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'Cut through the night'





The Heralds of Light are steadfast defenders and servants of the Imperium. As members of the Astartes Praeses, they were created with the express purpose of guarding the regions surrounding the Eye of Terror, and have taken their task to heart. Where other Chapters are free to seek fame and glory, these unsung heroes have stood valiantly against the darkness since the thirty-second millennium. Even now with the galaxy split in half and their homeworld in ruins, the Chapter keeps fighting and refuse to abandon hope.







"Let us light the way, Brothers!"

First Chapter Master, Alcaeus Rex



On the first day of the thirty-second millennium, the historical 3rd founding was initiated. Completely new Chapters were created from the genetic material of the old Legions, bolstering the numbers of the overexerted Adeptus Astartes. Spurred by Abaddon the Despoiler’s first Black Crusade, several of these Chapters were drafted into the Astartes Praeses, tasked with reinforcing Imperial forces in the troubled Segmentum Obscurus and protecting the Imperium from further invasions from the Eye of Terror. One such Chapter was made from the gene-seed of Rogal Dorn's Imperial Fists, chosen for his Legion's unflinching bravery during the defense of Terra. They were named the Heralds of Light and would bring the Emperor's radiance to the darkest corner of the galaxy.


Gifted with a mighty Battle Barge, the Undying Light, a cadre of Imperial Fists veterans lead the new Chapter towards Segmentum Obscurus on a glorious crusade of reclamation. After nearly two centuries, their initial campaign came to an end with the First Defense of Lucerna. The battle saw the entire Chapter deployed on and above Lucerna, a planet cut off from the Imperium during the Horus Heresy, now occupied by a large warband of Word Bearers. Although the losses were grievous, the Heralds were victorious and recognized as saviors by the Lucernan people. The Lucernan had been defiant in the face of Chaos and fought bravely, despite their inferior training and equipment. Impressed, the Heralds took Lucerna under their protection and claimed it as the Chapter’s new homeworld.


Since that time the Heralds have made their name in the fight against Chaos, fulfilling their duties as guardians to such a degree that they have teetered on the brink of destruction many times. During the Age of Apostasy, the Heralds suffered heavy losses from the traitor hordes taking advantage of the internal power struggle. During the Gothic War, the Chapter was spread thin trying to contain the invading forces and hunt down bands of raiders who managed to slip through the Cadian Gate. For nearly nine millennia the Heralds of Light have stood their ground, and Lucerna has been a bulwark in the defense of the Imperium. Unyielding as a lighthouse; a symbol of humanity in a dark tempest. Yet when the Thirteenth Black Crusade poured out from the Eye of Terror, the Herald’s resolve was not enough to save their homeworld. 






“This world shines with the light that guides us.”

– First Chapter Master, Alcaeus Rex.



Lucerna is located in Segmentum Obscurus in the galactic north, south of the Eye of Terror in the Turbatus sub-sector. A beautiful terrestrial planet covered in wide oceans, deep forests and high mountains, similar to Holy Terra of ages long gone, Lucerna stood in stark contrast to much of its surrounding systems. To the Heralds, Lucerna was the very symbol of everything the Emperor fought for and made it their sacred duty to forever protect the world.


Settled during the Great Crusade, this prosperous civilized world became a testament of the Emperor’s vision for the human empire. Due to its isolation during the Heresy, Lucerna was unscathed by the fires of war, and remained a tranquil world until it was rediscovered. Even in times of conflict between the various Lucernan states, the people raised great leaders, able to unite the whole population and uphold the harmony. The great Lucernan library, cherished by both the people and their Astartes protectors, contained art, relics and documents from the times before the Heresy, ensuring that knowledge of the Imperium survived. Lucerna never forgot about the Emperor, and in time the people came to believe that He would one day return.


Fully aware of the Astartes presence on their world, the Lucernan populace looked towards their guardians with great reverence. To have a member of the family join the Chapter’s ranks was an immense honor. The Heralds rarely involved themselves with matters of planetary rule, preferring to serve, only intervening if requested to or when it was absolutely necessary. After rejoining the Imperium, the planet became the primary source of recruits for the Chapter and the Lucernan Planetary Defense Force evolved into a formidable military organisation. The PDF has fought side by side with the Heralds on many occasions, even off-world when necessary, defending the Lucernan system and beyond.


