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Adeptus Custodes

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after two pure marine armies, something else: an adeptus custodes army.


I'm gonna play them as grey knights, the rules suit them best. Please consider the army being pre heresy, so that it's ok for the emperor's bodyguard to fight outside of terra.


The first samples are done, and ready to get painted. They are all truescaled- a must for custodes imho. I'll probably finish with about 30 indivudual Custodes, some Termies and two or three landraiders. We'll see.


As they are primed, the pic Quality is far from good... but better, painted ones are soon to come.




And now it's your turn:


Would you prefer to see NMM oder True Metallic painting? Why?

Should they look shiny and new or better worn and scratched?

What kind of base design do you find appropriate? marble? stone? ashes?



C&C welcome, as usual.

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nice, but the legs seem just a bit thin compared to the big shoulderpads. then again, it could just be the pics. from what i can make out they look very nice.

in response to your question, i think shiny/new is the way to go. if they're the emperor's personal guards, you figure they'd get new stuff first :whoops:

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True scale? They are much bigger than true scale the estimated 8 foot for average marine. Take the Guardsman being 6 foot that makes the Custodes something more on 10foot, from the pictures. Plus he the Custodes looks like an elf, hes to thin in my view.


Stick some green stuff on him, Doghouse style to beef his legs and torso up a bit and your onto a winner.

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Assuming that both marine and guard standing straight, the guard is about nipple height. Looks fine to me. The helmet makes him look taller perhaps.

In fact they are also not thin. They are made after the example in the horus heresy books. I figured quite a while about proportion. Being not in power armor, the sizes are just fine.

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Looking great. I understand the "skinny" comments, however as the custodes armor so different from codex space marine power armor, imho it's fitting that it be less bulky.


In response to what I'd like to see:

I always prefer true metallics to NMM. Also, it would be awesome to see the Custodes in their full glory, freshly polished armor and wargear :blink:

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Whoa excellent work Captain. I think they are fine, I have seen pictures of them big like marines and pictures of them thinner like regular people, just really tall. I think both look great. Really, when they are like this it makes their achievements that much better I think. Seeing as they are not wearing power armour and are the best of the best, just makes them seem really good at what they do. The painting is magnificent for sure but my only dislike is the blade length, I think it could be a bit longer, in my opinion.


Overall I can't wait to see the rest and maybe someday fight alongside them?

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And so... here are some new WIP candidates:

Its just about the gold atm, minis are done without details....


one in NMM:




one in RM, different shading:




So would you prefer type 1, 2 or 3? And Why?

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I believe option #3, the Real Metal one, would suit these the best. I think the more brass, orangish colour of the metallic paint just suits Custodes the best, as opposed to a more yellow tone which your NMM variations show.


I really like the models themselves. Very striking and elegant, just like the Custodes are displayed.

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Either 1 or 2. I think that the real metallics let the model down to be honest.

Stick with the NMM and you will be much more satisfied with the end result then if you paint it with the metallic paints.

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Seems as if there are as many opinions as there are posters.... in other forums as well.


Mmmmh, think i'll have to try some more Versions, RM and NMM. In fact, having a perfect NMM prototype is useless, if can't invest enough time to get the whole army to the same standard.


Anyway - i'll do some more scheme testers. It will take a while, cause i first need to build more minis :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is the first real Prototype member:


Justicar Brother Roboute Ossignum:







He doesn't have one of these cool halberd-things, because he is supposed to be the squad leader.

Expect the rest of the army to look this way too, but individually shaped, of course. Thats why i won't be as fast in army building as i'm used to. 2 minis a week is my goal atm.


C&C welcome.... and please make suggestions on the base style you'd like to see.

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The legs are too skinny, even if the Custodes are supposed to have thinned legs. Work on your photography too, BTW. You look like you are a fantastic modeler, but your pictures don't seem to do them justice.




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You are perfectly right on my photography. It is bad anyway, but these were taken on sunday, 2 o'clock in the morning. No good light and me damn tired... making good pics is my problem since i post minis.


But the legs... are ok as they are. I did the naked custodes underneath first to get good proportion and then added the armor. But usually people are used to stompy legs when expecting to see marines.

Perhaps a look in an Horus Heresy book can make it clearer.


better pics? :




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Looking good, I will say what I said earlier, go with the NMM. If you don't like it at least you will have got alot of painting experience from it and become even better in the future!
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and the next one, about 75% done... the second out of 17.


Damn, thats doing slow. But i'll keep doing as i find the result quite rewarding.




He needs some details in the lower area, face and red parts as well as the jewels.


C&C welcome.




Out of GS and some bits, tin parts, as well as wire, a Q-Tip per weapon and damn lots of time.

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