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Inquisitor Themed Termie Army Blog


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Here is an Inquisitorial army I am building based on the the rules for Imperial Fists, specifically Lysander-wing.


I have had a lot of guff given to me about representing the army without the color yellow, or using the actual Lysander model for the army.


I am sure that after seeing the pics, you will be able to tell that if the army is perfectly repped, then there should be no problem using Lysander's rules for a "Counts as" imperial fists army, with considerably more character for its theme.


Since this is an Inquisitorial army, I have to do away with alot of what is seen as a Space marine. Skullz mostly. If you look closely and are astute, you will notice that a ton of skulls (and assorted other iconography) are carved off.

The next thing to go was the Crux Terminatus. The Inquisition has far better ways of protecting their bretheren through the use of refractor fields, as evinced by the pseudo-halos the whole army has. This is so I can use the Inquisitor shoulder pads in place of the Crux terminatus, and allows me to say that the halos have a use for fluff rationale.

The Bulldog helms had to go. This is the most significant thing that says "Space Marine Terminator". With those out the window, I looked upon my unnatural love for Corvus helms and decided that with some minor modifications, they work well. Many do not appreciate this aesthetic, but when seen as an army, many change their minds about the look.


These pics are very very WIP, so please keep that in mind. The flash from the brownstuff needs to be removed, a few flash lines here and there (along with deathwing termie feathers).



First, I suppose I should start with the Inquisitor Lord known as The Pagan Hammer who counts as "Lysander":




As you can tell, its a completely plastic conversion, with the exception of the brownstuff army emblem. It is plain as day that the thunder hammer is master crafted, he carries a stormshield, modified to represent an Inquisitorial insignia, and purity seals.


Yep, looks like it adequately represents Lysander's rules to me.


The Interrogator Apothecary (counts as termie with stormbolter and powerfist):




The Inquisitor (counts as termie sgt):




An Interrogator (counts as termie with assault cannon):




The Inquisitor Lord and his retinue of Interrogators and Inquisitor:



Heres the troop choice for the army.


Interrogators running around being sick sociopaths with capes and hoods....and BB-guns...sneakin'.






This is going to be a long blog, as I have:

  • 14 (!) boxes of Terminators
  • 6 boxes of Dreadnoughts
  • 4 boxes of Dark Angels veterans (because marines look better in dresses)
  • 2 boxes of assault marines
  • 2 boxes of scout snipers
  • 1 Damocles Command Rhino
  • 4 landraider (prometheus, crusader and 2 norms)
  • 3 vindicators



I originally wasnt going to make such a large army, but now that Apocalypse is breaking new ground, I figured "Why not?".

I'm not a fan of the beaky helmets on terminators (Tactical Fraggle Armour? :) ), but I do love those conversions, and the green stuff work is very clean. I couldn't sculpt details like that even if they were giving me 10 companies of marines for it ;) .
I think anyone who complains about you using these as fists is so boring they're not worth a game against. The only thing I have an issue with is the idea of the whole army being inquisitors. There aren't all that many inquisitors in the galaxy, so having an army formed from them seems unrealistic. Having the lord inquisitor and a retinue of interrogators seems right, but I think the rest of the force would be better off as his private army fluffwise. Good luck with the modelling, you've got a lot of models to get through!

Looking good Hellfury, the beakies look odd at forst on termy suits but of course when painted could look better, actually they are growing on me. You have made some nice subtle changes/additions to the termies and they are looking really sweet. The Damocles is an interesting idea, but I am not so keen on the flamer termy squads – any reason for them, Cities of Death maybe?.


BTW what colour do you intend painting this lot if not yellow? And where are the bases from?


It's one helluva project you've started there, best of luck.




The only thing I have an issue with is the idea of the whole army being inquisitors. There aren't all that many inquisitors in the galaxy, so having an army formed from them seems unrealistic. Having the lord inquisitor and a retinue of interrogators seems right, but I think the rest of the force would be better off as his private army fluffwise. Good luck with the modelling, you've got a lot of models to get through!


I agree. Fluffwise, there are less than 20 inquisitors in the army which the astute will notice looks very very similar to a space marine first company. (Captain, Magister primus, apothecary, a bunch of vet sgts, tons of veterans, an inordinate amount of tactical dreadnought suits, a handful of dreadnoughts, etc.)


Anyways, all Veteran sgts will have the designation of "Inquisitor" while the rest are interrogators.


So this leaves:


Lord inquisitor (lysander) with his Inquisitor acolyte and his retinue of interrogators.

Magister Primus Inquisitor (librarian) with his Inquisitor acolyte and his retinue of interrogators.

8 Inquisitors with their respective squads of interrogator retinues.

etc. for the PA portion of the army.


Looking good Hellfury, the beakies look odd at forst on termy suits but of course when painted could look better, actually they are growing on me. You have made some nice subtle changes/additions to the termies and they are looking really sweet. The Damocles is an interesting idea, but I am not so keen on the flamer termy squads – any reason for them, Cities of Death maybe?.