No matter how capable the Lucernan PDF was, it would not be enough. As the Thirteenth Black Crusade laid waste to the Segmentum, the Heralds divided their forces over several battlefronts. In the turmoil that followed the opening of the Great Rift, Lucerna was cut off from the bulk of the Herald’s strength. Contact was lost and only a handful of Astartes remained on the planet. The Heralds themselves never learned the exact details of what happened, but when they finally returned to Lucerna, the planet was overrun by Chaos forces and warp storms threatened to consume the system.  Although bled dry from the Black Crusade, what remained of the Heralds of Light charged into the fray in a desperate attempt to save their people. They managed to temporarily secure their Fortress-Monastery, evacuating as many as they could from all over the planet while turning ancient cities to dust with orbital bombardment to keep the enemy at bay. Stubborn as they were, even the Heralds realized that staying would mean their doom. And so they left Lucerna, their home for millennia, barely escaping with less than three companies’ worth of Astartes, spread among the battered remains of their fleet.


The Watchtower, the now ruined Fortress-Monastery of the Heralds, sits dark and silent surrounded by ice and rock near the northern pole. Built in the architectural style of Rogal Dorn, undeniably inspired by the defenses of Terra, the Fortress-Monastery was an impressive sight. The outer layers consisted mainly of massive walls and defense mechanisms, while most of the Chapter facilities were below the surface, as an added protection against orbital bombardment. But in the center, on the highest point of the Watchtower, a great fire burned for millennia, kept alive by a constant stream of a natural gas that produced a bright blue flame. Reflected by the ice of the surrounding tundra, melding with northern lights, the Fortress bathed in an ethereal aura. Known as the Flame of the Emperor, this fire was of great symbolic importance to the Heralds, representing the light of Mankind in the darkness of space. Though the great fire atop the Watchtower has gone out, a remnant of this flame still burns in the inner chambers of the Undying Light, fueled by a dwindling supply of gas from their lost homeworld.







“They will be remembered! They will be avenged!”

 – Current Chapter Master, Marcus Savvor.



Following the fall of Lucerna, the Heralds of Light became a fleet-based Chapter. The Undying Light, the ancient flagship of their fleet, once again serves as the Chapter’s home. This venerable Battle Barge bears the scars of countless battles and is one of their most valued assets. Of the rest of their once impressive fleet only four Strike Cruisers survived and a handful of support vessels. Aside from the few artifacts they managed to secure during their escape, many priceless relics of the Chapter's long and glorious history were also lost.


The Chapter might have been disbanded at any other point in history had it not been for the arrival of a Torchbearer task force from the Imdomitus Crusade, carrying Primaris Astartes and technology. The Heralds embraced the reinforcements as what it was called – the “Primarch’s Gift”.  When presented with the opportunity to cross the Rubicon Primaris, all who could did, seeing it as the final test to prove themselves worthy to continue as a Chapter.


The Heralds of Light remain a Codex Adherent Chapter, having followed the traditional ten company structure for most of their existence. While still under strength, the companies are recovering their numbers, and the Chapter is also supported by a sizable remnant of the Lucernan PDF survivors who swore their short lives to serve the Heralds. Even a handful of Lucernan refugee children have joined the ranks of the Heralds themselves. Little time has been wasted on licking their wounds, as Chapter Master Marcus Savvor has declared a crusade of atonement, vowing to restore their honor by reclaiming lost territory and avenging their fallen brothers. Some quietly hope to one day retake their homeworld as well.






“We are the Wardens! We are the Walls.”  

– Mantra of the 2nd Company, the Radiant Ramparts.



As members of the Astartes Praeses, duty requires the Heralds to frequently fight alongside other Imperial organizations. They have gained a reputation for throwing themselves into combat to support their allies, occasionally forgoing comprehensive planning in favor of providing aid as fast as possible. As a consequence, the Heralds do not always fight on their own terms, having participated in numerous defensive operations as well as other tasks unusual for Astartes. This approach has proven to be very strenuous and often stretches the Chapter thin as they strive to answer every call for aid. The Heralds themselves see this as a natural part of their responsibilities, not a strategic weakness, but a tactical challenge to overcome.


