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I'm in.


Rams, though not because I'm from St. Louis...when I started rooting for them they were known as the Los Angeles Rams...a sort of Pre-Heresy kind of deal (i.e. "they're moving where?")


I swear Americans use the word 'Soccer' to piss Europeans and the rest of the world off hehe


You got that right. It's also the main reason we refuse to convert to metric. :confused:

Is it OK to use Terminator armor, or no? I'm a little stupid when it comes to the different types of armor so...


Because I have the cooooolest idea.


If you were gonna do a big ol' bulky center then that would be totally cool. And FYI, not implying ANYTHING here at all, but just in case you aren't familiar w/ the game, the center is that BIG dude who hikes the ball to the QB. He's the one who looks like he's getting felt up before the snap :devil:

Is it OK to use Terminator armor, or no? I'm a little stupid when it comes to the different types of armor so...


Because I have the cooooolest idea.


If you were gonna do a big ol' bulky center then that would be totally cool. And FYI, not implying ANYTHING here at all, but just in case you aren't familiar w/ the game, the center is that BIG dude who hikes the ball to the QB. He's the one who looks like he's getting felt up before the snap :teehee:


That's not actually a bad idea, use Terminators for the heavier positions - the offensive linemen, the defensive tackles and such - and, like, Assault Marines for receivers or cornerbacks? Just minus the jump packs. Anyway, while I'll probably never post or paint them to any degree of quality, I stole the Emperor's Fist colour scheme from the Ravens; Liche Purple for the majority of the armour, Chaos Black for weapons, the soft armour and most of the backpack and Shining Gold for the trim (shoulder pads, weapons, the chest eagle and such).

There's two Welsh people who want to do Rugby, and I'd do it as well as my Uni American Football team, how about finding one more and each of us do a Region?


Also, we're not going to win the World Cup, our players have been getting comparitively worse since the Grand Slam year.

'Cheeseheads' is a term used to describe Green Bay Packer Fans. The State of Wisconson [where Green Bay is located] is famous for it's cheese.


No, it's not a requirement.


:D As Joker said. We have a thing for cheese wedges. And Yes, it should be a requirement for you to all where a wedge of cheese on your head while assembling and painting your Football Marine.

:teehee: As Joker said. We have a thing for cheese wedges. And Yes, it should be a requirement for you to all where a wedge of cheese on your head while assembling and painting your Football Marine.


...unless you're doing one of the Monsters of the Midway...

Also, in blood bowl's spirits, can I do a team from the classic Sega Genesis game Mutant League Football? Like the 60 Whiners? =)


[edit]Sorry, the mention of the Monsters of the Midway reminded me of the team Midway Monsters from said game.



...the Vile Vulgars and the Turbo Techies still own, tho...



[edit]Sorry, the mention of the Monsters of the Midway reminded me of the team Midway Monsters from said game.

Sorry for the reference. The Chicago Bears are also called the Monsters of the Midway, and there's a little rivalry with our frozen green and yellow cheese head neighbors to the North..

[edit]Sorry, the mention of the Monsters of the Midway reminded me of the team Midway Monsters from said game.

Sorry for the reference. The Chicago Bears are also called the Monsters of the Midway, and there's a little rivalry with our frozen green and yellow cheese head neighbors to the North..


Lol, that's fine. The Midway Monsters were the Chicago Bears parody from the game, so of course it made me think of it ;)


And I'd like to think there's a wee more than a -little- rivalry.


Same with my team's rivalry with the Dallas Cowboys and Philadephia Eagles.

Just asking but are techmarines allowed?


Ages ago I made plans for a Techmarine w/- full servo playing rugby/US football. He has the ball in the big arm and the flamer has been converted into a football lobba, as has the plasma cutter. Aso he can be converted to play golf/hokey with his axe. He's painted in mu local teams colours, Wakey Wild Cats (I don't actually like them, but it was the only scheme i could find and paint).


So far I've painted him and converted the arms but not actually built him up.


Simple conversion: marine+ all the grenades you get in the tactical squad box set painted to look like a ball.

Hi all long time no post


been trying to come up with something new to do so it'l be this if you allow closed teams i will go foe the scottish claymores closed on October 21. 2004. i think web not to clear heres the web http://claymores.com/index.php


ps might try to do shuggie if i have the time


Sounds like a fun project. I don't think I'll be doing my home team, the Lions, for somewhat obvious reasons. Who else to do, then...


Maybe I could do the Colts. Every time I see their logo, I think Ultramarines, for somewhat obvious reasons.


Or maybe the Seahawks, I know my partner would get a kick out of that (Since that's his team).

I may have to get involved in all of this, as I see that noone has spoken up to represent the greatest of all teams, the Philadelphia Eagles. Too bad my first pick, Jeremiah "The Axe Man" Trotter has gotten the axe himself. Who to do a model of?
I may have to get involved in all of this, as I see that noone has spoken up to represent the greatest of all teams, the Philadelphia Eagles. Too bad my first pick, Jeremiah "The Axe Man" Trotter has gotten the axe himself. Who to do a model of?


David Akers! Most hardcore kicker of all time!

also got good reason to allow rugby teams in as you got rugby world cup starting very soon



I think this should stick to just american (style) football (as there are some other countries that play it as well), Rugby can be its own thing like hockey & soccer will be (even tho they are the same game played at opposite times of the year :P ) just because I personally think that doing rugby would open up for any & ever other contact/semi-contact sport in existence to be thrown into this just like I think it was Joker said previous.


That's just me though.

PLEASE NOTE: The thread got way out of whack so we are making a few changes to how this going to work. For the purpose of this thread/challenge/whatever you want to call it, we are sticking to AMERICAN style football. So please see the links above for a selection of teams. What we will do is set up other challenges later on for Hockey, Soccer (Euro Football) and maybe Rugby. However rather than try to sort them all into 1 thread we are going to space them out. NFL type stuff now, Hockey in winter, Soccer in spring and then maybe rugby next summer. We'll be speaking with a few of the non-football interested Frater about running the Hockey/Soccer/Rugby challenges when they approach. Sorry guys but it was starting to become a bit of a monster.


Do not worry. Those of you who posted about your Soccer, Rugby, Hockey teams -- your posts are still around we just shunted them off to a hidden thread to keep for later when we set up the other stuff.


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