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=][= Are you ready for some football?! =][=

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Football (not soccer!!) season is approaching here in the States and so as a fun little side project we are going back to something we did Pre-Crash here at the B&C. Football Marines!

The idea is simple. Between now and the close of the season (we'll call it Dec. 31st) you just need to convert up and paint a Football Marine in your favorite teams colors (College, CFL, NFLEurope, NFL, USFL, whatever).

Here are some examples:

Commander Y's Philadelphia Eagles

and a Green Bay Packer by PsychosisPC:


and some of the league websites to help you pick a color scheme to try out:

NFL homepage

Uniforms of the USFL

Another USFL site

World Football League

NFL Europe Wikipedia page The NFL Shut down NFL Europe this year so you may have to search for the team home pages individually as NFLEurope.com is no more.

College teams are too numerous to list so you can look up your favorite and go to town from there.

Keep in mind this is just for fun. No prizes or anything.

PLEASE NOTE: The thread got way out of whack so we are making a few changes to how this going to work. For the purpose of this thread/challenge/whatever you want to call it, we are sticking to AMERICAN style football. So please see the links above for a selection of teams. What we will do is set up other challenges later on for Hockey, Soccer (Euro Football) and maybe Rugby. However rather than try to sort them all into 1 thread we are going to space them out. NFL type stuff now, Hockey in winter, Soccer in spring and then maybe rugby next summer. We'll be speaking with a few of the non-football interested Frater about running the Hockey/Soccer/Rugby challenges when the approach. Sorry guys but it was starting to become a bit of a monster.

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It just so happens that the Eagles play the Packers this season, I may be need to add an A.J. Hawk to the mix to crush that McNabb fella.


Of course those Eagle guys probably don't have many hall of famers like our green and gold dudes here in Green Bay, how many super bowls have they won?


And that rugby stuff get out. I've played both, and been hit a heck of a lot harder in Football than in rugby. Football is the ultimate in team sports, somebody screws up their assignment, its going to cost you.


Soccer is like Chess-Boxing it makes no sense to me. :yes:


I love hockey, but this is football season.

Hey, Psychosis? What did you use for arms on Nitschke? They don't look like SM arms...


:confused: You guys are wrong by the way. :rolleyes:


Those are Chaos Beastmen arms.


Chaos Marauders would work well also.



Thanks for weighing in on this.

I'm in for both the football and the hockey versions. My Storm Riders are already based on my favorite college football team and they wear green and orange. Come January I'll have to paint up one of my currently paper/electronic only Wings Sanguine.
Before I lose this topic, do they need to be (American) Football playing Marines, or just Marines in (American) Football kit colours?


take a look at the two examples. Anything along those lines will be fine.


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