Whilst they have been known for their lack of planning, it is in the heat of battle the Heralds have gained their renown. The Heralds have always been a flexible fighting force, able to quickly react to an ever-changing combat situation and have become famous for their ability to adapt and improvise. Cooperation with allied organizations has always been important to the Heralds, and to effectively work together with another fighting force, one must be able to take advantage of each other’s strengths. As such, they strive to excel in all areas of combat so that they may better support their allies.


Like many descendants of the Imperial Fists, the Heralds have inherited a reluctance to accept defeat. This can sometimes blind the Heralds to risk, as they fight on where other Chapters would fall back. The Heralds themselves view it as absolutely necessary for a servant of the Emperor to be willing to die in battle, and the Chaplains constantly preach of self-sacrifice. Only by the supreme sacrifice of some of the greatest Imperial heroes, like Rogal Dorn or the Emperor Himself, does the Imperium still stand. Their resolute nature has frequently put them at risk, but is also what keeps them fighting on where others would give up.






“We fight the battles others cannot win. We suffer the pain others cannot endure. We face the horrors others cannot withstand.

For we are Astartes; This is our duty, and we embrace it.” 

– Chapter Teachings.



The cult of the Heralds places great emphasis on humility, self-sacrifice, and loyalty. They see themselves as servants of the Emperor and therefore protectors of humanity. All who live under the light of the Emperor are worthy of their protection, and the Heralds are known for their tolerance of both ordinary humans and even ab-humans. Unlike many Chapters, the Heralds are not exceedingly proud or self-absorbed, but humble and reserved. They exist to serve mankind, not the other way around. The Heralds value the division of power in the empire as absolutely necessary, but they also strongly believe that if mankind is to be victorious, the forces of the Imperium must work together. Their humbleness and willingness to collaborate has earned them many allies within the Adeptus Astartes and other Imperial organizations.


During their existence, the Heralds have developed a conviction that the Emperor will one day rise from the Golden Throne, and unite humanity against Chaos. Their duty is to keep the Imperium safe, until the Emperor returns and leads them in a second Great Crusade. With the advent of the Indomitus Crusade and the Psychic Awakening, the Heralds belief has only strengthened, fueling their actions with a near zealous fervor, unlike anything they have displayed before. However, this is undoubtedly influenced by their recent losses, producing a deep thirst for vengeance as well. 


The Heralds of Light bear an intense hatred for Chaos in all its forms, and it is abhorred for its corrupting touch. Falling to the Dark Gods is the greatest betrayal to the Emperor and cannot be tolerated. They consider the Ruinous Powers to be the ultimate threat and the Heralds show no mercy when it comes to the annihilation of Chaos. They have been especially vigorous during the various Black Crusades over the millennia, and this in turn has earned them the hatred of many Chaos worshipers. To them, Lucerna was the greatest provocation; a torch burning with the flame of the False Emperor.






“Cut through the night.”

– Chapter Motto.



The zygote cultures required to grow both the Betcher's gland and the Sus-an membrane have been lost or damaged over the millennia, but like all sons of Dorn the Heralds do not mourn these losses. Despite their proximity to the Eye of Terror, the Heralds' geneseed has remained remarkably stable with no signs of mutation. Now, with the integration of the Primaris technology, the geneseed’s integrity has been solidified. The Heralds are once again ready to fight against the endless horrors of the universe and bring light to the darkness.






'Friend or foe, let them all know - we carry His light for all to see.'

 Reclusiarch Zuros.







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Edited by Codex Grey

When a chapter is named, the chapter master consults the Emperors Tarot for a name for the chapter. So, by proxy the Emperor names all chapters, and if they are given names that dont make sense, then it is usually made clear at some point.


Though there are others that argue against this point, so I suppose your chapter could go without bieng named. Doesent bother me anyway.


I DO like your story though. It isnt overindulgant on information, it is to the point, concise and most of all, it grabs you and makes you want to read it.


Though a little bit of semantical clear up would be good, for example:


His prayers was heard;



Should be, "His prayers were answered;"


Stuff like that, it just makes it flow a bit better, especially for someone like me who picks up almost every little mistake like that. Yes I know, im torturing myself mostly haha.


