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Mark 5 Armour

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I took Mark 6 running legs and filled in the details with green stuff to get nice clean surfaces. The external cables on the thigh armour were cut off a demon loudspeaker from the chaos tank sprue and the cable ports above them were cut from the sides of a commander banner pole. I cut these in half at the mold lines and glued them onto the thighs.




I need to do some work on the torso cables and of course apply lots of rivets.

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Hey Brother,


Thanks for your feedback on my Tutorial ^_^


Lovely stuff so far! Filling in the grooves on the greaves is dull, but worth it for the finished look!


Are you planning on any additional cabling on the body or legs? This is a nice source of reference for what you can add and where. The Assault Marine bodies are, with a small amount of work, another good starting point for the heavy-looking MkV bodies in plastic (example)


I look forward to updates for ideas to steal! :D





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Thank you all for the kind comments! Here are more shots with arms and a helmet.







The arms are from the chaos marine sprues. I trimmed off a few details from the gun arm and swapped the pistol with a scout pistol. The blank shoulder pad is an old second edition bit with the trim carved off. I used it because it's bigger than a current shoulder pad would be without the trim. Side by side with the studded shoulder pad, it looks the same size. I'll try to get a comparison pic up later.


I carved the mouthpiece and cables off a Mark 7 helmet and replaced them with those from a chaos marine helmet. The "nose" was a small piece of plastic I glued on and carved into the desired shape. I may alter the top ridge of the helmet, but I'm still deciding on how to do it. After that I can throw on some rivets.


Thanks for the pics, Teethgrinder! I bought that Mark 5 marine with the bolter off eBay just so I could get a better look at it. I was going to put up a picture but you've saved me the trouble! I like your example picture as I'm definitely going for the heavy cables on the torso. I'm going to alter the torso I've used and make the cables go all the way around the back.

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Wow, thanks Desmodus! That's quite a compliment, so I guess my hard work paid off.


I wish I could say it was easy making that helmet, but it wasn't. There was a lot of trial and error involved and I wasted about four helmets before I got it right. Now that I have the technique down, it should be easier to make the next helmet. At least I hope so.


Now that I've thought about it, I'm going to leave the top of the helmet alone. I'm just going to put the rivets on and be done with it. I'll try to have some more pics up sometime this weekend.

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Thanks Tagsta, I'm glad you like it! Sorry to break the news to you, but this will not be a member of Angron's legion. I'm keeping it 40K although I have a deep appreciation for 30K. I just like older armour.


My intention is to create an army with a lot of different marks of armour. I'm not a fan of this trend with marines only having a few pieces of older armour, I want whole suits. In terms of my chapter's background, it is a testament to the Artificer's skill that these suits are full and complete.


Mark 5 armour had a great deal of variation. Some suits had knee pads, some had ribbed toe armour. There were various helmet designs, and different types of cable configurations on the chest armour. I plan on making at least 3 marines in Heresy armour incorporating these different designs.


Right now, I'm trying to decide on the rivet pattern for the helmet. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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That helmet is amazing, I didn't realise it was a conversion until I read your comments on it.


And neither did I. I'm impressed. I was wondering if you could explain exactly how you managed to carve such a difficult shape without any damage to the detail. I think you should try your hand at a tutorial when you have some spare time.


I love the smoothed down Chaos Space Marine arms, they look amazing.


You gonna add more rivets?


There's a metal possessed backpack that looks like it's a scratchbuilt power plant, it might fit with the heresy look. I remember reading that the exhausts were longer to facilitate cooling on the Mk V.

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Thanks StratoKhan! This helmet was my fifth try at getting this right. The first 2 were complete junk. The third started to look like something decent and the fourth was pretty good, but this one was by far the best. Yeah, I suppose I could do a tutorial for the helmet. I'll get this first model finished and make a tutorial as I'm making the next helmet.


I'm definitely adding rivets all over the armour, but I'm going to do that last. I have a few things I want to do to the torso cables before I add the rivets. I'm going to go ahead and add the rivets to the helmet though. I think I've figured out the pattern I'm going to use.


For the backpack I'm going to use trimmed down chaos backpacks because the long exhaust vanes look too bulky. My chapter uses Infiltrate, so those long exhausts just don't make a lot of sense. I could imagine those exhausts sticking out like a sore thumb while they're sneaking into position.

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Okay, I finally got some free time to work on this again. Here's a couple shots with the rivets on the helmet





I almost destroyed the helmet trying to get this right. There's some little dark areas around some of the rivets where I cut the rivets off and reset them. It might look a little bad now, but it'll be fine after it gets some paint. I thought it would be easy to get the rivets on, but I was really mistaken. I should have practiced on a spare helmet first to get it right. At least now I have the process down so I know exactly what to do (and what NOT to do! :tu: ) for the next helmet.


The second pic shows how the mouthpiece and cables (one piece) fit onto the front of the helmet. It was just a lot of careful trimming and fitting the pieces into place. Those gaps are actually filled in with super glue, but you can't tell by looking at it. The nose went on after the mouthpiece. I figured I'd show this pic until I get around to making the next helmet and a tutorial along with it.


