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'Soul Reapers' Chaos Marines

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I'm currently building some Zerkers and melding them into my Undivided army for when the new dex comes out. They'll likely be a mix of marked Khornate CSM with lots of Zerks.


Let it be known that Krug the Beheader and his Warhost the Soul Reapers are following the God of War and bloodshed!


Praise be to Khorne, let the skulls be piled high in his name!


This is my WIP thread for everything Chaos. Let's begin with my WIP Zerker test model; I have based him on the old 2nd ed Khorne assault marines in the middle of that page. I've chosen not to try to convert the bare legs. So I am going for a bare arm on the CC weapon side of the minis.




Next up the Daemon Prince I've been working on. I tried to convey the Daemonic corruption from DOW in his base, so far I think it's going well.




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LOL, thanks!


Update for the night. I'm making good progress, I should have him done sometime tomorrow.



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The flesh needs work. I don't know how to tell you my advice, because I don't particularly like flesh, but maybe some inking? Just needs depth. I know you aren't done, so maybe that's it. Looks good without bunny ears, too.




I'm a pirate, are you?

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Thanks for the comments!


Yes, the bunny ears will be gone; there will be no rabbits in this army.


Update time!


He's almost finished! :wink: He just needs some touch up and I need to finish the basing.





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That's pretty darn nice. And the base of the Prince looks awesome. How'd you do that? GS?


The flesh on the Prince needs depth too though - shading and highlighting - though you might not be finished that yet anyway.

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Thanks for the comments.


The princes base is done with GS.


Yeah, his flesh still needs to be stained and highlighted that's just the base color.

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Thanks for the comments guys. I should have the Zerker finished later today. Then I'll move on to finishing the DP.


@ Hubbynz, I know the chainsword is a little close but the angle makes it look worse than it is. Besides he is a Berserker he cares not for his own wellbeing. :P

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I promise and update on the DP later today.


First let me show you this; the next Zerker with PP and ChainAxe.



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:o That has to be one of the most alive and vibrant reds i have ever seen :wub: and debunnying makes it even better.


Could you please give us a fast guide on your Red's? *puppy eyes*

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Thanks for the comments.


Ok let’s start with the paint recipe.


I painted these using the Vallejo versions of GW paints and Iron Wind Metals red (old Ral Partha). The highlights were successive blends with each solid highlight covering less surface space on each armored plate; staring at eighty percent of the plates. On the lower part of each plate below the solid highlight I striped the highlight with each highlight being narrower and covering less surface. The striping gives (at least in my eyes) a little bit of depth to the flat surfaces on the armor. All paint for the highlights was thinned down to the consistency of milk.


Black prime

Scab red base coat

Brown ink magic wash

2 parts scab red + 1 part red gore this is the only solid highlight color covering 80% of the armored plates.

Scab red + red gore 50/50.

1 part Scab red + 2 parts red gore

Red gore

2 parts Red gore + 1 part IWM red

Red gore + IWM red 50/50

1 part Red gore + 2 parts IWM red

IWM red



Sorry no update on the DP yet, I got sidetracked last night. I'm off today I'm planing on getting some work done.


I did build a few more Zerkers, here they are.





What should I do with the Aspiring Champions head?


Skull helmet or bare head?

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Thanks for the comment. :rolleyes:


I have not built the AC cause he'll have a PF. Should I give him a plasma pistol too? The new codex takes away the blood frenzy so he'll actually be able to use it.


So we have one for the skull helmet! :P



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What about this for the champs head?!





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Sweet! Did you do that yourself?


I really like it.


++EDIT++ Wait, you used the bare head and painted it as a skull, didn't you? Genius. ++EDIT++


:ph34r: Yes I did, it figured I try something from out in left field! It worked better than I had hoped. ^_^


Thank you very much, I glad you like it!

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