All in all, good work I say.

When a chapter is named, the chapter master consults the Emperors Tarot for a name for the chapter. So, by proxy the Emperor names all chapters, and if they are given names that dont make sense, then it is usually made clear at some point.


Though there are others that argue against this point, so I suppose your chapter could go without bieng named. Doesent bother me anyway.


I DO like your story though. It isnt overindulgant on information, it is to the point, concise and most of all, it grabs you and makes you want to read it.


Though a little bit of semantical clear up would be good, for example:


His prayers was heard;



Should be, "His prayers were answered;"


Stuff like that, it just makes it flow a bit better, especially for someone like me who picks up almost every little mistake like that. Yes I know, im torturing myself mostly haha.


All in all, good work I say.


Well, unless anyone else have strong arguments against it, I think I'll just keep the name part.


Glad you liked it, I guess I achieved what I wanted. :angry:


I have changed it to: His prayers were answered. Like I said, I'm norwegian, so if you see anything else that just doesn't

flow or sound right, please say so, it will be greatly appreciated. But no need to torture yourself :rolleyes:


++updated: Homeworld, combat doctrine and organization++

Edited by Codex Grey

i read this a while ago, and waited to post, but waited too long and now i'll need to reread it. i do know one thing, you have your chapter waiting a long time to pick a name, and while i can't say, "no, this is how it's done!" it seems a little too long to me, i think they would have had something before that. what about changing your first chapter master's name to luxia? then you can just say they chose to name themselves after him.


also, your chapter master, are you trying to say he fought during the heresy, because this is a bit of a stretch and would make him close to 1000 years old by the time of the third founding, which while not unheard of, isn't the norm by any stretch of the imagination, and he would likely have been either too old for active dute, in a dread, or the chapter master of the fists himself, don't you think? if you're simply saying he was recruited after the heresy and that the spectre of the heresy was still hanging over the chapter 800 years later, well, then i can accept that.

what about changing your first chapter master's name to luxia? then you can just say they chose to name themself after him.


I could do this, because the of the tight bond between the master and his chapter. However, the reason I chose the name was this: Luxia is a made up name, but it is based on the latin word lux, which means light. I wanted Luxia to be a contrast to the rest of the dark segmentum. Also, I chose Sons of Luxia, beacause I wanted this close relationship between chapter and homeworld. I'll have to think about this abit more. I could also say they had a name, but changed it, but I don't like that, and you don't like that.


also, your chapter master, are you trying to say he fought during the heresy?


No, I'm not. Maybe I should make that more clear? It was part of my initial plan to have Alcaeus be a promising marine when Dorn died during the black crusade, which had an affect on Alcaeus, but since there was/is so much disargeement on the subject of Dorn's death and the age of a marine, I decided to drop it.

Edited by Codex Grey
also, your chapter master, are you trying to say he fought during the heresy, because this is a bit of a stretch and would make him close to 1000 years old by the time of the third founding, which while not unheard of, isn't the norm by any stretch of the imagination, and he would likely have been either too old for active dute, in a dread, or the chapter master of the fists himself, don't you think? if you're simply saying he was recruited after the heresy and that the spectre of the heresy was still hanging over the chapter 800 years later, well, then i can accept that.


Bzzt, I don't think you're right there. As far as I know, no Space Marine has died from old age, they all tend to die in battle. Also, the current chapter master of the Blood Angels, Dante, is well over a thousand years old. So I don't feel that this an entirely long stretch of the imagination. I would also think Marines from the heresy era were of "sterner stuff" than they are now. Of course, that is entirely my opinion.

Dante is like 1,100 years old and BA fluff makes him out to be one of the oldest marines still on active duty who's not in a dread. also, it's explicitly stated in a few books and i think in a codex that marines who are old or crippled are given non-combat jobs. Crimson Wake mentions this and the one source i've ever read that states that a marine could live forever, one of the first two horus heresy books, doesn't really say that, it says that no one knows since they've never survived long enough to find out if that's the case or not. but Iacton gets old and it mentions how it slows him down and he wasn't nearly 800 years old i don't think.


