imperium Nihilus comes The Ardent Vigil Crusade. A combination of Armageddon firstborn veterans and fresh primaris recruits now wrestling for control with chaos forces in a sector containing several Imperial Shrine worlds at High Marshal Helbretch's behest. I might write up some proper lore later but the rough idea I have is they are wary allies will a big culture conflict, the new primaris recruits not adhering to the chapter's tradition. For now here is the painted group, as well as Templars we've got assassin allies as well as the local guard infantry that I usually speed paint with drybushing and washes to blow off steam. And finally my conversion triumvirate, left to right is a jump captain, jump chaplain and the Helsreach legend himself.
  9. A Black Templars Assault Intercessor Sergeant that I painted when first getting back into the hobby. More info: https://chillminis.com/black-templars-assault-intercessor-sergeant/

    © All rights reserved. Copyright Daniel Lee / Chillminis

  10. A Black Templars Assault Intercessor Sergeant that I painted when first getting back into the hobby. More info: https://chillminis.com/black-templars-assault-intercessor-sergeant/

    © All rights reserved. Copyright Daniel Lee / Chillminis

  11. A Black Templars Assault Intercessor Sergeant that I painted when first getting back into the hobby. More info: https://chillminis.com/black-templars-assault-intercessor-sergeant/

    © All rights reserved. Copyright Daniel Lee / Chillminis

  12. A Black Templars Assault Intercessor Sergeant that I painted when first getting back into the hobby. More info: https://chillminis.com/black-templars-assault-intercessor-sergeant/

    © All rights reserved. Copyright Daniel Lee / Chillminis

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