BTW what colour do you intend painting this lot if not yellow? And where are the bases from?


It's one helluva project you've started there, best of luck.


The Heavy flamers are so I am not making an entire army of assault cannons. I think 14 is enough for most opponents to swallow. That and yes, I play alot of COD, so they do come in handy on occasion. Plus, with the new rumored orks coming out, I am sure I will need as many template weapons as I can get my hands on, which is why I am also using 4 siege dreads. For orks and for COD.

Besides, heavy flamers really arent that bad, its just when compared to assault cannons, they dont hold much of a candle againt them as a choice.


The color scheme will be Revilers-esque.



The 40mm bases are from Darkages/Warmachine/generic model ranges. Many companies are using these bases as the generic default. Which is good as they are quite nice.


Thanks for the kind encouragement and feedback everyone. I will try to update this blog atleast once a week with what I am working on in case anyone is interested.




I figured some of you might get a kick out of the fluff for the army. I was going for an Ordo Minoris (minor unnamed order) when originally planned, but after reading Gav Thorpe's exquisite fluff in the Thorian sourcebook (For the Inquisitor Game) found HERE, I think I might make this the Chamber Militant of the Ordo Sepulturum. Not sure on the army name however.


Here is an excerpt from the Thorian sourcebook:




One of the smallest and most specialised organisations within the Inquisition, the Ordo Sepulturum operates around the Eye of Terror and is dedicated to investigating a specific threat - the Zombie Plague.


Although occurrences of Plague Zombies have been recorded across the Imperium for many millennia, it is in the wake of the Plague Fleets of the Chaos Champion Typhus that they have grown in number to the point where they present a threat to the Imperium in their own right.


Before Abaddon's 13th Black Crusade, the incidence of Zombie Plague around the Cadian system dramatically increased. This was noticed by several agents of the Inquisition who were soon in communication, and within a few years several more Thorians, most notably Inquisitor Aghastri, were investigating the Zombie Plague and the Ordo Sepulturum was formed.


As a combination of both a Chaos infection as well as a physical malaise, the Zombie Plague has always been on the agenda for Thorians to study, but its unpredictable nature and sporadic occurrences meant that it took luck or a tremendous amount of patience to capture Plague Zombies for investigation. With the advent of the Eye of Terror-related epidemic, Inquisitors that had previously been thwarted in their missions to achieve specimens

were suddenly confronted with a plethora of test subjects. The Zombie Plague physically degenerates those it infects and infection can occur in many ways, including psychically - but maintains a portion of the life essence of the victim even after physical death occurs. The parallels between the Zombie Plague and the operation of the Golden Throne have not been overlooked.


The increased study of the Zombie Plague has lead many Thorians believe that in its unaltered form it may well provide several clues to the nature of the Emperor's life-indeath, but all forms of the 'faith virus' so far examined have undergone mutation. That the Plague Zombies still possess a Warp-reflection has been confirmed not only by psychic investigation but also by the fact that several psykers have been able to control these creatures - psychic manipulation is normally only possible through the Warp-ego of a creature. The possibility that the Plague Zambie infection is an offshoot of Golden Throne technologies is not widely supported and the common theory is that it was spawned by Dark Mechanicus within the Eye of Terror.


Much more rare is the Obliterator virus, which again is a Chaosborn contagion that combines elements of physical corruption with mental disruption. Allowing the psychic manipulation of technology, the Obliterator virus allows for humans to interact and meld with machinery, not only on the physical plane but also on the psychic and spiritual level. In combination with what has been gleaned from Eldar technology, the existence of the Obliterator virus lends hope to the idea that an augmented Divine Vessel could be artificially created, should a noncorruptible version of the virus ever be developed.


Whats cooler than a zombie plague? An army designed to fight one, of course. I think it fits well, especially with the amount of dreadnoughts I have as well as the apothecary. Lots of desire and interest with life/death here for the Thorians.

Dude...that is a seriously @#$& kicking army you have there...it will light up any Apocalypse game you join I am sure. Great work, and good luck with all those models. Sheesh, I couldn't imagine modding so many of them...what a nightmare. But I would enjoy it! ;)


Don't let anyone tell you that you're doing a bad job, as they look rockin' and nothing is better than your own personally devised army. Let me tell you, I've copped some flak but I've impressed some people too with my up and coming WWII German themed, Death Korps inspired chapter...along the lines of "NAZI!" But who cares, they look cool and in the Warhammer Universe Nazis seem tame...

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 10 months later...
Next up: Siege Dreadnought (1 of 4)


Well, its been almost a year since any updates. I have been working a lot on these models lately so the project is far from forgotten by me.


This dreadnought is rather old. I made it when the Siege Dread rules were first proposed. The Inferno cannon is made from the Catachan Sentinel's heavy flamer. The buzz saw arm (which reps the siege drill) is made from the same kits rough terrain modification arm. However, I have added some other bits and brownstuff to it to update the model.


some views of the dreadnought:




The feet on the dreadnought are resin casts from Lord Karamozov's foot. Now, wherever this dreadnought steps, it will be known that the =][= is quite present.