...a distress call which had seemed to been playing for many centuries. Baffled by this information, Alcaeus ordered his fleet to answer the call.
Though the attack had just recently begun, most of the traitor forces were already on the surface.


please clarify this for me? which is it? if it's the first one, the world would have been over run without help... marines dont' fight for years on end, they win, even chaos marines. if it's the other then i would suggest fixing the earlier, contridicting statement, or at least clarifying what you're trying to say.


i suggested the name change because it was the simplest way, otherwise i would suggest they choose Luxia right from the start, a chapter of like 800 marines who've been fighting for years needs a name. like i said, it's open to interpretation but it just doesn't sit too well with me.

Edited by utilityzero
Please clarify this for me?


I'm sorry, just a piece of an old idea. Don't know why it's still there <_<

It has been changed.


i suggested the name change because it was the simplest way


I know, and I appreciate every suggestion. I'm just trying to justify what I have done. In the end, I may even use your idea. I just want to hear what other people have to say about first.

I have now changed the name of my chapter, and have moved away from the "long time before they got named" thing.

I actually like the new name. I think it's more original then Sons of... , pluss It gets rid of the debate of wether or not a chapter can go a long time without a name.


C&C is welcomed.


+Edit: I have added the beliefs section.+

Edited by Codex Grey

Hmm, three posts in a row :)


Anyways, the Excubitors are now updated. Same questions as before(top of the first post) and other C&C are still welcomed.


Specific question: I can't seem to come up with a good battle-cry that sums up the chapter. Any suggestions are welcomed.


Hopefully there will be more replies this time.

Looks Very good. Grats. I cant think of anything to say at the moment. Ill come back once im not jumping up and down due to hunger and having just gotten out of bed.


Often when no one posts its due to not having anything to point out/make fun of/shoot down/make a nuisance of themselves with. So its not all bad.


PS. did I already say that I love your colour scheme? If not then I do!

Edited by Grey Hunter Ydalir
Looks Very good. Grats. I cant think of anything to say at the moment. Ill come back once im not jumping up and down due to hunger and having just gotten out of bed.

Thank you. I await any further comments.

Often when no one posts its due to not having anything to point out/make fun of/shoot down/make a nuisance of themselves with. So its not all bad.

Either that, or its just boring :teehee:

PS. did I already say that I love your colour scheme? If not then I do!

No you did not, but I'm glad you like it.

is that color scheme exactly how you want the marines to look? if you can, i would suggest adding some sort of variation to the scheme, as right now it looks like it has been used before.


other than that, i love the background. the Excubitors (btw, what does that mean?) sound like the pinnacle of what the Adeptus Astartes are supposed to be. one question though- did they have a homeworld before they found Luxia, or were they a "crusade" chapter (ala Black Templars)? it is probably the latter, but i was just wondering.


oh yeah, and is there a template for IA's? i keep thinking there is, but i can't remember...


good job,


Lord Blitzkrieg

is that color scheme exactly how you want the marines to look? if you can, i would suggest adding some sort of variation to the scheme, as right now it looks like it has been used before.

I don't paint or play, so I just picked a scheme that I thought was cool and represented my chapter. I have seen similar shemes too, but a lot of shemes are similar, so I don't think I will be changing it as I like it as it is. But I am open for suggestions.

other than that, i love the background. the Excubitors (btw, what does that mean?) sound like the pinnacle of what the Adeptus Astartes are supposed to be. one question though- did they have a homeworld before they found Luxia, or were they a "crusade" chapter (ala Black Templars)? it is probably the latter, but i was just wondering.

Glad you liked it. Excubitor is Latin for sentinel/watchman/guard. It's the latter, just like their parents(Imp. Fists) and their brothers(Black Templars). I thought this was clear? If not, let me know, and maybe I'll make clearer.

oh yeah, and is there a template for IA's? i keep thinking there is, but i can't remember...

I just used the codes:


Edited by Codex Grey

large.SymbolHoL2.png.3cba3025d3d47c0001adc096f0f2e532.pngINDEX ASTARTES: HERALDS OF LIGHTlarge.SymbolHoL2.png.3cba3025d3d47c0001adc096f0f2e532.png

'Cut through the Night'





3rd [001.M32]


Rogal Dorn


Lucerna (Lost)


The Heralds of Light are steadfast defenders and servants of the Imperium. As members of the Astartes Praeses, they were created with the express purpose of guarding the regions surrounding the Eye of Terror, and have taken their task to heart. Where other Chapters are free to seek fame and glory, these unsung heroes have stood valiantly against the darkness since the thirty-second millennium. Even now with the galaxy split in half and their homeworld in ruins, the Chapter keeps fighting and refuse to abandon hope.






