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'Soul Reapers' Chaos Marines

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model looks absolutely brilliant definately a worthy chaos lord

i personally would say no to the free hand on the back of the cape, having said that i think some subtle free hand would look good by using similiar reds and browns it wont stand out much

but if you start using bright colours or contrasting ones i dont think ity would look good


so my suggestion for the free hand would be red deamonic like faces if anything

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Thanks Nihm!


I have a question for y'all. Should I do the same freehand pattern on both sides of the cape? Watcha think? :D

Go for it, for the challenge if nothing else.

Just keep it simple. :rolleyes:

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Thanks for the input. After painting the outter side of the cape I think I'm starting to agree with Wiplash. A contrasting color may be a bit over the top. If anything I may still toy with the Idea of a black trim freehand at the most.




Thanks again.

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry for the lack of updates, I've had camera and computer issues. Here's a squad of Plague Marines I'm working on.




I should be able to get some finished pics of the Chaos Lord up in the next few days.

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Thanks guys.


Plague marines!? Can't win 'em all, I suppose... ;) Just messing with ya there.

Not to worry I'll be working on some Zerkers soon. I'm waiting on a resupply of red paint from Iron Wind metals.

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I've stalled on the PM's I'm just not happy with a few things. I need to work out what I want to go with them to fix it.


Here is a preview of the more or less finished Lord. I've got a couple of touch-ups I just noticed.




I've decided I'm not thrilled with the red power weapons. I'm debating changing them; I'm just not sure which would look best green, blue or purple. What do y'all think?


Here's what I'm gonna start working on tonight.





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Here's an update on the Sorcerer, I'm unsure if his robes are gonna be red to meld into the Soul Reapers theme or blue to show his dedication to Tzeentch.



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Here are a couple of WIP's of my second Oblit conversion.




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  • 1 month later...

Sorry for the lack of updates real life has been crazy. B)


Here's the finished 2nd Oblit conversion awaiting paint. Damn, I still need to drill out the gun barrels.







I will start painting him soon.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm now back at my Chaos stuff! I'm currently painting the second Oblit, pics tomorrow.


Here is one of two Defilers, I'm working on right now.




They are both going to get custom painstakingly converted metal tentacles coming outta the left side of the torso.


Remember Krug the "Beheader" Warlord of the Soul Reapers warband?




I've been rethinking how to use him. As much as I love the look of a Chaos Lord in Terminator armor, they really aren't that great in game. He has been relegated to story driven play or large points games over 2000 points; where I can field enough Terminators and Landraiders to keep him safe.


Then I got to thinking, if I am usually fielding him in large points games why not spend the extra 110 points and use him as a counts as Abaddon.


Abaddon is a monster, his stats and special rules are befitting the vision I have for Krug.


Lord Krug needs a new shooter! He is moving into the wonderful workd of 'counts as'.


So here is the mock up, to represent the Talon of Horus. It still needs greenstuffing, but I think this should work out.





With this simple weapon conversion and swap I should be able to use him as a cheap Chaos Lord or pull off a 'counts as' Abaddon; as there is not description of what the Talon looks like in the codex now.


What do you guys think?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the possitive feedback! :P


Here is a WIP of my new Defiler with Soul Reaper pattern close combat tentacles!




Close up of the tentacles.



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Lovely stuff Megalodon. The colours on that Lord of yours are just superb. Don't forget to show us shots of the completed force as it grows. :(

I'll get a group shot next time I have my game table set up!


Is that a bear trap? Amazing!

Yes it is! :) It's from the WFB Ogre Kingdoms command sprue. ;)

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