So, Kill Team is out, the game is great, and all is right with the world. Of course, I jumped into it with my usual marines, as I AM a Dark Angels player, but I do look forward to assembling the teams that came with the Start Set. Specially the Skitarii. Since I am not and have never been even close to an Ad Mech player, I would love to hear your considerations on my planned list. Here goes:
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Kill Team - Skitarii - 100pts Leader Vanguard Alpha (Leader), with Phosphor Blast Pistol and Power Sword Specialists Ranger Alpha (Zealot), with Phosphor Blast Pistol and Power Sword Ranger Gunner (Sniper), with a Transuranic Arquebus Vanguard Gunner (Scout), with a Plastma Caliver First Fire Team Ranger with Omnispex and Galvanic Rifle Ranger with Galvanic Rifle Ranger Gunner with Arc Rifle Second Fire Team Vanguard with Radium Carbine and Enhanced Data-Tether Vanguard with Radium Carbine
The idea behind the team as listed is as follows:
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First, the Sniper Ranger with the Transuranic Arquebus is joined by the Omnispex Ranger from the First Fire Team, who acts as a spotter. This gives him a 4+ (3+ with Tactics) weapon, rerolling 1s, and ignoring obscured. They hang back and pick shots at prime targets. Second, you place the Vanguard Alpha with a Ranger and a Vanguard, and the Ranger Alpha with another Ranger and another Vanguard. This gives you 2 teams of 3 that have one melee focused warrior, one mid-range focused warrior, and one long range support warrior. The even split of teams (one taking the Enhanced Data-Tether, the other taking the Arc Rifle) means that they present equivalent threat to the enemy, dividing his focus. And, should a team get focus-fired upon, and taken out, the whole teams effectiveness is less dramatic than if I lost all my rangers or all my vanguards at once. Each team can push the mid field, press the offensive, and engage in some melee once things get tough, and hopefully handle themselves. Thirdly, you have the final Specialist. The Scout. I see this guy as a lone operative type of warrior, darting out of LOS across the field with its advance rerolls, to go and breach the enemy lines to take out heavies and snipers with his Caliver, or even hunt down more elite units and lone heroes. Although he is on his own, the Ehanced Data-Tether should give him a hand in resisting the nerve checks, for when he gets hurt along the way.
I would welcome any criticism and suggestions on how to improve the list. Thank you!