3rd [001.M32]



Rogal Dorn



Imperial Fists



Kostas Savvor



Lucerna (Lost)



The Watchtower (Ruins)



The Heralds of Light are steadfast defenders and servants of the Imperium. As members of the Astartes Praeses, they were created with the express purpose of guarding the regions surrounding the Eye of Terror, and have taken their task to heart. Where other Chapters are free to seek fame and glory, these unsung heroes have stood valiantly against the darkness since the thirty-second millennium. Even now with the galaxy split in half and their homeworld in ruins, the Chapter keeps fighting and refuse to abandon hope.








3rd [001.M32]


Rogal Dorn


Imperial Fists



Lucerna (Lost)




Lorum ipsum, yadayada.




Lorum ipsum, yadayada.





Founding :

Geneseed :

Homeworld :


: 3rd [001.M32]
: Rogal Dorn
: Lucerna (Lost)










3rd [001.M32]




Heralds of Light




Rogal Dorn




Imperial Fists




Rogal Dorn




Imperial Fists








Kostas Savvor




3rd [001.M32]



Rogal Dorn




Imperial Fists



Lucerna (Lost)




The Watchtower (Ruins)




Edited by Codex Grey
  • 1 year later...

I have been wanting to redo my first Chapter for a long time. The reasons are varied, but the most obvious one is the name. It was something I struggled with for a long time during the intitial creating. The problem with the current one is that it is not english, and I want a good english name like almost every other Chapter in the world. I wanted my Astartes to be able to say 'I am a ...' , Like 'I am a Dark Angel', I am a Space Wolf' or 'I am a Black Templar'. Now they can say 'I am a Herald of Light'.


Aside from the name the changes are few. I also hope that the members who didn't see this before can provide fresh comments on how to improve.

The warp storms that had plagued the galaxy during the Age of Strife were disappearing.

I thought that they had already disappeared by the time of the Great Crusade but I can't remember any sources. I'll scrabble through my rulebooks.


Raging Orcs...

Is that a new race from Fantasy?


terrorizing imperial worlds

Capital 'I'.



upon Captain Alcaeus Tutor.

Bit of a coincidental name, Tutor, considering he's raising a new chapter...


Librarian Patronus

Do I need to say anything? ;)


Gifted with the mighty Venerable Battle Barge Imperatorae Tonitrus from the forges of Mars

The way you say 'from the forges of Mars' implies that it's new, yet you say it's venerable. Confuzzled me.


Alcaeus set sail towards Segmentum Obscurus and started the process of training and building up the chapter.

The line before you've said 'he began molding the first young members' so there's a little repetition going on here. If you drop training, there wouldn't be a problem.


Indeed, so close was the bond between the master and his warriors, that for a while the chapter was known as his sons.

Known as his sons? Didn't really get it.


crushing the enemies of the Imperium under their power armored heels.

'Boots' conjure up more brutal images than 'heels' for me.


Without wasting more time, Alcaeus, eager to prove his Chapter's worth in battle, ordered the fleet to head for the nearby system.

Perhaps mention avenging Dorn's death as well.


fighting a loosing battle



luxian surface

Capital 'L'. In a few other places as well.


their allies sides

Ally's, if you're referring to the chapter or allies' if you're referring to the marines.


Together they stubbornly repelled the first wave of Word Bearers.

You mentioned before that the planet was already fighting a losing battle.





His prayers were answered; as ten of his men sacrificed themselves in a pool of blood, Sethos was infused with dark magick and transformed into a Daemon Prince, eager to spill the blood of the imperials.

Daemons Princes are fairly rare and the Chaos Gods don't just change people just for praying. Perhaps mention some more of Sethos' background and why the Chaos Gods would answer his prayers.





Their first battle is given too much space. They are a Third Founding chapter, yet the only battle mentioned in any detail in the entire IA is this one. They need some more history behind them. You could also tighten up the rest of the IA in a similar way.


