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'Soul Reapers' Chaos Marines

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Wow I like the army.. I like the Chaos Lord the most.. I am a big fan of scythes so of course I would like that.. Heh. Keep up the good work and hope to see more units with Scythes.


- Drexsun

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These guys look just as characterful as your Space Wolves...but the Soul Reapers must feel jealous as they lack a link in your Sig. And quick question, where is the head on the guy way back in the beginning of the topic. You painted it up to look like a skull.


Cheers, Messanger


Edit - the bear trap on the defiler gives it a unique look but at the same time it seems out of place. More of a personal thing. And there still isn't a Group Shot like you said there would be a few pages back...yes I did read nearly every single post.

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Thanks for the comments, I will get a group shot when I eventually get a chance.


Time for me to stop procrastinating; it's time to finally paint my Khorne Berzerkers for the Soul Reapers, and retire the last squad from my old WE army.


So as a way to force myself to finish the squad I have given the squad to my buddy who bought the rest of the old army.


Here are the WIP's for the rest of the Squad.




The Skull Champion carries 8 skulls to represent his dedication to Khornes sacred number. These are comprised of 6 skulls, one severed head and his own head as a final offering.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I am basing the Champ, so finished pics should be up soon.


I just came into a free box of Possessed Chaos marines, I also have an unopened box of Chaos marines. I'm not fond of the rules for the possessed so I figured I would combine these fantastic models with standard CSM's to make Aspiring Champions.


I've decided to do these three options for each squad of PM's and CSM's.


1 Powerfist with bolter

2 Power Weapon with bolter

3 Powerfist with combi-flamer


All the current Champs are losing their Bolters for combi-flamers. I figure the more chosen/possessed the simpler the grear.


For my Zerkers I'm doing these three

1 Powerfist with bp

2 Power Weapon with bp

3 Powerfist with plasma pistol



Here are the first two Aspiring Champions for the Soul Reapers.


Both are armed with a Powerfist and a Bolter.





I think they are going to be a fantastic addition to the Reapers!

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It is time that I finished Klytus the “Unhinged” my counts as Khârn the Betrayer conversion I started ages ago. I love the detail in the original Khârn mini and decided to use the body as the base for the conversion. Props to IP for sh0wing me the Khârn right foot on a rock pose, that made this conversion finally come together!





I also finally started painting my Landraider I built back in Feb.



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