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Designing/Building a Combi-Flamer


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I have decided to add Vet Sgts with PF and a combi-flamer to my tactical drop squads. However, I am in search of an elegant, but not too difficult design for this. I thought about adding the flamer canister to the combi-plasma gun and calling it done, but before I do something like that, I thought I'd turn the problem over to the true technical geniuses that reside on this board.


Challenge: Build a combi-flamer


Framework: May use parts from the flamer, any commonly accessed bolter, guns from the command squad or commander pack, assault squad, or tactical squad.


Over to you my brothers...

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Guest Gordofski

1. Slice barrel off bolter.

2. Slice nozle off flamer.

3. Glue flamer nozle to lower front of bolter.

4. Glue bolter barrel above flamer nozle.

5. Glue flamer tank or something tank-like along side of bolter, where ever you feel it looks best.


This is simple, effective, and leaves no tubes to be shot up as the fuel lines are internal.




Excellent guys! I knew you'd come through in a pinch. At first glance, Gordofski's version is really looking intriguing, but the others are doable as well. I think I'll fiddle around a bit and see what comes together.


Thanx very much!



Or go the Ripley route from "Aliens" and duck tape a flamer to the side of a Bolter.


Sounds hokey but if you did it up with a green stuff shoulder strap and bindings it could look pretty cool. Use a shoulder stock from an IG Lasgun to gove the Bolter a full length feel, and then strap the flamer to the left side (ie.. non ejection port side) so the bolter could still function.

the heresy, A space wolf model abused and turned into a DA.

You should see his squad (all ex-Bloodclaws from the same boxed set); I bought them about 15 years ago before I realised I liked secrets better than smelly fur and did them up shortly after. :P This Sergeant is about to have his weaponry swapped for the 2nd time since he was built btw, as combiflamers are no longer a DA vet Sarge option (and handflamers were outlawed with 3rd ed.)... :wallbash:

Duck tape? I think you mean duct tape there, Red Green.



Yeah, but that would have meant I would have had to stop and think about how to spell "duct", and since "duct" tape is next to useless for tapeing air "ducts" I always think of it as "duck tape". even have some that the label calls "Duck tape"


But you get the point...

  • 1 year later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Gotten nothing but positive remarks on my conversions:




This work out fantastic!!! Have converted all my plasma combi's to Bolter/flamer combi. You can also use this conversion technique on normal bolters as well, by cutting the flamer at the base of the barrel hand grip and gluing hard up against the mag on the bolter.

I found a good way if you dont have hand flamers or any combi weapons in your bits box, I can't take pics atm but basically: cut the bolter grip off to the base of the barrel, get a bolt pistol and cut around the back of the casing and remove the hand, the sights on top and the barrel. Cut the end of a flamer off including the grip and file/cut the top pipe to flatten it slightly. Now with a little more filing and a little bit of greenstuff all 3 pieces should fit together nicely, if youre feeling adventurous its not hard to sculpt a small fuel tank by pressing an egg shaped bit of greenstuff onto the side (in my case covering up the worst looking bit of the joins ;) ) and 2 thin sausages of greenstuff at the ends in a similar style to on the actual flamers. Will try to get a pic up soon if anyones interested.


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