Right now, the IA is alright. But the chapter isn't. The chapter lacks a real theme or distinguishing features. I hate to say it, but right now it's bland. I know how bad it feels to have someone say that to you, so I don't say it lightly. On the positive side, all you need to do is inject some theme and then it will be a good IA and chapter. I'd first establish what theme or core of the chapter is going to be and tell us, so we can help you establish this in the IA.

Edited by Sigismund Himself
Bit of a coincidental name, Tutor, considering he's raising a new chapter...


Tutor is also latin for defender, guardian, protector, so its not coincidental at all. :D I thought about replacing it with Tudor, though. Thoughts?


Librarian Patronus

Do I need to say anything?

Yes. I don't get it. :tu:


The way you say 'from the forges of Mars' implies that it's new, yet you say it's venerable. Confuzzled me.

I'll drop the venerable there, but keep it in org section, as after 10 000 years it would be considered venerable, right?


Known as his sons? Didn't really get it.

It is supposed to be '...known as the Sons of Alcaeus'. It was from an old text file.


You mentioned before that the planet was already fighting a losing battle.

Would 'fighting a desperate battle' work?


Daemons Princes are fairly rare and the Chaos Gods don't just change people just for praying. Perhaps mention some more of Sethos' background and why the Chaos Gods would answer his prayers.

In the old version it was a Bloodthirster instead, and Sethos was just the leader of that warband. I reasoned that, yes, they are both rare, but by removing the bloodthirster and focusing on Sethos, giving him some more background and motivation, and then elevating him to Daemon Prince, He could be sort of like an archenemy of the Heralds, returning from the warp millenia later to get revenge. I don't know if this is possible, so comments on this would be great. But you say that more background is needed. I have tried to do this, bu tmaybe not enough. I don't know how I am supposed to do this without taking up to much space.


Their first battle is given too much space. They are a Third Founding chapter, yet the only battle mentioned in any detail in the entire IA is this one. They need some more history behind them. You could also tighten up the rest of the IA in a similar way.

Is it really too much, or just too much for being the only battle detailed? I was considering adding a History section after that one, shedding some light on what they done the last 9 thousand years. Would that be good? What do you mean by '...the rest of the IA in a similar way'?


As for your other comments, like grammar and stuff, this will be dealt with.


Right now, the IA is alright. But the chapter isn't. The chapter lacks a real theme or distinguishing features. I hate to say it, but right now it's bland. I know how bad it feels to have someone say that to you, so I don't say it lightly. On the positive side, all you need to do is inject some theme and then it will be a good IA and chapter. I'd first establish what theme or core of the chapter is going to be and tell us, so we can help you establish this in the IA.

This is actually the kind of comment I've been waiting for. I've always known that the Chapter was lacking, and that's why I want to redo it. Since it was my first IA I wanted to make the type of Chapter that was more 'the good guys' than most Chapters. I wanted to make the type of Chapter I would choose to be in. It ended up with a decent IA about a Chapter that steels from alot of other Chapters, but has no character of its own. And since I know this, your comment just makes me want to improve the IA more.


Now, I guess the themes I went for the first time were 'defenders of man' and 'very cooperative with others'. But with the recent name change, I was thinking of bringing in some 'bringers of the Emperors light' imagery as well. I will have to think about this.


Any suggestions or comments are welcomed.

Well, it seems that this Chapter sparked just as little interest now as it did the first time I posted it(over two years ago), but I don't blame you. I know I have some thematic issues with this article and thats something I just have to sort out. Still, any suggestions are welcomed, so I'm bumbing this one more time, but if no one has anything to add, this thread will once again rest untill I come up with a good way of redoing the Chapter. Edited by Codex Grey
Well, it seems that this Chapter sparked just as little interest now as it did the first time I posted it(over two years ago), but I don't blame you. I know I have some thematic issues with this article and thats something I just have to sort out. Still, any suggestions are welcomed, so I'm bumbing this one more time, but if no one has anything to add, this thread will once again rest untill I come up with a good way of redoing the Chapter.


I'm always a fan of "Designer's Notes" - I'd be keen on you telling us what you think the thematic issues are - it would certainly open up avenues for discussion.

