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Adeptus Custodes

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It does look a little like Rambo. Maybe you could make it look like light was shining down from above. I got this image in my head as if he's staring up into a beam of light.


I don't know, just my two cents.

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Thanks for the seat capt.nuss! I'll be watching this thread very carefully

The standard bearer is awesome, your freehand is breathtaking!


Mind if I second the call for a dread step by step? You might just end up with a chorus


oh yea: ;) again they're just that good

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Ive been looking around and it just seems like custodes are popping out everywere like mushrooms. :blush:

Guess i will have to start something even deeper buried in the fluff...


Some small news for the upper side of raider one:




Still WIP though...

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owkee...this is the first time i've seen this post...


i have seen reasonable army's..

i have seen good army's...

i have seen wonderfull army's....

but up untill now all that was nothing compared to this...


now...i have seen...perfection.


keep up the works, and you will see people offering you their souls as if you where the emperor himself.



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Uhh, the last comments were so lovely :wub: I'll do the commenting tomorrow, its damn late here.

Perhaps i'll have to do some more models for this army before starting something else :blush:


I came around to show the bots from Legio Cybernetica. With some searchy or english WD 104 you can find out more. If you have any questions, i'll be glad to answer.

Fluffwise they are controlled by one of the Tech- adepts and are Bodyguards for Malcador and a symbolic present from the mechanicum.





They'll represent the Dakkainquisitor together with Malcador and his guys. Perhaps even someDevastators or Termies in my marine army. The guns are interchangeable or can be left away.


The look is waethered, because i wanted to add something with a kind of different style. They are almost done, i'll perhaps add better pics tomorrow.

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In fact they do not really have a kind of head, as its absolutely a robot, not a kind of armour for a guy inside.


I was able to find an artwork online that was one of the bases from were i started. Just to be sure everybody knows how those pre heresy bots looked like for example:


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Just a small update today, the tabbards were more or less plain red before, and now they got some shadows&highlights, as well as small lines for some finesse. These three are just examples to show, actally all custodes got such tabbards now.



Later on i'll add details for all of the halberds as soon as i got an idea how to do so.


I also found a solution for interchangeable weaponry for the dread:


The rocket launcher & lascan can be put on and off as needed, cause sometimes for Deamonhunters a ranged combat drwad is a good idea.


Consider the weapons unpainted please.

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Legio Cybernetica...


Oh what a cute idea! No really! They're kinda cute in a 1950's robots take over the world way.


Still... Great models none the less. And up to the standard we so oft see in this thread.


And just to add it in, I'm damn happy you made your dread's weapons interchangeable. I was kinda scared cause I thought they'd be fixed in place. Even more impressive to know I cant tell that they are. Bravo. Keep up the work and you'll be making 40k geeks everywhere proud once more.

(Yeah! then we can be "cool" geeks! ^_^ )



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  • 3 weeks later...

*Dies of dehydration from too much drooling....*




*Gets down on knees and worships the god of modelling perfection....*

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So perfect they could get a Tzeentch devotee to stop his sorcery. So perfect they could get a Khorne devotee to stop killing. So perfect they could get a Nurgle devotee to stop picking his nose. So perfect they could get a Slaanesh devotee to stop masturbating.



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