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Proposed Article Discussion - SM Lexicon

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I'd suggest that this particular project ought to be more like a pocket dictionary than The Complete Oxford Dictionary or the Encyclopaedia Galactica (which is what this will turn into with page long definitions of everything). We don't need paragraph long explanations of terms, just a brief sentence to give folks an idea of what a word means. If they still need more info they can seek it out elsewhere, we just want to provide the basics to start with I think gentlemen.


For example my plascrete definition is probably too long and needs to be shortened to a similar length to the other materials descriptions.


Now, if you actually want an Encyclopaedia Galactica I'd suggest that ought to be a seperate project and article...

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Thats a good point...one or two sentences should be enough. ALthough some of the more obscure things might take a bit to get across...


Hmm...I'd be willing to help where I could on a bigger Encyclopedia-like version.

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I guess it'd have to be a wikipedia like set up (which I think might be happening?) for it to really expand quickly. What you could do is have a quick dictionary like reference article, and those things which have wiki articles have links in their defintion.


I suppose that's a whole different project though.

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Here's a few materials:




Ferro Crete





Osteo-steel – cybernetic prosthetic metal.



And some Narcotics/Intoxicants:

Amasec - Wine-like substance? . Source : various Abnett books.




Lho Sticks


Gamma Æ - ref: wh40k 2nd ed. Wargear.


Frenzon - ref: wh40k 2nd ed. Wargear.

Rage - ref: wh40k 2nd ed. Wargear.

Stimm - ref: wh40k 2nd ed. Wargear.

Uskavar - alcohol from Pavonis. Forgot the source. :s

Flects – Xeno warped glass fragments from a chaos affected hive city in Lucky Space. Source: Ravenor


Listeria – ref: Crucible of war. P164.

E.Coli - ref: Crucible of war. P164.






Spook - ref: Ravenor


Penshel Seeds – mild stimulant – the seeds are dried, rolled and smoked in pipes. ref: Crucible of war. P165.

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Geller Field-geller fields are an arcane device that surrounds a ship within a teardrop-shaped bubble when transiting the warp. The field is used to protect those onboard the ship (and the ship itself) to be protected from being consumed by the various deamons and creatures that inhabit the warp. A ship that suffers Geller field failure while in warp space will be destroyed and the souls of the crew consumed. [compiled from Execution Hour, by Gordon Rennie (sp)-a really good book!]


Emperor's Tarot-psychically attuned cards that allow one to read the future. Similar to current day tarot cards [connection with the warp?]

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  • 2 months later...

Good article, seemed to cover many of the basic points and info. Perhaps a "suggested reading" list of style guides, resources for writers (like the Writer's Handbook) could be useful?


Also, the Black Library forums have a version of the Turkey City Lexicon that has been expanded with a lot of commentary and pointers applicable to GW-related writing, found here.





Uh, this was intended to be a comment on the "Tacita Literati" article. I failed to notice the topic title on this thread.

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Uh, this was intended to be a comment on the "Tacita Literati" article. I failed to notice the topic title on this thread.

This is the discussion article for the Tactica Literati, the title has been changed to reflect the new thrust of the topic.


I'll add that link to the TL article, good find Barret ;)

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  • 1 month later...
I am not sure this article will ever be finished as long as GW keeps producing material. I think it would be best to make it a living article and keep it constantly updated. Dictionaries are not written, they are compiled and we will be working on this one for a long time.
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  • 9 months later...
Well, put together a list of words, their meaning, their references and articilise it. The Librarium staff aren't here to make articles, we're here to guide the community in making them, polish them and approve them. We do end up creating articles anyway but you do have a part to play in the process.
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