Guest Mordray

Well... the problem I have is I'm not sure how I can help you.


I suppose the first thing is to ask the question...


How do you see your chapter going about bring the emperors light?

When you think of 'the light' in a non-literal way what imagery is brought up?



For my own chapter I am still working to answer the questions of theme... as well as a name. The Rave Demons though I love them dearly are not a true 40k chapter... more like legion... so I've set out creating my own chapter.


_Scorpions_ (place holder name), are a chapter that is born of the 13th founding and cursed to never be able to allow themselves to simply let go as when they do they become powerful and neigh unstoppable juggernauts but they also burnout and die.


I also want to include that the battle-brothers out of the 'hunt' down Scorpions, in name and form only, native to their home world. The Scorpion's thick armored hide is then incorporated into their power armor, some also alter their weapons. This is done because the chapter feels as though their armor, and weapons, are incomplete/empty/unhappy without the companion spirit of the Scorpion.


At the rate I'm going on this scorpion hunting I'm finding that my chapter is moving away from it's 13th founding curse and that the curse is starting to feel strapped on as a gimmick and yet I also don't want to lose it.


I have no idea if this helps you or not...

Well, what I feel is the thematic issue is as I mentioned that there is no primary theme, just a bunch of different themes and ideas, none of wich are the main focus of the Chapter and none of which are particularly original. The only excuse I have for this is that this was my first Chapter. I'm the kid of guy who plays games where you can choose to be good or evil, and I just have to good the first time I play through the game, because anything else would just feel wrong :) So when creating my first Chapter, I wanted them to be 'the good guys', or at least as nice as space marines can get. So that meant marines who protected the weak, and the end didn't always justify the means. Also I wanted a good relationship between the Chapter and their homeworld (And already we see the similarities with the Salamanders).


To further the good guy aspect of the Chapter, I wanted them to have a good relationship with other Imperial Organizations, seeing the importance in the splitting of powers but still valuing the cooperation between the different factions( ultramarines). And then you have the similarities to the Imperial Fists, being a successor of Rogal Dorns Legion.

(Maybe I should just make them Chapter with mixed gene-seed from the Salamanders, the Ultras and the Fists and just call it a day :D )


Now when you take all these aspects of the Chapter together they compliment eachother, and it makes sence. But again there is no focus or character of it's own.


So, if I was to take one aspect and make it the focus, what would it be? One of the main things about these guys that I always wanted to portray ( but maybe not done it right) is the 'defenders' aspect. Space Marines in general are considered to be an elite strike force, this is what they are designed for. While the Heralds would most certainly perform the normal duties of space marines, they participate in far more defensive operation than other Chapter. One idea I've been toying around with is making them one of the Astartes Praeses. This would solidify their role as defenders, eternaly guarding the Eye of Terror (while fighting other races as well,of course) It also works well with their hatred for Chaos in all its forms. Maybe I can use the 'Light' imagery here, the light being the Emperor's way; the Darkness being all that has turned from this light, heretics and traitors. They bring the Empreror's light to those who try to hide in the shadows. Homeworld is then important to the Chapter because it is a symbol of the Emperor's Light in the face of darkness, the Eye of Terror.


Well, that's rambling for you.

They bring the Empreror's light to those who try to hide in the shadows.

The problem with this is that it's almost directly opposite the defenders theme. Unless they believe that the best form of defence is offense.


The other problem that I forgot to mention was that they didn't really have any flaws. To offset all the good things, there has to be some bad things :)

The problem with this is that it's almost directly opposite the defenders theme. Unless they believe that the best form of defence is offense

They don't exclusively fight on the defensive side. But I see what you mean and a change of the line can make it fit more with the defenders theme. 'They bring the Emperor's light to those surrounded by the Dark Gods, repelling the darkness with fiery illumination.' Or something like that.


The other problem that I forgot to mention was that they didn't really have any flaws. To offset all the good things, there has to be some bad things

I was thinking about take the self-sacrifice aspect of the Imperial Fists to the next level, making it amlost an obsession to sacrifice themselves in the name of the Emperor. This would make the number of casualties very high, giving them a flawed side. Thoughts?


Also Sigismund, if you have the time, can give me your thoughts on the comments I left for your previous comments?

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