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'Soul Reapers' Chaos Marines

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Looky what showed up in my mailbox for my Birthday next week! B)




That's right a Doombringer Annihilation force! :D

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Here is the mock up for my Chaos Lord.




Is the pose menacing enough? Should I use the Chaos star thingy on his base or is he good with out it?

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Thanks for the feedback! I plan on using the cloak and tabard/loincloth pieces that came with the lord mini.


I'm debating giving him an 'Evil Spock'



or a Ming the Merciless goatee.




I think I'll save the chaos star 'thingamabob' for my second DP's base.


nice present :) happy birthday for whenever it is!!! :)

sweet pose can we have a tut for the scythe? its probably easy to work out for chaos players but im not so...

would be cool

Cough....39....Cough! :D


The scythe is from the mounted Nurgle lord for WFB. I mounted it ontop of the chaos sorcerers staff.

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Here is the completed body for the Lord.






Here is his head sporting a goatee!




As soon as it warms up he’s ready for priming.

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Here is where I'm at as I head out to work. I've decided to do his cape red with a black lining. I need to do a little clean up the freehand on the cape.



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Thanks Dude!


Here is a WIP of my first regular Termie with a Comi-Plasma and heresy styled helmet!




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This is just awsome, all of it. :lol:


I especially like the way you achieve the right amount of contrast between light and darkness on your minis, something I myself is having a bit of a problem with on my Iron Warriors.



You are an inspiration Megalodon, in fact I think I'll take out my paints right now.

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Thanks Bro, I appreciate it!


Here's an update on KTB the Chaos lord!



I think I'm gonna try for the Ming eyebrows too.




The gold is done minus a couple of touch-ups and I've got one highlight on the bronze to do.

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Thanks, bro!


I decided this might give a better appreciation for the head and main body. The flesh is slightly more greenish grey than the photos indicate.



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Thanks Dude!


Here is where I'm stopping tonight. I glued his head; it ended up looking a little more to the left than I initially planned but I still think it'll work.



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