Now for some work on the torso cables...the rivet gun needs a break. :pirate:

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You deserve a lot of credit for the precision and attention to detail of your work. I think your choice of bitz and your small--but very careful--conversions make this an excellent mini so far. I like the way you are recreating Mark V armor so thoroughly using new plastics. Looks way better than the old Citadel metal figure -- which itself is a nice sculpt!


My two cents' worth: when the time comes to paint, don't rush! Give it a nice, clean paint job with multiple layers of thinned paint, so that everyone can see your attention to detail. I'm sure you know this -- but I just wanted to emphasize what a shame it would be to obscure your skillful work.



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Thanks Wendigo! I certainly hope I can paint this to a decent standard. I haven't painted anything in years. I think I'm going to try out some of the new Foundation paint. Don't worry, I'll practice on a BfM marine or something before I touch this one.


Here are some new pictures. I've taken the head and arms off to work on the torso cables. I took the straps off an assault marine torso and glued them where I carved the existing cables off the model's torso. They don't go all the way around the back yet, and I still have some work to do with adding some smaller cables and touching up with a bit of green stuff.






The second and third pictures show how close in size the shoulder pads are and the sprue I got the blank pad from. It's an old second edition marine arm sprue. I tried looking for it on the GW US online store but I couldn't find it. I'm pretty sure they don't make it anymore.


I'm working on the backpack right now and then I'll finish up the torso cables. I'm also trying to decide if I'm going to put cables on the sides of the thighs. I want to put some grenades and ammo on the model and I think it will look too cluttered on top of more thigh cabling. Any suggestions would be appreciated!

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I took Mark 6 running legs and filled in the details with green stuff to get nice clean surfaces. The external cables on the thigh armour were cut off a demon loudspeaker from the chaos tank sprue and the cable ports above them were cut from the sides of a commander banner pole. I cut these in half at the mold lines and glued them onto the thighs.




I need to do some work on the torso cables and of course apply lots of rivets.



Splendid! Why don't you use guitar strings for cables? I suppose it would be cheaper than the GW loudspeakers if you plan to do more mk5s.


Keep up the good stuff!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks guys, I appreciate the comments! <_<


Capt. Taurus - I carefully cut the existing cables off the torso and got a nice blank surface. Then I took the assault torso and cut along the edes of the straps all the way through until they separated. I trimmed the backs of the straps flat and then fit them onto the model's torso. That's the main trick of it - trimming the pieces to fit together like pieces of a puzzle. It's by no means easy, and I have some work to do with green stuff to fill in little gaps.


Sati - I have some guitar wire but have found it rather difficult to use. Seeing how I don't have any more loudspeakers I'll be figuring out how to use the guitar wire pretty soon. So far, I've been trying to use what plastic components I have available. When that runs out I'll be sculpting with green stuff and using guitar wire.


Well, I'm really moving at a snail's pace with this! I just got a Forge World Vindicator conversion kit in the mail and I told myself that I have to finish this Heresy Armour before I can get started on the Vindicator. I've wanted that Vindicator for years, so I hope the new incentive will help get me rolling!


Well, it's not much but here's what I've done...






The cables are now coming around the back. I used the same method for the back as the front, but had to cut the little lines in the cables since they come blank on the backside of the assault torso. The cables at the back of the shoulders are missing because my technique wasn't proving effective there. I need to do some green stuff work, so I'll be sculpting those on. I'll also be adding some smaller cables in here and there to flesh it out a bit.


I have also completed the backpack. The Chaos backpack that I used is shown beside the final version. I simply cut out the extended exhaust vanes and cables and glued the ends back on to make it look more loyalist. I find it to be suitably more bulky than regular Space Marine backpacks without retaining too much of that Traitor look.

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Well, I can't take credit for the backpack. I saw it somewhere...I think it was a Golden Demon entry. So the credit should go to somebody else. I didn't think a regular backpack would do and thought this would be more fitting.


I've never seen an illustration of what a Mark 5 backpack looks like, but I know that the old Rogue Trader marine in Mark 5 armour wore the same backpack as the beakies. Of course, at that time, there was only one type of backpack.


I read some background that Mark 5 armour required extra juice to operate at full power levels which caused overheating. This was corrected by adding extra cooling equipment to the backpack, giving it more bulk than regular backpacks.


Some have argued that Chaos backpacks must be Mark 5, with the extra cables and extended exhaust vanes making up the extra cooling equipment. I think this makes sense as the extended exhaust vanes could help in dissipating excess heat, and it certainly makes the backpack more bulky, although the background has never supported this idea.


As far as I know, the background has never attempted to explain why Chaos Marines wear those huge backpacks, although the backpacks are the easiest means for telling loyalist from traitor. This is the main reason that I chose to use this backpack for the Mark 5 armour. It doesn't look like a Chaos backpack, but it has the added bulk to make it a stand apart from regular Marine backpacks.

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I spent some time sculpting last night and the big cables are now finished. Now I just need to add some smaller cables and the torso will be complete.





After the torso is done, it's going to be rivet madness!

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Wow, you changed the torso. Those are assault marine torso bands, right?


You really are a master at slicing by the way. The extra smaller cables you add will make it look great I imagine.


Can't wait for those rivets.

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