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'Soul Reapers' Chaos Marines

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Thanks for the comments, I appreciate them.


Here's an update on the Olblit; I'm getting ready to really dig into the flesh tone today. The flesh will end up a very similar shade to that of the DP.



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I'll say this now before I hide it any longer: I did a scheme for a Chapter with the same name. When I say "did" I mean just made up the scheme, not actually painted them :tu:



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These are excellent. Reading this thread has KICKED me back into the hobby after a short month lost in the void. I am now planning a renegade militia/DG army of doom! Many thanks! :P

Now, sorry if im being nosey here, but earlier on you mentioned that your arm was "almost fully healed". What happened to it? :P Must have been awful to put you out of hobby action for a year! *dreadful images of the Perry twins incident spring to mind* Im concerned for you :(

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Ouch! Thats why no one should EVER drink and drive. Or drink and do anything for that matter....

Anyway, the oblit is GENIUS. I adore his eyes. They stare out with an intensity and malice I havent ever seen in a model before. The GS blends perfectly with the sculpt. Thats a firm five severed thumbs up ;)

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Thanks for the comments!


Three down seven to go!





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...and then there were four!








Up next the Icon bearer.

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Thanks for the feedback Bro!


Progress on the icon bearer.




I figured I better start painting the Warband emblem before I get to far behind. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.

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Here's where I got today; working on my freehand. ;)





Time for some rest, more updates tomorrow.

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WOW! your scheme and the carrying out of it is awesome... god i wish i could paint like that someday...

only one small thing... the most recent space marine with bolter and the bare head. his eyes they are extremely realistic but it makes it look like the guy has just :cuss himself :lol: other than that they look brilliant keep it up!


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Thanks for the comments!


First update of the new year! I've finished the red freehand, sponsons except the daemon heads and 90 percent of the rusted steel.



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This is the final WIP pic. It show the start of the last of the freehand. I should have the finished pics up tonight or in the morning.



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