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Horus (His namenz is Death)


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I just got the new chaos army so I wanted to make a Horus using GW parts

I used a bit of putty to raise him up a bit and will put him on a tall base



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on the artwork vs the emp it shows no bolter,but the pic with all the traitors and the red angel show the bolter.

I actually chopped the bolter of the Talon of Horus(The claw itself was just too big to use)But it looked off and obscures the detail on the Claw,So I'm going no bolter

Looks really cool and its definatly better than the ronin model but I still don't think it quiet does horus justice makes a super cool lord tho and I can fault it as a model in any way.


Its just that having read all the herasy books so far the primarchs are massive and awe inspiring and this guy just doesn't quite cut it. Maybe its just because I a super geek and get to ravelled in the fluff.


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