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For old father nurgle


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I havent realy made up my minde of what this guy will be get, but I think he will have to dubble as both sorcerer/dp

so what do you guys think?

It's a Daemon Prince with Psychic powers... enough said :)


Honestly it doesn't look normal enough to be a simple Sorcerer so just use it as a Daemon Prince with psychic powers.

Heru Talon said 'It's a Daemon Prince with Psychic powers... enough said :)


Honestly it doesn't look normal enough to be a simple Sorcerer so just use it as a Daemon Prince with psychic powers.'



well, sorcerer's can look quit warped, especially daeth guard sorcerer's, but you might be right :)

here ar some of the other death guard models thast starting to com along nicesley.



lord Holgar



my dread still wip



made some moore gs work on the dp/sorcerer


Soo the death guard ar commig along nicely, here are som pitctures on my second plauge marine squard.

If everything goes as I planned I'll get working on these guys in some days.






c&c please



Thanks, and you will soon see them painted.

I'm aming for 2 turnaments in november, a local cities of death 1200 pts and a 1500pts at a convention so I'll have to paint quit a bit.


Fell free to steel the dp ide if you like tomat, just glad you people like what I've doing.



thanks Squiggoth!

One of the goals with this army is tho have some kind of conversion on every model and just making a good looking force (if a nurgle force could ever be good looking) soo I'm realy glad people respond so nice to it :P

well well moore models to paint, see you'all!



A freshly painted plauge marine wiht personal icon.

Wanted to try a little free hand, it's no master class but it works for me :P




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