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Terminator Painter V0.5

Brother Argos

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New from Argos/Scuzzy Productions TM. is the latest and greatest in PainterTechnology ©. With the coming of Apocalypse some may wish to field their first company armies and what better way to send your troops to battle than in full Tactical Dreadnaught Armor. Of course no one wants to send them out as "bare plastic" or "sea of silver" armies so here is the tool you need to finalize your
first company army colors.

Please note that is Release Candidate 1 of the Terminator Marine Painter. As such, some of the functionality you see in Space Marine Painter V3.0 isn't in there just yet. In addition there may be a few bugs. Please report those in the bug reports forum. There is another painter in the works which should be due in a few weeks time (don't hold me to that). Once that is release we will fix any bugs in all the various painters and make sure they all have the same functinality as Space Marine Painter 3.

Don't forget to READ THE TUTORIAL on how to properly use the painter. You can also get color codes from the PDF links in the tutorial.

Salamander Firedrake


Iron Crane Terminator: Modified scheme


Obviously the fact I was making a First company Salamanders army using Deathwing rules had NO bearing on which painter was next ... definately not ...;)
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So here's my Sons of Doom Termie sheme:


Looks good enough to have children with Cam. :lol: ;) ;)








----------------------- Edit --------------------------


A sneak peak (not really very sneaky, or all that exciting, except in my own mind) at my new redux of my spectacular failure that was the Corsairs.




Oh and Argos, I kept getting overflow errors, in fact it woudnt stop glitching at one point, about 3 seconds between a repeated flow error. "start at 0" or something like that. It only happened twice and only when I touched the eye-colour. Had to input a different code quick before it glitched and held me up again.

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Its the background engine for the Marine Painter ... it can only handle so many requests at a time. It was politely bumping you off ... which then forced the cache to lock on that colour.


We face a significant problem with the Painter and Wargear series. They are pushing the server so hard we are going to have to upgrade before we can add Wargear to the Chaos and Terminator ranges, not to mention the as yet unreleased Painter. The upgrade is going to cost $500, thats why the donation notices are there now, so we can continue doing stuff like this for everyone.


We get over a 1000 people a day using the painters and Wargear ... thats 1/3 of a Million people per year painting marines on the B&C <_<

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The upgrade is going to cost $500, thats why the donation notices are there now, so we can continue doing stuff like this for everyone.

I wish I'd known that sooner... I could possibly donate a 5th of that ($1 is like only £0.50).


Black Falcon Terminator


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So here's my Sons of Doom Termie sheme:


Looks good enough to have children with Cam. :lol: :teehee: <_<








----------------------- Edit --------------------------



You are scaring me Ydalir. My innocence is lost! :o :cry:


The nightmares will never end! :teehee:



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I could possibly donate a 5th of that ($1 is like only £0.50).

Nevermind don't have as much money as that in the bank right now.

Though I did get my friend to donate $20 (£10.23 exactly) for me, seeing as I had £12.50 on me to pay him back right this second.



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