The Halo is from Saint Celestine.


I haven't quite finished the sarcophagus cover yet. A little more brown stuff and it should be done soon.


Well, I guess I will see you all again next year!


Just kidding, I have about 40 more termies to take pics of, and another 30 more to build. More pics should be following shortly.

Absolutly fantastic!!! Keep at it as it'll all be worth it in the end. :D

i was thinking of starting an iquisitorial force (not as heavily converted) but now seeing this i'm tempted to do some more impressive conversions.

The idea of the organisation of the army is sweet also ;)

mind if i steal a few ideas with the termies?

Here is a dump truck load of stuff for the army.


Be warned, the pics are huge if you click on them.


Sergeants for 8 squads




Assault Cannons (I had more but found I couldn't use that many in the new format... ;) )



A few heavy flamers to complete them off. You never know when you need to purge a fool.



All the termies I have assembled to date.




In the Name and Honor of His Divine Majesty, The God-Emperor of Mankind, I name thee 'Contagion' and commit thee to the Purgation of Righteousness.

May your soul be stripped off all that is malignant and fall below the Valley of Death.

Left to rot forever, to never be free, never return....



Now there is only 30 more to go.... -_- B)

Absolutly fantastic!!! Keep at it as it'll all be worth it in the end. ;)

i was thinking of starting an iquisitorial force (not as heavily converted) but now seeing this i'm tempted to do some more impressive conversions.

The idea of the organisation of the army is sweet also :)

mind if i steal a few ideas with the termies?


Thanks for the kind words and I don't mind at all. Thats what this forum is for is to share new ideas and to show what can be done.


Or its for 'Show and Tell'. ... :)

wow nothing looks as good as a REALLY expensive converted terminator army!!

may sound like a dumb question but whats with all the beaky helmets??


also what is a termy army without land raiders??

i love the scouts they look really cool in my opinion

to be honest though the inquisitor lord and retinue doesnt look too special :) frow what i can see they could easily be a normal squad of termies, then again i dont want to disharten someone who is putting so much time and effort into a prodject afterall its your prodject and not mine


keep it up

These are very Impressive, but just out of interest where did you get all the inquisitorial-style shoulder pads, I thought there was only one per box. Can't wait to see these all painted though, should be rather intimidating on the battle field and leave your opponent wishing he had brought more plasma cannons. :)
wow nothing looks as good as a REALLY expensive converted terminator army!!

may sound like a dumb question but whats with all the beaky helmets??


also what is a termy army without land raiders??

i love the scouts they look really cool in my opinion

to be honest though the inquisitor lord and retinue doesnt look too special :( frow what i can see they could easily be a normal squad of termies, then again i dont want to disharten someone who is putting so much time and effort into a prodject afterall its your prodject and not mine


keep it up




Its actually not that expenzive, atleast not when I was first collecting the bits for this army. it took me a couple years to gather 120 beakie helmets through trade, but I got em. The =][= shoulderpads and the haloes were pretty cheap when i originally bought them from BWB 2+ years ago. I also bought all the termie boxes when you could get good conversion rates from Canada for $30 a box USD.


All said and done the termies cost me less than $10 each, which is cheaper than buying normal termies retail.


The beakies? I just love the helmets. I am fond of beakies since RT days and I always wanted a all beakie army. They look a bit queer at first, but nowadays after working on them for so long, normal termie heads on termies look freakishly alien to me.


Land raiders are coming. I am more than likely going to make this a deathwing army now that Lysanderwing is essentially dead. :( My next LR project is a Prometheus.


I agree with you on the generic quality of the termie lord and retinue. I think the apothecary is effective, but the lysander mock up needs more pizazz. I am open to suggestions for that. No need to apologize, I am here for feedback good or bad. its all constructive criticism in my eyes. So thanks. :)

Try adding a cloak to the Lysander-Mock-Up. Cloaks always make models look more imposing, and give you the oppertunity to paint a nice big Inquisitorial I on the back of it. More raised iconography could also help. :) Good Luck with the rest of the Army.
:tu: Wow...awesome. They look very nice and unique. Although I'd probably end up tearing my hair out if I made that many of the same model (no matter how individual I could make each one!), I still envy you for having so many termies.
Land raiders are coming. I am more than likely going to make this a deathwing army now that Lysanderwing is essentially dead. :( My next LR project is a Prometheus.


I agree with you on the generic quality of the termie lord and retinue. I think the apothecary is effective, but the lysander mock up needs more pizazz. I am open to suggestions for that. No need to apologize, I am here for feedback good or bad. its all constructive criticism in my eyes. So thanks. :D


personally i would convert your lysander model from a metal model, brother captain stern, lysander, marneus calgar, typhus, librarian, chaplain, captain, logan grimnar are all good metal models in terminator armour


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